Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 324 Preparations

Chapter 324 Preparations
"So, brother, your heart is moved." In terms of rich people, the number of rich people in Sioux City can't be compared with that in Yangcheng, the capital city.

There are so many generous people here in Sucheng, wouldn't it be even crazier if they were replaced by Yangcheng in Beijing?
Liu Wen knew that Song Bohua was leaving early and returning late these days, so she thought he was just visiting old friends and making friends.

In the end, he didn't expect to go to a department store to squat and watch the market. Although he didn't say it clearly, he could know that he should follow others.

You must know that this operation is difficult, it is easy for people to see, and it is also annoying.

In the end, I will always feel that this person has bad intentions, otherwise why would he follow closely.

Liu Wen wanted to ask Song Bohua if something happened in the middle, and if people thought he was a bad person, but no matter how curious she was, she couldn't ask directly.

Liu Wen felt embarrassed to ask, but Song Boyang didn't have so many scruples, "Brother, you wouldn't follow people to ask questions in the mall, would you?"

"Does anyone think you're a bad person?"

"I reckon there should be, after all, there is no one who follows people to shop."

"However, my brother is so handsome. Although some people may find it strange, but if I fool you, I will probably let you go."

Although Song Boyang was talking about relief, but looking at Song Bohua's expression, it showed that he wanted to know more.

Liu Wen couldn't hold back her laughter, she's such a good person, she knew she was curious and embarrassed to ask, that's why she came forward.

Song Bohua actually wanted to talk about the results of his market research in the past two days, but he didn't expect Song Boyang to be so shameless.

"Don't worry, your brother, I'm not a fool. Although I haven't worked as an investigator, I have at least seen them work."

"I'll just say that I'm an investigator and ask them what they think of European and American brands of clothing."

Wow, the preparations were done very well. Liu Wen gave Song Bohua a thumbs up. Although before coming here, it is certain that he should not have thought so much, but I have to say that he quickly entered the state.

"Brother, you are amazing." Song Boyang couldn't help being a little disappointed that he didn't see the scene where his elder brother made an embarrassment.

"It's not that I'm good, but since I want to work in this field, it's impossible for me not to make some preparations."

"The result is good?" Song Boyang is also very happy that Song Bohua can find a new direction for his career development.

Song Bohua hummed, "It's really good, otherwise I wouldn't be tempted."

When Liu Wen heard this, she didn't understand. At first, she thought she wanted to ask about the idea and whether it could be implemented, but now listening to Song Bohua, he should have thought about doing this business a long time ago.

This made Liu Wen not understand. If he had no idea or could not make up his mind, it was normal for him to ask for advice.

But according to what he said, it should be that he has made up his mind and has his own ideas. If this is the case, is it necessary to ask her?

Song Boyang didn't understand, "Brother, according to what you mean, you think this business can be done and is worth doing, so why are you asking Xiaowen?"

"Although through the investigation, I think there should be no problem in doing this business."

"But you also need to know that I have been away from the country for a long time, and I don't know much about some real situations."

"I still have to ask again."

"And you see, after asking Xiaowen, I just discovered a new problem. If I didn't ask Xiaowen, I probably wouldn't be an agent."

"At that time, it is really possible to make a wedding dress for someone." Song Bohua actually wanted to ease the relationship with Liu Wen, but he didn't expect to have such a harvest, so he couldn't help feeling lucky.

It is really right to ask more people. Although he has more net worth than Liu Wen, in terms of business experience, he is really not as good as the latter. ,

Song Bohua originally thought that this business could be done by himself, in the name of his holding company.

But now, he felt that he should bring Liu Wen with him, so that at least he could ask for advice when something happened.

Otherwise, Song Bohua would always feel embarrassed if he always went whoring for nothing.

"Brother, Xiaowen, have you ever thought about starting this business together?" Song Bohua offered to propose.

Ah, Liu Wen didn't expect Song Bohua to propose this, so she couldn't help being stunned.

To be honest, it’s a lie not to be tempted. After all, it’s impossible not to make money in this business, especially in this era. Don’t look at everyone who doesn’t seem to have a lot of salary, but there are also many rich people.

The speed at which some people spend money is a boldness. If this business works well, it will definitely make a lot of money.

Maybe it is very likely that there will be a lot of money, but this business was thought up by Song Bohua himself, and he will contact the purchase channel.

Including getting the agency rights is not an easy task, it all depends on Song Bohua's contacts.

Even if he really wants to find a partner in China, Tang Hai is more sure than them, after all, he knows people and knows how to promote.

But unexpectedly, Song Bohua invited them just like that.

That's right, Song Boyang is his younger brother. As an older brother has such a good opportunity to make money, it is normal for him to be promoted a little bit.

Liu Wen knew that this was not something he could decide, it still depended on Song Boyang.

Song Bohua invited them to become a shareholder, but Song Boyang didn't even think about it, "Come on, since Big Brother has already invited us, we have to participate, otherwise it will appear that Big Brother has lost face."

"Xiaowen, you gave me this idea, why don't you invest in it." Song Boyang knew that this investment opportunity was won by Liu Wen desperately.

Ah, let her invest?If there were only the two of them, Liu Wen might really not be polite and just accept it.

But now that Song Bohua was still present, she agreed so carelessly. Liu Wen was really worried that Song Bohua would be more dissatisfied with her.

Song Bohua thought that Song Boyang would spend money to invest. It's not that this kid has no money, but he didn't expect that he would not be the first to agree to invest, but asked Liu Wen instead.

Although Song Bohua was a little dissatisfied in his heart, he held back and kept comforting himself, after all, it was their housework.

As long as they treat Liu Wen well, don't worry that she will have a different heart, and it is very possible that they can still leave this girl's money in the Song family.

"This, who you invest in, you decide for yourself."

"After you have the result, just tell me." Although he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't face such a situation, and he hadn't packed his luggage, so he had to go back to pack it.

After Song Boyang and Liu Wen watched Song Bohua enter the room, they also went upstairs.

After Liu Wen took a shower, she went back to her room and saw Song Boyang sitting in front of the window, reading documents.

"Is there an operation tomorrow?" Generally, I'm still looking at the information at this point, and there should be an operation tomorrow.

"No, it's the report on their operation today. I'll take a look and discuss it with them at the meeting tomorrow morning."

The time for him to leave is getting closer, and Song Boyang is also working hard to improve their level.

He didn't have much time to ask them if they understood or understood, anyway, he just stuffed them in like a stuffed duck.

They can ask him if there is something they don't understand, and if they don't feel embarrassed to ask, he will just pretend that they understand.

(End of this chapter)

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