Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 357 She Doesn't Know

Chapter 357 She Doesn't Know

"Why didn't you think of going with me?" Song Boyang said aggrievedly.

what's going on?Liu Wen didn't expect Song Boyang to pretend to be pitiful.

But for going out to play, without him, such a big hat, Liu Wen said that she has something to say, "It's not that I don't want to take you."

"It's because your work is too busy. As long as I don't accept big orders or urgent orders, I'm always ready to go."

"Tuanzi and the others are also on winter and summer vacations, so they can leave as soon as they want." The current children have not yet entered the mode of taking exams, although some parents are very strict about their children's grades.

But it’s just buying some exercise books, getting some good school review materials, exercise papers, etc., finding someone to make up lessons for the children, teaching small lessons, and doing various improvements, but there really is no such thing.

Otherwise, how dare Liu Wen take Tuanzi and them out to play, let them have fun, and when they have children in the future, knowing that Tuanzi and the others are studying, they will play everywhere during the holidays. I don’t know how envious they will be, definitely envious Rhythm.

Although Song Boyang felt that Liu Wen said that he was busy and that it was difficult to make time for him, although he wanted to refute one or two, but after thinking about it, he could only sigh helplessly.

"Although they say that my work will not be too busy, but you also know that sometimes what these big men say is really..."

Song Boyang remembered that when the old professor asked him to go to work in Yangcheng, he made a promise, saying that he would definitely guarantee his rest, oh my god, holidays and so on.

To be honest, he didn't believe in such a guarantee at all. He went to Yangcheng to be a teacher and a doctor. If he was not busy with this intensity, he would have to think about what he was going to do.

Just to make him a mascot?Song Boyang also hopes to get busy so that he can better improve himself.

Just thinking that Liu Wen could take the dumplings and the others out to play, and she could only work hard in Yangcheng, made her mentally explode.

"Think about it, how many lives you have saved as a doctor."

"If it wasn't for you working hard to make money in front, I wouldn't be able to take the dumpling and them out to play."

When it's time to praise the head of the family, don't let it go. Only in this way can the man make money willingly.

"Don't think that if you say that, I will be in a good mood." Rao said that he would not let Liu Wen go, but he still discussed with Liu Wen with great interest, where should he go to play.

Liao Jian woke up in a daze. In fact, he was still a little tired, but his stomach kept protesting, which made him unable to fall asleep.

He thought he had just fallen asleep not long ago, but when he saw the scenery outside the shaking window and the sky was already bright, he stood up quickly.

Look around, well, everyone is falling asleep, that is, he woke up, rubbed his stomach, and walked to the front.

Just when I was about to have something for breakfast, I saw something in a vegetable basket.

"Breakfast?" Rao asked, but he reached out and picked up one honestly and started to eat.

After eating like this, "the one at the entrance of the alley?" Although there are more stalls serving breakfast now, for Liu Wen and his family, the breakfast stall at the entrance of the alley is still the most delicious.

I thought that today's breakfast was just something to eat casually, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be their favorite breakfast stall.

Although he was falling asleep before, but he also knew that he definitely ran around on purpose.

But Liao Jian was still curious, "Are they still doing business today?"

Even if they are small business vendors in the countryside, at most they will have a holiday on New Year's Eve, and then they will continue to open their stalls for business after the first month and a half.

Those who can set up a stall to do business on the tenth day of the new year are really hardworking, but they never expected that there would be a businessman who worked even harder in Sioux City.

"No, I made an agreement with them in advance."

"Being at home during the Spring Festival, no matter how it is usually, at least during this time, there will always be meals." Usually both husband and wife are dual-income, or young people who are not married, occasionally have breakfast outside, but at least they will cook at home during the Spring Festival.

Well, I know they made it on purpose, so I think about it, Liao Jian didn't think there was any problem, so he picked up the food and ate it with peace of mind.

Liu Wen thought that Liao Jian would ask why he made breakfast on purpose, but it turned out that he didn't ask.

This doesn't look like Liao Jian who is always curious. Liu Wen kept staring at him, and the latter also noticed something was wrong.

"What's the matter, auntie, you've been staring at me, is there a problem?" Could it be that his sleeping position was not very good just now, so is there something wrong with his face?

"I'm just curious, why didn't you ask why that shop would make breakfast for your uncle." You can't ask Song Boyang, because there is Liao Jian.

Either this guy will be curious and ask questions out loud, or he already has the answer.

Do you still have to ask this?No, Liao Jian felt that Liu Wen probably didn't know about this at all, "Uncle once treated his old man."

Oh, that's it, Liu Wen immediately understood why the other party was so enthusiastic. Who doesn't know that the old man of his family is the pillar of the family.

Liao Jian would not blindly ask Liu Wen if he didn't know about this, this is the rhythm of beating.

After eating a little something to make my stomach stop protesting, "I'll go see why the dumplings haven't woken up yet."

Really, aren't they hungry?But even if they are not hungry, they still have to have breakfast at this point.

After a while, Tuanzi and the others were woken up by Liao Jian, and the three of them got up in a daze, and then ate.

Glancing at the scenery outside the car window, "Have we left Sioux City?"

Song Boyang hummed in front, "Yes, but you should eat less breakfast, and then we will go to the hotel where we will stay tonight."

Song Boyang was worried that Tuanzi and the others would eat too much food because they were hungry.

Ah, Tuanzi and the others remember their daily itinerary and know where they will stay tonight.

Tuanzi's mouth widened, "We're all here already."

Song Boyang said with grace, "Yeah, why didn't you tell me, you all slept all morning."

"By the way, there is an empty space in front. I'll stop for a rest, and then you guys will take Beibei down for a walk." Although Beibei also felt uncomfortable here, she also knew the current situation, so she endured it.

What Song Boyang can do is to spend more than an hour and find a place for Beibei to go down and run around.

Of course, Tuanzi and the others were willing to do this job. After a short while, the front foot of the car stopped, and the four people jumped off the back foot.

Liu Wen signaled Song Boyang to rest, and the latter wanted to say that he was not tired.

"We agreed, everyone will take turns to drive." Liu Wen didn't give the man an excuse to refuse.

"Besides, the road conditions here are quite good. I can exercise. Otherwise, if you get tired and you are tired when you get to a crowded place, what should I do?"

(End of this chapter)

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