Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 337 It's All Your Fault

Chapter 337 It's All Your Fault
After solving Liu Bin's reading problem, Liu Yi and Pang Yue remembered that Yao Ying also entered the room with a sad face just now.

"Did you come to us for something?" Pang Yue asked.

Huh, it's finally her turn, Yao Ying couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and brought up the matter of going to Liu Wen today to no avail.

Now she is too lazy to add fuel and jealousy, knowing that it is useless to say it, Liu Yi can't do anything to Liu Wen.

And many people have seen that it is very easy to be exposed, so it is better to be honest.

When Liu Yi heard that it was related to Liu Wen, it was a big head, and he really couldn't do anything about this biological daughter.

Pang Yue looked at Liu Yi, "Your daughter."

"What about my daughter, do you think she can listen to me?" Liu Yi was very confused.

"Don't say you won't give Yao Ying face, do you think she will give me face?" Liu Yi asked bluntly.

"She treats me like an enemy." Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that Liu Wen thought so.

Yao Ying knew that Liu Yi was telling the truth, but did she need to hear the truth now?

She didn't want to hear such a big truth at all, what she needed was an answer that could help her.

"Do you think these are useful?"

"Let me tell you, if there is no way for Liu Wen to cooperate with us, do you think we can still be like this?"

Although the old man treats her very well now, she knows that it is all because she knows Tao Zeming and has a good relationship with him.

Once the old man knew that she didn't know Tao Zeming at all, and that the other party hated her very much, Yao Ying knew how much she would take in at that time, and she would spit it out.

That's not counting, she will be compensated, and she will not be able to live a good life. Because of her relationship, the old man will be laughed at.

Of course Pang Yue and Liu Yi were in a hurry. Before that, they wanted to buy a shop in Yangcheng to do business. Although setting up a stall made a lot of money, it was also hard work.

And there is a shop under his name, especially if they don't need to pay for it, how can he miss such a good thing.

In the end, he didn't expect that the matter between Yao Ying and the old man might go wrong before the house is in hand.

This is not what Pang Yue and the others want to see, what should they do?

If possible, they certainly hope that Liu Wen can persuade Tao Zeming to make a fortune together.

But they just don't have the confidence, not only because they lose face, but because they will really humiliate Liu Wen.

If things can be done, humiliate people and humiliate, after all, the money is in hand.

But the key problem now is that if people are humiliated, no one will help to solve the matter. It is tantamount to losing his wife and losing his army.

Yao Ying looked at the couple who didn't know what to do, and felt so angry. If it wasn't for the sound insulation, she really wanted to yell a few times to vent her dissatisfaction.

But within a short time, she knew that even if she shouted her throat, she couldn't find a solution.

The more Yao Ying thought about it, the angrier she became, and she looked at the two of them angrily, "You shouldn't have done it back then, otherwise you wouldn't be like this."

Pang Yue was displeased, "What do you mean? You brag yourself, but now you can't justify yourself. It's all our responsibility?"

Hmph, want her to take the blame?This is absolutely impossible, Pang Yue thinks that she has a good appetite and can eat a lot of things, but she won't suffer.

Yao Ying doesn't want to argue with Pang Yue, can more arguments solve the problem?
It can't solve the matter at all, but it may push the matter to an unknown direction.

Yao Ying didn't want to quarrel with Pang Yue, but she couldn't stand this one who wanted to quarrel with her.

Originally Yao Ying was angry, but Pang Yue didn't seem to want to back down, and of course she didn't want to give in either.

Liu Yi watched them getting louder and louder. Although he didn't want to control it, he knew it would be no good.

But he was also worried that if the donor knew the truth, they would really have nothing to eat.

"I told you to shut up." Liu Yi motioned them to stop arguing.

"If you continue to quarrel, if Lao Yang hears about it, you will have a good life." If it wasn't for worrying that Yang Zhi would hear about their quarrel, Liu Yi would have wished that they would have a fight.

The two men who were at war, mentioned what Liu Yi said, although they did not forget to fight for themselves, saying that they were not cowardly, but they would withdraw soon.

"What should we do now, Lao Yang keeps saying that he wants to visit Liu Wen." Yao Ying got angry after thinking about it.

It was Liu Wen again, and Pang Yue became angry when she thought about it, "Why no matter how hard we try, we just can't compare."

Glancing at Yao Ying viciously, "You still said you had a better life than her, but now it's just a big joke."

"How can I become a joke?" How could Yao Ying admit her failure.

"Didn't you always say that the one who laughs the last laughs the happiest, and now is just the beginning." Yao Ying has confidence in her, and she must have confidence.

In the previous life, even though Gong Jun hated Liu Wen no matter how much, she still sat firmly in the position of Mrs. Gong, even if his favorite woman cried and wanted to become Mrs. Gong, she didn't let go.

Could it be that Gong Jun hasn't changed his wife all this time, is it because he remembers Liu Wen's help to him, or he still has some affection, or he is worried that when the position becomes vacant, he doesn't know who to take over.

In fact, the most important reason should be that Gong Jun has always known about Tao Zeming's family, for example, he knows that they are actually doing well.

Worried that if he really divorced Liu Wen, his career would suffer?If this is the case, Yao Ying felt that she was really a big fool in her previous life, and she didn't even see through such a problem.

There was no way to overwhelm Liu Wen in the previous life, so is there no way to change fate in this life?
Is Yao Ying willing?She was very reconciled, although she didn't like Yang Zhi, but she couldn't stand him as a generous man. After so many days in Yangcheng, she met several men, but there were really not many people who were as generous as him.

How to get this matter over, Yao Ying became more and more confused.

Pang Yue is not arguing now, if this matter is really not settled, can Yang Zhi let them go?
If the time comes when they have to ask them to pay compensation, where can they get it, even if they can get it, she is not happy.

Could it be that a big girl like Yao Ying just gave it to Yang Zhi and that old man to Huo Huo?

"It doesn't matter how much, let me tell you, it won't do him any good if this incident gets serious..." Pang Yue knew that people in business were all desperate for face, and would not be willing to admit that he was cheating others.

Of course Yao Ying knew, "But he doesn't make a fuss, what should we do if he keeps trolling us."

"You will never forget that you are still in business." Yao Ying pointed out the most important point that Pang Yue forgot.

"Yes, we are in business. We are a legal business. If he makes trouble, he will ignore it." Pang Yue suddenly thought of a good solution.

"In short, it would be a good thing if Yang Zhi didn't think about it." Pang Yue began to imagine how to get more benefits from him.

As for the money given to them before, of course it was all given, and there was no reason to spit it out.

(End of this chapter)

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