Chapter 336
The scene became so stalemate, Liu Wen was already very impatient after waiting for the meeting, "Since you don't want to talk, then I will go in."

"If you don't listen to what I say, you will regret it." Yes, after all, it is to make Tao Zeming rich. If Liu Wen misses such a good opportunity, when will he have such a good opportunity next time? question.

regret?Liu Wen was immediately happy when she heard this, "I will regret it just because I didn't let you tell me why you came to me?"

"Why do I feel that I should keep a distance from you?"

"Otherwise, I'm really worried that I will trick you again."

"Forget it, forget it, I still won't talk to you too much, after all, your character..."

Liu Wen shook her head, "It's really not good to be a human being."

"If there's a benefit, it's a benefit for you."

"So I still don't listen. After all, you are famous in Yangcheng and know many big bosses. I'm really worried."

Liu Wen said strangely, "But why didn't you find someone young and strong?"

"Why did I find an elderly man?" Liu Wen entered the room after speaking and closed the door.

As for someone who wants to kneel, let her kneel, the knee is hers anyway, no one is forcing her to kneel.

Yao Ying didn't expect that she would kneel down regardless, Liu Wen is a cruel person.

Yao Ying had no choice but to go back to Sucheng without energy, worried that the old man would see her, so she could only sneak into Liu Yi's room.

Liu Yi and his wife were once again arguing about Liu Bin's education.

According to Liu Yi's intention, no matter what, Liu Bin can no longer be so spoiled.

But from Pang Yue's point of view, Liu Bin is still a child, and now it's time to eat, drink and have fun, so there's no need to be too nervous.

When he is a little older, he will not be like this, he will definitely learn slowly, and he will definitely become a promising person.

For Pang Yue's optimistic words, what Liu Yi can do is, of course, he can only reason with her slowly.

Now Liu Yi really regrets it. After he arrived in Yangcheng and helped Pang Yue get the business together, he should go out and do some business by himself.

Only in this way can he have the right to speak at home, although he also knows that everything they talked about before they set off will be overturned every minute.

It's just that she didn't expect this day to come so soon. In more than a year, Pang Yue has become a one-sided character.

Liu Yi knew that changes had to be made. If this continues, Pang Yue might meet another young man who is even better at making her happy. He is really going to be laid off every minute.

He has worked hard to have the present day, why he has just enjoyed it a few times, and he will bow and step down.

Liu Yi was very angry, but he also knew that now was not the time to fall out with Pang Yue, so he could only try to hold back his anger and tell her the importance of studying.

"If we have a lot of property, I don't want Xiaobin to suffer. Don't I feel sorry for my son?"

"But you have to admit how much money our family has."

"I did the math just now. Since Xiaobin went back to Sucheng to study alone, do you know how much money we mailed to him?"

Everyone must know that Liu Bin was given a lot of money, but he didn't calculate it carefully, and this time he calculated the total.

It's really not that I don't know. Once I was taken aback, Liu Yi knew that he must not soften his heart, otherwise, this matter would really be difficult to end.

Pang Yue didn't care at all, "We work hard to make money, don't we just hope that Xiaobin can live a good life."

Pang Yue, who wanted to talk about how Liu Yi could deduct Suo Suo, was stunned when she saw the numbers on the ledger.

He stuttered, "So, so much money?"

Liu Yi nodded, "There is a receipt for every remittance." He really didn't make false accounts, and he wasn't worried that Pang Yue would check the accounts.

Pang Yue looked at the numbers with her head. Well, although they are a bit bigger, they are not too scary.

In her previous life, she didn't know how much money she gave Liu Bin. It can be said that using real gold to create a portrait of Liu Bin's height can at least create a few golden men.

In the end, she just complained, saying that Liu Bin used money very well, but Pang Yue and Liu Yi and his wife said that she was stingy and that she had no sibling relationship.

As a result, after spending such a small amount of money now, they are actually reluctant to part with it. Yao Ying just wants to say that they are reluctant to use their own money.

Originally, she wanted to be sarcastic, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it. Liu Wen made it clear that she didn't care about the Liu family's affairs, let alone Liu Bin.

Once Liu Bin is not disciplined well and becomes a prodigal son, she doesn't think the couple will let her go.

So the best way is to educate Liu Bin severely, not to mention that he will be promising, at least he won't be a prodigal son.

"Mom, I think what Uncle Liu said is right." Yao Ying also joined Liu Yi and began to persuade Pang Yue.

It's not that Pang Yue doesn't know that children can't be spoiled and must be educated well, but she just feels that now that her family has money, there is no need to make children work so hard.

In the end, they didn't expect that they were rich, and they gave Liu Bin more money, just to keep him from being wronged, and to hope that he could study hard.

In the end, she didn't expect it to turn out like this. Pang Yue wanted to say that she earned the money, and how she wanted to spend it was her business.

But the words stopped when they reached the edge of their mouths. Some things can be said in the heart, but they cannot be said, otherwise it will be really a big trouble.

"I also want to discipline him well, but you see, how can we have time?"

"We can't just stay in Sioux City to make money if we don't go south." Pang Yue sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, if you stay in Sioux City, stay in Sioux City. Although you earn a little less money, you can at least live." Pang Yue said helplessly.

Although part of her was acting, she was pretending, but she was really worried that if she couldn't go south to make money, if she stayed in Sioux City to make money, she would really only be able to make a little money.

"Who said we can only stay in Sioux City." Yao Ying was in a hurry. Although Pang Yue was a patriarchal guy, she would still give some money occasionally.

Once he returns to Sioux City to do business, he knows that making money, not to mention Yangcheng, is estimated to be barely enough to make ends meet, and maybe she will need to support him for a while.

"If you don't stay in Sucheng, what will happen to Xiaobin's studies." Pang Yue's expression also became very unhappy.

"I really don't understand, how do you think, this idea for a while, and that idea for a while."

Ever since Pang Yue started a business and made money, she's not talking about drifting, at least she has an uncompromising temperament, and she must act according to her will.

Yao Ying is already used to Pang Yue's bad attitude. She knows that unless she becomes rich, don't expect him to treat her well.

Yao Ying held back her anger, and patiently explained to Pang Yue, such as how to let Liu Bin go to Yangcheng to study.

(End of this chapter)

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