Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 356 The Time Is Wrong

Chapter 356 The Time Is Wrong
The four sleeping by the back door didn't know what year it was, and they didn't know that Liu Wen had already made an arrangement with Song Boyang for the future.

But even if they knew about it, they wouldn't take it seriously, they would just say that it had nothing to do with them, and they might as well think about what kind of food they would eat after they thought of Sioux City.

Wait, Liu Wen suddenly remembered something, "Today is the third day of junior high school, which store is open?"

That's right, even in future generations, restaurants and milk tea shops will open during the Spring Festival, but as for breakfast shops, many of them don't open until after the tenth day of the Lunar New Year.

Some shops are even better, and they don’t open until half a year after the first month, not to mention how can anyone open their doors for business now.

Liu Wen looked at Song Boyang suspiciously, this guy is not fooling people, in fact, there are no shops open for business at all.

It's okay to fool people, Liu Wen said, as long as you don't delay eating breakfast, you can fool people.

But the problem now is that there is a real possibility that there will be no place to have breakfast, how can this not make Liu Wen anxious.

"Don't worry." Seeing Liu Wen's anxious look, Song Boyang, who originally wanted to show off, could only say honestly.

"Didn't you keep saying that the breakfast at the alley is good, I asked them two days ago." If he was not prepared, would he still be able to go out like this?
Liu Wen also thought about it, "I hope we can find a place to eat along the way."

Liu Wen also remembered later that during the Spring Festival, in addition to factories and public institutions that cannot stop production, many people began to rest. Starting in the third day of junior high school, Liu Wen really felt that it was really not a good choice.

But if it is not the third day of junior high school, whether it is early or late, it is not a good choice.

Seeing Liu Wen's small face drooping, Song Boyang signaled her not to be nervous, "We are driving south, and the further south we go, many people there are starting to think of ways to make money."

"And I also asked Tao Yu, and he said that at least where we live, there is food provided."

"At most, it is the special food we promised at the beginning. There may be no way to achieve it, but at least three meals are available." Of course, Song Boyang will also think of this.

Eating is a big problem. If you don't eat and drink enough, can you still have motivation?

"I'm going south this time to hurry, but I have to eat and drink."

This was what they had discussed early in the morning, otherwise would there really be no way to transport Beibei to Yangcheng?
Although it's a little troublesome, it's not impossible, it's just that they want to let the children see more of the outside world if they can.

As soon as Liu Wen heard that there were three meals, she had no objection, and as Song Boyang said, there were temple fairs during the Spring Festival, and there were delicious food on them, so they could go for a stroll.

Soon Su Cheng arrived, Song Boyang drove to the alley, "I'll go down to get food, you wait in the car."

Song Boyang thought, put the things in the car, and they can eat the dumplings directly after they wake up, so as to save them from waking them up and making all kinds of noises.

Really, I reminded them early yesterday that they were going to leave early this morning and let them rest early.

It was a good thing to promise one by one, but one or two couldn't get up this morning.

Liu Wen said oh, anyway, people are on the road, so it is right to listen to Song Boyang.

Song Boyang quickly got into the car with a basket. He knew that there were six people in the car, and five of them had big appetites. They would buy a lot of things, but they didn't expect to buy so many things.

Just as he was thinking about how to place these things, he saw that Song Boyang had already started the car.

"Don't you want to return the basket?" It's not like usual, just take it and return it to them later, but this time, I don't know when I can return it to them.

"Don't pay it back, I bought it." Song Boyang said richly.

What?Liu Wen was quite surprised, but it was also in line with this person's behavior, "It's also good, so we can use this special package when we want to buy things."

"After arriving in Yangcheng, I can also use this to buy things." Compared with the pollution of plastic bags, bamboo baskets are really a good thing.

The two made up their minds not to wake them up. Liu Wen fed Song Boyang from time to time while eating.

"Why don't I drive the car?" Liu Wen thought that she had almost eaten, and her spirits were refreshed a lot, so she asked Song Boyang to have some breakfast and take a rest along the way.

After driving so many roads, Song Boyang didn't feel tired, "It's okay, I can." Liu Wen was still in a daze just now, even though his thoughts are very clear now, Song Boyang dared not take the risk.

Although there are not many cars on the road, there are many cyclists, many people walking, and some crossing the road anytime and anywhere. Song Boyang is always vigilant, always worried that someone will rush out.

In such a situation, how dare he let Liu Wen drive.

Well, I know they don't trust her to drive, even if she has proved her ability to drive, it is useless.

Forget it, if someone insists on driving, Liu Wen can only chat with him and look at the surrounding scenery.

Don't look at Liu Wen, who is from Sioux City, and feels that Sioux City is not big now, but along the way, she finds that she looks like a bumpkin.

"If it wasn't for us driving this time, I really wouldn't have thought that Su Cheng would be like this."

Even though she thought she was an old Sioux City native, it turned out that she was seeing many places for the first time.

"Because we have adapted, there are only a few fixed places."

"It is said that Shanghai is very big, but there are only a few places to go back and forth." When I was studying, I was busy reading and not being noticed.

After work, the policy will be improved, but he is also busy with work, and he is also a person who likes to play, so most of them are home and hospital.

Later, after they had a dumpling, they would occasionally take their two children to the park to play, but not many times.

Well, no matter when you arrive, the main theme of the house is actually, "When I arrive in Yangcheng, I want to buy a car and take a stroll around."

See if there are any good shops and houses you can buy.

Since I have to stay in Yangcheng for so many days, of course it makes sense to enter Baoshan and return empty-handed.

And the way she can think of to make money now is to buy a house in Yangcheng.

"Okay, Yangcheng is actually a good city. It opened to the outside world very early, and Qingdao is also a good place."

Because of work, Song Boyang had been there once, and he thought Liu Wen would like that city.

Wow, of course Liu Wen has been to that city, but she also went there with the old lady. Of course, she followed the old lady in all the itineraries. It can be said that Liu Wen didn't have a good time.

"Another day, I'll take the dumplings with them." Liu Wen found that there are really many places she wants.

Bringing Tuanzi and the others again, although they are also his sons, Song Boyang expressed his displeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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