Chapter 340
Liu Yi was so angry that he came here full of confidence, but he was hit like this.

He is not stupid. If it were Liu Wen or Song Boyang, he would of course be more vigilant.

But he was facing Tuanzi, and felt that children, even if they were smart, would not be as cunning as adults.

In the end, he was really deceived by his old experience, and he went through the game quickly in his mind, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He didn't expect that this poor kid didn't say anything useful, but he actually got a lot of words out of him.

Isn't Liu Yi angry?Of course he was angry, or very angry, but he couldn't get mad at Tuanzi, otherwise Liu Wen and the others would definitely not let him go.

At that time, there will be an uproar again, and people will laugh at it. In short, he can't be like that idiot Yao Ying.

Liu Yi was really upset, but he could only cheer up and continue chatting with Tuanzi, but he learned how to behave, so he chatted casually, such as the weather, such as today's New Year's Eve dinner.

Tuanzi thought that Liu Yi would be very angry, but he didn't expect that not only was he not angry, but he would even chat with him, so he immediately raised his vigilance.

He was obviously very angry just now, but in the blink of an eye, he adjusted his mood.

Such a person is very scary. Tuanzi heard Song Boyang mention it, but it doesn't matter, no matter how powerful he is, as long as they are more powerful, this person is a clown.

Liu Yi also hoped that Liu Wen could come out later so that he could inquire about something.

But now, he hoped that Liu Wen could come out sooner, otherwise he would really wonder if he was a fool.

Fortunately, amid all his expectations, Liu Wen finally came out.

Liu Wen walked to the back door, "Hello, what can I do?" Without any greeting, she simply asked what he wanted to do.

Liu Yi blocked again, "Can't you call me Dad?"

"I'm sorry, as far as I can remember, there is no father."

"Since you signed such an agreement of course, you should expect that one day when the child grows up, the relationship with you will be very strange."

"If you came here, it was for me to call you daddy..."

Liu Wen pointed impatiently at the door, "You can go."

Liu Yi thought that he could slowly cut into the topic through this method, but he didn't expect Liu Wen to be so straightforward.

"Xiaowen, I know, I know what I did before was wrong, I will make it up."

If possible, Liu Yi said that he would never have thought of marrying Pang Yue at the beginning.

Since marrying her, it can be said that life is getting worse day by day.

Originally, he disliked Gong Jing because he felt that making money was not as good as his daughter-in-law, and he lived in the house of Yue's family.

And now with Pang Yue, because she is the main earner in the family, she speaks and acts in various ways.

Up to now, Liu Yi has no right to speak, and any decision made by Pang Yue is to inform him directly instead of discussing with him.

It is true that there is no harm if there is no comparison. Now after such a comparison, he really feels that he was confused at the beginning.

If there is no divorce, just take Gong Jing to live, and don't worry about his career, Gong Li will definitely help.

And don't worry about money, Gong Jing makes a lot of money, and Liu Wen can find such a powerful son-in-law, so he will definitely have a day without worrying about food, drink and money.

There is no such thing as going out to set up a stall to make money, or not being able to rest if you are not feeling well, that does not exist, he can do what he wants to do.

compensate?Liu Wen smiled, "There's really no need to make amends, I'm already a person who needs a father's love."

"Leave your love to those who need it."

"If you're here to say you regret it, it's even more unnecessary, because we don't care anymore."

"I'm doing well now, and you should be doing well too."

Liu Yi was in a hurry, "I'm not doing well, I'm really not doing well, you don't even know..."

Liu Yi wanted to say how aggrieved and unhappy he is living now, he was very depressed.

"It's your fault that you have a bad life." Liu Wen didn't want to hear Liu Yi's complaints.

"You are already an adult, don't you know that what choice you made at the beginning, now you can only choose to face it."

"Whether it's happiness or unhappiness, you have to adjust."

"After all, Pang Yue is your true love. As you said, you will be happy only when you are with her."

"She respects you very much, and she is good at taking care of you..." Liu Wen also forgot what Liu Yi said in his previous life on his wedding anniversary with Pang Yue.

In a word, in a word, after he married Pang Yue, he could live the marriage life he dreamed of and have a happy family.

"No, she is rich now and looks down on me." Liu Yi couldn't help shouting.

"She has money, don't you have money, of course I despise you." Liu Wen looked normal.

"At any rate, you are someone who has seen big scenes. It's not like you haven't seen those rich bosses. Once they get rich, they either divorce their wives or spend their time outside."

Liu Wen patted Liu Yi on the shoulder lightly, "At least you should be glad now that Pang Yue didn't divorce you just because you're a good-for-nothing."

After staring at Liu Yi for a long time, Liu Wen couldn't help shaking her head, "To be honest, you really should pay attention to your image."

"Originally, when a man gets older, he feels very greasy, and he feels more and more ugly. In addition, you don't pay attention to your image, and you don't know how to take care of yourself. It's really like getting up in the middle of the night. When you go to the bathroom, you will Don't you want to look in the mirror?"

Ah, do you still have to look in the mirror when you pee in the middle of the night?Liu Yi looked blank.

"I'm not a woman, I don't need to pay attention to my image." Liu Yi shouted loudly.

Liu Wen was shocked by Liu Yi's sudden raising of her voice, she frowned slightly, "I'm not deaf, so you don't need to say it out loud."

"If you are the main earner in your family, of course you don't need to care about these things."

"But now you have to rely on Pang Yue to support you, that is, you are a soft food. If you still have a high heart and don't pay attention to your image..." Liu Wen really thinks that Pang Yue can bear him for so long, which is really good enough.

A person who eats soft food actually says that he is a soft food fan, how can this make Liu Yi bear it, "I don't eat soft food."

"Didn't you have no money? Didn't you say that the family is now relying on Pang Yue to make money? If you are not a soft reactionary, then what are you?"

Liu Wen was very surprised, "Didn't you say that yourself just now?"

"As a result, you now say no."

Liu Wen shook her head helplessly, "It's not acknowledged before anyone spreads it."

"Forget it." Liu Wen also knew that this man wanted face, "I understand a man's face."

(End of this chapter)

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