Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 339 You ask me to answer

Chapter 339 You ask me to answer
Although the four of them had the New Year's Eve dinner this time, even though the usual food was good, Liu Wen still insisted that the New Year's Eve dinner must be good.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be impossible to eat good food all year round, and dumplings and meat buns are already qualified small helpers.

As for Song Boyang, although he can cook, according to Tuanzi and the others, the food is only edible. As for the taste, don't worry about it.

So today Song Boyang is in charge of choosing, washing and cutting vegetables, while Liu Wen is in charge of the chef.

As for Tuanzi and the others, they really showed up wherever they were needed.

It can be said that the whole family is preparing for today's New Year's Eve dinner. Hearing someone knock on the back door, Liu Wen was puzzled.

This morning, Liu Shuhui had asked Liao Jian and the others to come and bring over some fresh vegetables and some fish that Liao Feng got from the net last night. If there were no accidents, she probably wouldn't come again today.

Liu Wen asked Tuanzi to open the door. It should not be a villain in broad daylight.

Tuanzi opened the door and saw a middle-aged man whom he didn't know standing at the door, "Hello, who are you looking for?"

Liu Yi thought it was Liu Wen who opened the door. He had knocked on the front door for a long time before, but no one opened the door. He guessed that he was preparing the New Year's Eve dinner in the back.

Walking around to the back door, I really heard the movement, thinking that Liu Wen should be cooking the New Year's Eve dinner, but I didn't expect that it was a child who opened the door.

Although he had seen Song Boyang's two sons from a distance before, it was a long time since he had seen them.

Not to mention that children of this age will grow taller after half a year without seeing each other, especially now that the dumplings are slowly fading away. It is normal for Liu Yi not to know a little about the baby fat.

Soon Liu Yi guessed who the other party was, and the ones who could open the door at this point were the two sons of Song Boyang's family.

Judging by his height, he should be Song Boyang's eldest son, but even though he knew who he was, after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't remember his name.

I knew this guy's nickname was Tuanzi, why he remembered it very clearly, because he still laughed at him at the beginning.

So what if the ancestors of the Song family were from a scholarly family, and what if Song Boyang was a college student. As a result, the nicknames given to the two children made people think that they were given by old farmers in the countryside, which is a bit too confident.

"Tuanzi, I'm looking for Liu Wen. I'm her father." Liu Yi introduced himself. In fact, he still kind of hoped that Tuanzi would call him grandpa after he knew who he was.

Tuanzi didn't expect that the other party was Liu Yi, so he was a little stunned. Liu Wen mentioned Liu Yi's relatives, but didn't say anything, but who are they?

They are dumplings and meat buns, so there is nothing they can't find out. After asking them about their health, they will know the cause and effect.

Even if they haven't met Liu Yi before, it doesn't stop them from hating him.

It's just that they couldn't meet each other before, so Tuanzi and the others had never seen what Liu Yi looked like.

As a result, after seeing him now, Tuanzi felt that this person was really unattractive, and he kept rejoicing in his heart that Liu Wen was not like him, otherwise what would have happened.

Liu Yi didn't know that Tuanzi would dislike him, so he got a little anxious, otherwise he would jump up and down.

You must know that he has always been satisfied with his appearance. If he was not good-looking, how could Gong Jing marry him in the first place.

How Pang Yue would rather get divorced than marry him is all because of his handsome looks.

That is to say, now, he is getting older and not as good-looking as before, but he is really not boasting. Compared with his peers, he is really stronger than a star.

Liu Yi is staring at Tuanzi now, wondering why this person didn't call him grandpa, really, it's not about the children of the scholarly family, why is he so rude.

It's fine if you don't shout, but it's really rude to just look at him like this.

I will mention it to Liu Wen later, although it is not my child, but I still need to be educated a little bit, otherwise it will not be easy to teach a little bit when I get older.

"Excuse me, is Liu Wen there?" Liu Yi, who had no choice but to hold back his anger, asked again.

Tuanzi's body trembled from such a voice, it's really scary, isn't it, didn't you see that he was thinking about something, and he dared to scare people, it's really a bit disgusting.

"My mother is here." Tuanzi didn't leave either. He had heard from Liao Jian and the others that Liu Yi and the others were bad people and often plotted against Liu Wen.

Although I don't know why they came here, but Tuanzi knows that he still can't relax for a while, what if this person uses his brain in a wrong way.

It was another day when Liu Yi didn't know what Tuanzi was thinking. Seeing that Tuanzi hadn't left, he wanted to get along with him.

After all, this is Song Boyang's son and the eldest son, there is absolutely no harm in making friends with him.

Liu Yi came with the idea of ​​getting along with Tuanzi and the others, but with such behavior, Tuanzi would only think that this person was asking for something again.

Otherwise, how can I ask this question and that question? Although there is no problem if you look at it separately, the problem is to look at all the questions together, isn't it just asking about his family's situation.

The more Tuanzi thought about it, the more angry he became. Although he was young, no one could figure it out.

And just asking him questions is not enough. Of course, you have to ask the other party questions. In short, if Liu Yi asks a question, Tuanzi also asks a question.

If Liu Yao didn't answer, then he wouldn't answer either. One person asked a question, and if the other party didn't want to answer, they couldn't continue asking.

Liu Yi knew that a family like the Song family should have their own way of raising children, but in his opinion, no matter how good the education was, Tuanzi was just a child, so what could he understand.

In the end, I didn't expect that this child would ask him questions, the kind that can't be answered without answering.

In fact, Liu Wen had already heard Liu Yi's voice in the kitchen. Regarding his arrival, if you think about it a little bit, you can know why he came.

But she has to be busy cooking the New Year's Eve dinner, of course she has to get the job done.

At the same time, it can cool down Liu Yi and let him know who is in charge here.

In the end, I heard Liu Yi asking Tuanzi something, Liu Wen smiled slightly, Tuanzi looked simple and honest, but it was not so easy to deceive.

Liu Yi wanted to know something from Tuanzi's mouth, but he was really dreaming.

Since Liu Yi wants to inquire about some things about his family, let him inquire. Anyway, the truth will tell him, but he can't even fool a child.

Only in this way can he be hit hard, wondering why he is so stupid, even a child can't figure it out.

Song Boyang continued to cut vegetables, Liu Yi came as soon as he came, anyway, he would not go to see him, let alone call his father-in-law.

Liu Yi really thought that he was just a son, there was no reason why he couldn't deal with it, and he would definitely be able to find out some news.

As it turned out, it turned out that he was really useless, and wanted to find out something from Tuanzi, but in the end he didn't know anything.

Instead, it was he who found out that he had set up a lot of talk for Tuanzi.

(End of this chapter)

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