Chapter 354 Departure
Liu Wen didn't care what Liu Bin said when he returned to Liu's house after running away in anger.

She is very busy now. Although she will find local specialties for her diet, she has to prepare some snacks.

In Liu Wen's eyes, this is a trip, so food and drink must be prepared, but unfortunately there is no internet, otherwise it would be nice to think about it with a mobile phone and drive south.

Although the current self-driving tour cannot be compared with that of later generations, but thinking about how many people can take a self-driving tour now, Liu Wen is very excited when she thinks about it.

If Song Boyang hadn't hugged her, forced her to sleep, and said that the two of them would take turns driving, she wouldn't know when she would be able to fall asleep.

If so, after she woke up Song Boyang, she really wanted to lie down and continue resting.

But she can't, because the itinerary is fixed, if there is a delay here, it means that they either have to speed up the drive on the road, or reduce the time for playing.

Liu Wen struggled to get up, and Song Boyang saw that she was very sleepy, "After you get in the car, you can continue to rest."

Liu Wen snorted, "You fold the quilt a little bit, my sister said that she will come to help tidy up during the day."

Song Boyang hummed, "Understood, all right, you go wash up, it is estimated that Tuanzi and the others have already washed up."

Ah, Liu Wen thought that she should not be the last to wake up at least, but unexpectedly, he was the last one.

"It's okay, they are also in a daze." Song Boyang was the first to get up. He had no choice but to drive. If he was not in good spirits, it would be very dangerous.

Liu Wen said oh, but the movements of her hands are accelerated, and she will wash up soon.

The luggage had already been prepared, it was just placed in the living room downstairs. Tuanzi and the others got up from the sofa when they saw Liu Wen rubbing her eyes and came down, knowing that it was time for them to set off.

Song Boyang picked up the key, "I'm going to start the car." After speaking, he picked up the biggest luggage and walked to the door.

A group of people quickly moved their luggage to the car, and even Beibei got into the car.

In no time, Song Boyang drove away from the small town.

For Song Boyang, this is not his hometown, so there is not much sadness.

Although Duanzi and Roubao are worried about whether they can live happily in Yangcheng, they are also a little worried about their health.

At the same time, I also understand that in their future life, such separation is also a common occurrence, and they have to get used to it.

Liao Kang and the others just played all the way to Yangcheng this time, and then came back by plane, which is just a tour, just like they went on a tour last summer.

Only Liu Wen felt all kinds of sighs in her heart, even after going to Beijing, Shencheng, and Yangcheng a few times.

But no matter where she went, she was going back to Shencheng, and now she was leaving the place she had been in since her previous life.

In her previous life, she had hoped to leave Suzhou City in various ways, but she failed until she died.

After rebirth, it's not that she didn't think about leaving Suzhou City, but at first she wanted to save money, but later she struggled with her career and got married.

I thought I should go back to Shencheng to start a new life, but I didn't expect that after leaving Sucheng, I would go to Yangcheng. It can be said that it is not an ordinary distance to leave my hometown.

Liu Wen sighed softly. Although there are old houses and shops in Sucheng, she will be a passerby when she comes back.

Hearing Liu Wen's sigh, Song Boyang patted Liu Wen lightly, "I won't be so busy when I arrive in Yangcheng, and we can come back then."

"We can come back by plane." Song Boyang felt that with the plane, no matter how far it was, it would not be a problem.

Come back by plane?Liu Wen was happy, "Let's fly back on Friday, and then go back on Sunday?"

"After the news got out, I thought, some people must say that we are prodigal sons." After 30 years of doing this, even if the air tickets were not very expensive at that time, there would still be some people talking about it, let alone now.

Say they are prodigal sons?Song Boyang knew there was nothing wrong with this, "The mouth is on their mouth, and what they want to say is their business."

"We're just as happy as we feel."

"It's not like we don't have this strength."

"And even if I don't do it, wouldn't they say us?"

Even if they don't live in the town, Song Boyang knows that there has never been any news about them, including what happened to the Liu family when he was thirty.

Even if they didn't express any opinions and Liu Wen didn't go out, they still couldn't stop some people from discussing.

Song Boyang remembered that some people said that Liu Yi would become like this because he learned from Liu Wen.

He also said that Liu Wen is rich now, but she is still so cruel, if she doesn't take care of her biological father and younger brother, then Liu Yi will follow Liu Wen's operation.

Song Boyang really wanted to laugh when he heard this kind of words. Yes, Liu Wen has no relationship with Liu Yi, including that he will not retire in the future.

But is it the same as Liu Yi regardless of his parents?Liu Yi was raised by his parents, so of course he has the responsibility and obligation to support the elderly.

But Liu Wen is different. At the beginning, Liu Yi signed a resolution not to support Liu Wen, and when he is old, Liu Wen does not need to support him.

So I really don't understand how those people can ignore the facts so much.

Liu Wen originally wanted to rest after getting in the car, but when she looked back, she saw that after getting in the car, Tuanzi and the others began to fall asleep again.

Although Beibei didn't fall asleep, he didn't understand the road conditions.

Liu Wen sighed, well, what can she do, she can only cheer up and chat with Song Boyang.

Song Boyang thought that Liu Wen had been awake for too long, so he was no longer sleepy, but he wiped his eyes several times after seeing her, so he knew that she must be very tired.

"If you are tired, you can sleep for a while, and I can drive alone." Song Boyang signaled Liu Wen to rest.

Liu Wen yawned and shook her head, "It's okay, although there are not many cars, there are also many pedestrians."

"If I'm all asleep, then you can watch a group of us fall asleep and see if you want to fall asleep."

"For safety's sake, I'll chat with you."

"And chatting, it's good, I can also see the scenery of my hometown in Sioux City." In a few years, Sioux City will enter the mode of major renovation.

The roads will be widened, and the surrounding scenery will change. What's more, it's all farmland now, and it will become a development zone, a residential area, etc. in the future.

Every time he came back, he would give them a big surprise. Song Boyang thought it was because Liu Wen was reluctant to leave his hometown.

When he was a child, he actually went to many places with his parents. Every time he arrived at a place, he would leave after staying for a year or so.

Later, it was his parents who found out that he was going to kindergarten, so they took him back to Shencheng, where he was considered stable.

Every time he moved, he was also reluctant, but he also knew that there was no way to make his parents change their minds, so he could only adapt.

So up to now, it can be said that he can quickly enter the rhythm of changing places to work and live.

(End of this chapter)

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