Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 321 With you, buying a house will be easy

Chapter 321 With you, buying a house will be easy

All afternoon, Liu Wen was restless in various ways, thinking why Song Bohua is so abnormal today.

Did something happen?But even if something happened again, Song Bohua would not be so polite to her.

Could it be that hearing someone mention some behaviors of his own daughter-in-law or brother-in-law made this person think that Liu Wen's sister-in-law is actually not bad?

Liu Wen thought for a while, but didn't come up with a reliable reason, so she didn't bother to think about it, after all, it was very tiring to use her brain.

If you have time to think about the thoughts of a relative, it is better to spend your energy on how to make money.

After all, making money is the kingly way, Liu Wen let go of all her thoughts and discussed serious matters with Liu Shuhui.

Liu Shuhui had noticed something was wrong with Liu Wen before, and wanted to ask what was wrong, although she didn't meet Song Bohua many times, and he was quite kind.

But for some reason, Liu Shuhui just felt that this person seemed to have a bad attitude towards Liu Wen, even though he concealed it well.

At first Liu Shuhui thought it was her delusion, but after Liao Feng asked, she knew that she was really right.

So she had long wanted to ask Liu Wen if Song Bohua liked her very much.

But in this case, she really has no way to ask, which makes Liu Wen how to answer.

Just because of Liu Wen's temper, I think I know how she will answer, and she will definitely say that the other party's attitude towards her is not bad.

Most importantly, seeing Liu Wen's appearance, she didn't take Song Bohua's attitude too seriously. After the husband and wife discussed it, they gave up the idea of ​​asking about the specific situation.

Anyway, a person with Liu Wen's temperament would not let himself suffer, let alone Song Boyang.

If he can't handle this matter well, then he is really not a good husband, although Song Boyang can barely handle this matter well.

But Liu Shuhui felt that Liao Feng should find an opportunity to talk to Song Boyang. They all had brothers and sisters, and they also met their in-laws who were dissatisfied with their daughter-in-law. It can be said that they really had too much in common.

Seeing Liu Wen's expression relax, Liu Shuhui couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and when she knew that Liu Wen had something to discuss, it was about business.

Liu Shuhui couldn't help hesitating. Could it be that Liu Wen's sad face before was not caused by Song Bohua, but because of all kinds of worries and worries about business?

Although in her eyes, the current business is very stable and earns a lot of money, plus the foreign market that is about to be developed, do you still need to worry about the business?

But Liu Shuhui also knew that Liu Wen was different from them. Liu Wen could easily find problems where they didn't notice, and then find a way to solve them.

Liu Wen didn't know that her actions just now had brought so much trouble to Liu Shuhui.

After discussing things, Liu Shuhui saw that it was getting late, and remembered that Liu Wen would leave early these days, after all, there was an elder in the family.

"Today we're going to eat a private kitchen."

"It was the restaurant that my eldest brother and his parents would go to when they came to Suzhou City to worship their ancestors. Now the descendants of that restaurant have resumed their old business. We have been there. Brother Song said that it has the taste he ate when he was a child, and it is the taste in his memory. .”

"After knowing that the eldest brother came back, Brother Song started to make appointments, and finally made it to today." Liu Wen knew that the shop had good craftsmanship, but she didn't expect that the business would be so hot.

Going out to eat, Liu Shuhui understood, and didn't persuade Liu Wen to go back early.

Liu Wen didn't ask Liu Shuhui and the others to go out to eat together, because after calling, the husband and wife would not go either.

According to Liao Feng's words, they are from the countryside, while the Song family are the young masters of a rich family, that is to say, they are considered to be on equal footing now, but in the past, there is a gap between them.

Although Song Bohua's attitude towards them was quite good, but Liao Feng and his wife always felt that they were all kinds of strange.

They will not tell the truth, but say that there are two children to take care of at home, so that if there is a reason, everyone will not feel embarrassed.

"Wait another day for them to rest when they are healthy, and let them have dinner together after school." Originally, the two brothers of Jiankang lived with Liu Wen.

After Song Bohua came over this time, they started to leave early and return late to get off work with Liu Shuhui and his wife.

Liu Wen actually said that it's fine, even if Song Bohua has an opinion, it's her dowry room, why her family can't live in it.

Including Tuanzi, they were also reluctant to let Liao Jian and the others go back. They were used to going to school with Liao Jian and the others every day. They played football at school after school, and took them home with Liao Jian and the others after school.

When they got home, they did their homework together and chatted together. It can be said that every day is very lively.

But there is no way, this matter is not something that their children can decide, including Liu Wen and his wife, there is no way to persuade Liu Shuhui.

"Sister, the weather is getting colder and colder, don't you have to think about their health?"

"Don't get up early every day." Liu Wen persuaded, Liao Feng wanted to buy a house near here before, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find a suitable one.

Either the price is inappropriate, or there is a problem with the house.

"Tomorrow at noon, your brother-in-law and I will go to see the house, which is behind the shop." In fact, it is not impossible to buy a house in Sioux City.

It’s just that there are really too few, or none, that meet their requirements. This time, there is a house behind the shop, and of course they want to see it.

Is there a house for sale behind the store?Wow, Liu Wen wished Liu Shuhui and his wife good luck this time, "Buying a house really depends on luck."

"Or sister, you don't want to be so demanding."

"After all, not everyone can be as lucky as me." If other people say this, it will make people feel that this is stimulating people, but no one would think so when Liu Wen said it.

Because everyone said that Liu Wen was lucky, and whatever she wanted to do, she would definitely achieve her goal smoothly.

Liu Shuhui nodded, "Yes, yes, my sister is lucky."

While talking, Liu Shuhui suddenly had an idea, "By the way, Xiaowen, do you have time at noon tomorrow?"

Liu Wen shook her head, "It's okay, what's wrong?"

"Isn't it because you want me to accompany you to see the house?" Aren't they going to see the house at noon tomorrow? They probably want to rub her luck.

Liu Shuhui hummed, "Yes, are you free?"

Of course Liu Shuhui has no problem, "I have no problem, I just don't know..."

If Song Bohua was not there, Liu Wen would of course agree to it, but now that his eldest brother is not here, just ignore his lunch like this, I am really worried that he will be very dissatisfied.

That's right, why did she forget this, Liu Shuhui thought for a while, "Why don't I make an appointment with the other party to see the house later."

The time on Liu Wen's side is fixed, so please change the time with the landlord.

"No problem." Liu Wen was about to say something, when she saw the healthy couple carrying schoolbags, walking behind the two Tuanzi brothers, walking towards the store together.

"By the way, sister, even if you buy a house, let Jiankang live with me."

Jiankang didn't live at home, and the house suddenly became deserted. There was no way, Liu Wen and Song Boyang were spoiling their children, as long as they didn't cause trouble.

But Song Bohua can talk about etiquette, alas, Liu Wen thinks that Tuanzi and the others don't want to go to the beautiful country to study, and another reason is that they are worried that there will be great constraints after going there.

(End of this chapter)

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