Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 348 Make up your mind

Chapter 348 Make up your mind
"All you earn is hard money." Tuanzi whispered.

When they went to Yangcheng, they saw how Liu Yi and the others did business. It can be said that it was really hard.

"Yes, they are working very hard, but if they don't set up such a booth, what can they do?" Song Boyang asked back.

"Everyone hopes to make a lot of money easily, but I can tell you, don't think about such a dream."

"It is said that no pains, no gains. What I want to tell you is that it doesn't mean that you will gain as much as you put in."

Although it is a bit cruel, I still have to say something to them, although it may irritate them.

But they are already such a big child, so they can't still be like a silly white sweet who doesn't understand anything.

Hearing the explanation that was different from the tone they heard when they were young, Liao Jian wanted to refute one or two, but remembered that their family didn't work hard enough in the past?

But in the end, life was still bumpy, and life was very ordinary. He still remembered Liu Shuhui at that time, who was embroidering non-stop every day, but what was the result.

It's because the family continued to have no money, and if they had any money, they would go to see a doctor for Liao Feng. The two brothers, let alone new clothes, wore patched clothes.

Including the cost of their studies, they only pay the tuition fee when it can no longer be delayed.

That is to say, only Aunt Liu Wen would take care of them, but he always remembered what Liu Shuhui had said all the time, the situation of their family should not drag Liu Wen down all the time.

When the family life changed, oh, Liu Wen and Geng Tao divorced. After she went to the capital, she came back again, and she has changed a lot.

He also said that a change should be made, not just such silly embroidery, but trying to sell their worthless embroidery at a good price.

At the beginning, people including Liu Shuhui all said that Liu Wen was just fantasizing, even if she said that she sold a few pairs of embroidery in the capital, and the price was good.

But everyone still felt that it was the capital after all, and the situation there was not comparable to that in Sioux City.

As a result, they later found out that it wasn't that the price of the embroidery couldn't be sold, but that the price was very high, and the cost in the middle was held back by others.

The money earned by the embroiderer's hard work in embroidery was not as much as the money withheld. From then on, everyone believed what Liu Wen said and knew that their embroidery works could be sold at a good price.

It was Liu Wen who stood up at that time again and led everyone to unite and open an embroidery workshop to find customers.

"Although it's all about business, there is something in it. If you don't pay stupidly, you will definitely pay."

Liu Wen explained it a little bit, and at the same time remembered Liu Yi and the others. They are still setting up a stall until now, and they have never thought of renting a shop.

It is true that renting a shop requires paying rent, which is not a small burden for them, but they have to admit that they have always wanted to save money, so they are reluctant to rent a shop. Liu Yi and his wife set up a stall to prepare a lot of things every day, and then People often make trouble, which is not a small loss.

And after renting a berth, at least you can develop more varieties to attract more guests.

Liu Wen had eaten wontons made by Pang Yue, and they were really delicious, but no matter how delicious they were, they were still a bowl of wontons, and it was impossible to eat them every day.

And after having a booth, making more products can also allow customers to choose more, and maybe make more money.

But this is Liu Wen's own thinking, she will not tell Liu Yi and the others, maybe if she does, Liu Yi and the others will think she is cheating.

Song Boyang also took over Liu Wen's topic and continued to discuss with them. Roubao and Liao Kang were not very interested in these topics.

After going out for a morning run, they also heard a lot of gossip. When they saw Liu Wen eating, they suddenly felt hungry.

He quickly ran to the kitchen to have a look. There was still food, and immediately filled them with some food, brought them to the table and started to eat.

Liao Jian looked at Liao Kang who had already eaten, and wanted to say something, but thought it over.

Anyway, they often come to Liu Wen's house to eat, so there is no need to skip the first day of junior high school.

No, Liu Wen and the others are going to move south soon, and Liao Jian is really reluctant.

Liu Wen, who has been taking care of them, is reluctant, and Tuanzi, who has a good relationship with them, is also reluctant.

And according to what they say, they will study abroad after graduating from university at the latest. If it is earlier, they may go directly to study abroad.

Liao Jian couldn't help but think of Song Boyang chatting with him before and asking him if he wanted to study abroad.

If Liu Shuhui and his wife had asked him, Liao Jian would have said that he had no such idea, but if it was Song Boyang, he had told the truth.

After all, no one would resist the temptation to study abroad, but he also knew that if he really wanted to study abroad, he had to consider many aspects.

Such as money, such as the consultation of overseas schools, the situation of the school, the ace major, in short, these are all things that need to be inquired about.

Of course, the most important reason is money. Even if the family has some money now, it is not easy for two people to study abroad.

After Song Boyang knew that he wanted to study abroad, he made a suggestion to him, that is, he could provide a series of materials needed for studying abroad, such as asset guarantee.

If he doesn't get a scholarship, that's fine. You can lend him money and pay him back in installments after he graduates from college.

Liao Jian knew that Song Boyang had a good relationship with his family, but no matter how good the relationship was, such a large amount of money was not a small amount.

And not only he can be sponsored, but Liao Kang can also be sponsored. If both of them study abroad, they really need a lot of money.

Of course, he also knew that Song Boyang, who had assets at home and abroad, didn't care about such a small amount of money at all, but Liao Jian couldn't help it.

You have to ask clearly why you funded them, and of course Liao Jian didn't believe in such a thing as pie in the world.

After Song Boyang made a suggestion, he felt that he still took care of them. After all, even if Song Boyang didn't mention it, he would still take care of Tuanzi and the others.

Now listening to Song Boyang's words, Liao Jian felt that studying abroad and seeing the outside world seemed like a good suggestion.

And just like Song Boyang said, don't worry about owed favors, calculate the favors you owe now, and compare it with your future achievements, that weight is more important.

Liao Jian originally wanted to think about it again, and make a decision after he went to college. It happened that Tuanzi and the others were also going to college at that time.

But now he feels that some plans can be advanced, "Uncle, what you talked to me last time..."

Song Boyang had talked with Liao Jian before, but he said that he had to think about it, and he also said that he wanted to go abroad after studying in a university in China.

Song Boyang knew he would say that, but he was still worried about getting money.

Originally, Song Boyang thought it would be okay to go abroad to study for graduate school after studying at a university in China, but later he talked to Song Bohua about Tuanzi and their studies.

Song Bohua mentioned that if he studied in a university in China and then went abroad to study, some majors would be restricted.

He also said that it is not very difficult for undergraduates to apply for scholarships, it just depends on what kind of scholarships they can apply for.

He also said that the teaching methods of domestic universities are different from those of foreign universities. When taking graduate courses, the language and thinking methods are very different.

Instead, it should take four years to adapt to foreign ways of thinking.

Well, Song Boyang admitted that he was persuaded by Song Bohua's words.

(End of this chapter)

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