Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 349 The Purpose of the Liu Family

Chapter 349 The Purpose of the Liu Family
Tuanzi looked at Liao Jian and Song Boyang upstairs, and looked at Liu Wen in confusion, "Aunt Liu?"

Liu Wen heard from Song Boyang that she wanted to talk to Liao Jian. It seems that they should have talked.

Could it be that Liao Jian now has the answer, "They should have something to talk about."

Because she didn't know the result, she didn't know how to answer.

"By the way, what are your plans for today?" Liu Wen knew that when the children came back here, they were really at home, and they lived a good life.

Tuanzi saw that Liu Wen was changing the subject, but he could only follow the topic, saying that they had no activities today.

"Everyone is going to celebrate the New Year, and there is no market today." Tuanzi looked disappointed.

"It's not as good as before the festival." Before the festival, there is a market, and there are delicious and interesting things to go around. It can be as lively as it is.

But when it comes to the Spring Festival, it's the same thing, and it feels very boring.

Do you feel that the Spring Festival is not interesting now?In another 20 years, the Spring Festival will be a seven-day holiday in everyone's mind, and many people will go out to travel during the Spring Festival.

"Why don't you just read and eat at home?" Liu Wen spent the Spring Festival as usual, anyway.

Tuanzi thought for a while, "Forget it, let's continue to go out for a walk, there should be some fun to watch."

Although it is good to be at home, there are food and drinks, but there is no excitement to watch. After comparing the dumplings, I think it is more lively to go out.

Liu Wen didn't restrain them, nor would she tell them that children of your age shouldn't listen to these gossips, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Everyone is curious and loves to watch the excitement, so there is nothing to restrict this.

Liao Kang couldn't help nodding, he also didn't like the Liu family, the faces of rich and poor people were different.

"Everyone is watching a joke?" Liu Wen was also puzzled. You must know that although the town is not big, it's not just the Liu family making jokes, but the rest of them should also be making jokes.

Liu Wen found that everyone loves to watch the liveliness of Liu Yi's house. There is a turmoil, and the speed of transmission is very fast.

Why do people like to watch the excitement of Liu Yi's house? Liao Kang hadn't thought about this question before, but now Liu Wen would ask this question, he thought about it for a while.

"It should be that his family often makes people watch jokes."

"Everyone's family will cover things up in various ways, but his family is different." Liao Kang thought of his relatives with his grandparents. In fact, the relationship is not very good, but everyone will not make people laugh.

"There is something, whether it is good or bad, it is all dressed up."

"It seems that they are justified in this way, and everyone will help them."

"Also, ever since Grandpa Liu and the others went south to work and sent a lot of money back every month, they started to get nervous."

"Open your mouth and shut your mouth about how Yangcheng is. When you see people with average conditions, you just look down on them and say that they have no skills."

Liao Kang recalled the time when they even spoke ill of their own family, and he became angry when he thought about it, "If Liu Yi wasn't there, would they be able to live like this?"

"Eating is a problem." Liao Kang knew that even with people who had a good relationship with his family, there were some things he couldn't say to them.

But in front of Liu Wen and the others, I don't have any worries about this, because I won't speak out.

"My mother said that once Liu Bin went to Yangcheng, Liu Yi would not mail so much money back every month."

"Without the support of Liu Yi's money, their life..." Although a bit unkind, Liao Kang really wanted to laugh.

"Before they were a bitch, as if I was a rich man."

"They live on Liu Yi's money?" Liu Wen knew that the Liu family was used to relying on others and didn't want to work hard on their own.

She just didn't expect that the money Liu Yi mailed back could support these people. She was really angry. How much money Liu Yi mailed back every month?

Liu Bin is not soft on spending money, he absolutely wants to spend it, and with the money that Liu's family wants, an idea popped into Liu Wen's mind.

"Liu Bin's grades are actually just a cover. In fact, it should be that Liu Yi thinks that the Liu family is a bottomless pit."

In the previous life, Liu Yi would help the Liu family in various ways because he had always been doing well, and his parents, brothers and sisters all complimented him, so he didn't know the face of the Liu family.

But now that he knows that the so-called family affection he values ​​is actually for money, how could Liu Yi be so stupid to take care of his brothers and sisters with all his heart and soul?

In addition, Liu Yi is now supported by Pang Yue, and the latter is not a grand master.

At the beginning, everyone in the Liu family talked about how she was superior and how shameless she was. Even if she lowered her figure to please the Liu family, they all felt that she deserved it. Can Pang Yue keep it in mind.

It's just that she had to rely on Liu Yi in the past, no matter how much dissatisfaction she felt in her heart, she could only bear it.

Now she can earn a lot of money by herself, and she has to support Liu Yi and a group of people in the Liu family. How can Pang Yue be happy.

Liu Wen was also very curious about what the Liu family would do if they had no one to support them.

The Liu family in the previous life were definitely parasites. No one is willing to raise them in this life. It really is impossible without hard work.

"But they are too, so what if they make trouble, Liu Yi and the others don't live in the town, but they live in Sioux City." Liu Wen remembered mentioning that they lived in a hotel in Sioux City.

Therefore, no matter how much trouble the three generations of the Liu family made in the town, it was impossible for Liu Yi's family living in Sucheng to hear it.

Meat buns and the others are already used to it, even in the town, Liu Wen is not quick to receive these gossips.

"After Yao Ying's men left Sioux City, they didn't continue to live in Sioux City, saying it was inconvenient to live there."

"In fact, everyone knows that they just want to open two rooms, which will cost a lot of money."

No matter how beautiful their words are, they can't help everyone guess the truth.

Don't you live in Sioux City? "Could it be that Yao Ying's boyfriend has left and no one is paying the rent, so they don't live in Sioux City anymore?"

If this is the reason, Liu Wen really doesn't know what to say, it's not that they don't have money.

"That's right, so everyone is saying that they just don't have any money, and that they are doing small business in Yangcheng, and they definitely don't make that much money."

"It also said that the money they mailed back before was all Yao Ying asked her boyfriend for."

Liao Kang had heard someone say this before, but he never mentioned it to Liu Wen and the others.

My god, Liu Wen always thought that Liu Yi's house became a big joke because of the New Year's Eve dinner yesterday. She didn't expect that people in the town had been discussing it for a long time.

Liu Wen couldn't help but sigh, "I'm really behind the times."

It was okay to be in Sioux City before, but now she is all in the town, and she doesn't know about such a big news.

She is really not an ordinary nerd, Liu Wen put a label on herself.

Since Liu Yi and the others live in the town, Liu Wen understands that the Liu family wants to use public opinion to force them to either give up taking Liu Bin or increase the monthly alimony for the elderly.

(End of this chapter)

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