Chapter 353

I don't know if he really doesn't understand, or if he doesn't understand, but it doesn't matter.

The important thing is, "You also know that I'm not stupid, so why do you think that you are my reliance?"

"Do you think there is no one in my natal family?" Liu Wen knew that for Liu Yi and the others, they should really hate the existence of the Tao family.

Because Liu Wen clearly regarded the Tao family as her natal family, "My uncle and the others are my natal family."

"Both my brother and my sister can support me."

"Based on your ignorant appearance and your rubbish grades, do you think you can be my backer?"

Liu Wen looked at Liu Bin with contempt, "You are really a piece of trash."

"Don't say that I have a backer. If, even if I really don't have a backer, just like you, I might as well rely on myself. I think I can still rely on it."

"You, go and become Yao Ying's backer."

"I just don't know if Yao Ying will be willing to accept you." In her previous life, she was Yao Ying who helped Liu Bin in various ways, but in the end she had no choice but to give up.

There is no way, if you don't give up, it will really drag down Yao Ying's mother and son.

Now that Yao Ying is reborn, she will only look down on Liu Bin even more, so she won't accept that having a younger brother from her natal family is the word you rely on most.

They all just feel that they still have to rely on them. It's a pity that both Liu Wen and Yao Ying are reviewing their attitudes towards Liu Yi's family of three. Unfortunately, neither Liu Yi, Pang Yue, nor even Liu Bin have discovered the problem.

Maybe what they knew was that Liu Wen probably didn't need the Liu family, but if Yao Ying was concerned, they would still feel that it was impossible for Yao Ying to leave the Liu family.

They put more emphasis on Yao Ying, hoping that she can help Liu Bin one or two in the future.

It's a pity, a pity, their idea is always just an idea.

Before Liu Bin came, he was also mentally prepared. For example, what should he do if Liu Wen ignores him, and what should he do if he mocks him.

It can be said that when he wanted to come, he really did all the preparations, and he should know how to say it.

But in the end, Liu Wen first said they were enemies, and then said he was a waste, he really broke down.

He admitted that he was not that good, but he never thought that it would be so bad.

He felt that he was really useless in Liu Wen's mouth, and he had nothing to ask for, so could he be happy?

You must know that these days, he is surrounded by a lot of sycophants. In their words, Liu Bin has a feeling.

That is, although his academic performance is not good, is it important?

It doesn't matter at all, as long as he performs well in other aspects, if someone is willing to make friends with him, this is the greatest success.

Then I told him why he didn't need to pay attention to homework, because he was going to do business and become a big boss in the future, and reading was useless to him.

In the future, he will hire a group of college students to work for him as a big boss, so he should relax now.

Liu Bin was originally the kind of person who was very happy with his achievements, and he liked to hear people say that he was great and said his best words.

As a result, when he heard so many people around him saying that he was amazing, his whole body floated up.

Now that Liu Wen actually said that he was shit, would he be willing to listen to it?

Of course he was not willing to listen, "I know no matter what I say or how well I perform, in your eyes, I am a piece of shit."

"The point is, did you show anything?" Even if Liu Bin was sentenced to death in her heart, Liu Wen would not show it in public.

"Honestly, I really don't see what you're trying to do?"

"Can you tell me, where have you worked hard? You are still sensible in reading, or do you think your ability to fool people has improved?"

"That's right, you can fool so much money from your parents, but your grades will get worse instead. How can you fool with no level."

"You are really a master of deception." Liu Bin is really not stupid, but it's a pity that this kid just doesn't learn well.

If she can really calm down and study hard, Liu Wen feels that she might have some achievements.

But looking at his appearance, he didn't listen to him at all. Instead, he felt that she just couldn't understand him, and then carried out all kinds of retaliation against her.

As Liu Wen sometimes said when chatting with Song Boyang, she really hoped that Liu Bin would be successful.

In this way, Liu Yi will not stare at her all the time. After all, he is also a man who wants to save face. As long as life goes by, no one is willing to look at someone else.

It's a pity that the child Liu Bin still didn't understand the meaning of her words. If that's the case, then let nature take its course.

Anyway, if you really want to worry about it, it's Liu Yi and his wife to worry about it.

Even if something happened to Liu Yi and his wife, it wouldn't be bad luck for her. The Liu family couldn't wait for him to go back.

Of course, it must be based on the premise that Liu Bin still has money. Once he has no money, not to mention Liu Yi's brothers and sisters, even Liu Yi will not care about this grandson.

At that time, Liu Wen will take over, and then she will take over to take care of him, that is, until he reaches adulthood.

After that, he will be able to be independent. As for which way he will go, it is up to him.

Liu Wen watched Liu Bin leave angrily, and signaled that the group could go and close the door, "You really don't know how to be polite."

Don't know it's winter now?Don't you know it's cold outside?Although two heaters have been placed in the house, the problem is still not high enough.

Fortunately, I'm going to Yangcheng soon, and the lowest temperature in winter there is several degrees above zero, which is much better than Sioux City.

Liu Wen is really looking forward to the days of going to Yangcheng. The only thing that is not happy is that Liu Yi and his family are also going to Yangcheng.

When I think about meeting them often in that beautiful city, I feel super bad.

But maybe she doesn't want to see Liu Yi and the others, and the latter maybe doesn't want to see them either. After all, the lives of the two parties are very different.

"By the way, when will we leave in the third year of junior high school?" Liu Wen recalled that day and mentioned that the third day of junior high school would start early, but she didn't mention the exact time of departure.

"My idea is, let's start early, and when we arrive in downtown Suzhou, we'll have breakfast, and then we'll be on our way after breakfast."

"At noon..." Song Boyang knew that Liu Wen didn't know how to do homework in this area, so he checked the route when he was not so busy at work.

In fact, the road map is not difficult to find, just ask Tao Yu, and then combine the passing cities, and make a little change.

Liu Wen knew that as long as Song Boyang was around, these things would not be a problem, "I think it's pretty good."

"It's not too tiring to drive." If there is a highway, the driving speed will be much faster, and it may take two days to reach Yangcheng.

But according to the current roadmap, it shouldn't be too tiring.

Of course, Tuanzi and the others also listened to the itinerary, and of course they had no objections. They felt that they had seen the scenery and tasted the delicious food.

(End of this chapter)

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