Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 365 Raise Them Abandoned

Chapter 365 Raise Them Abandoned

When Song Boyang saw his old friend, he was worried about the child who didn't know where he was. He just wanted to say that he made a mistake in the program.

"Before you worry about whether your child will become so annoying in the future, I think you should think about whether it is time to settle down."

Although Tang Hai has no wife or girlfriend, it doesn't mean that his life is nothing but work.

Tang Hai would not discuss his private life with Song Boyang, after all, they are far away, who would say this on the phone.

Not a girlfriend, let alone a daughter-in-law, Tang Hai felt that there was no need to waste time and phone bills discussing this.

Tang Hai didn't say anything, but Song Boyang still knew that his private life should be colorful.
Song Boyang also knew that for Tang Hai, it was impossible to restrain him too much, telling him that he could not do this or that.

After all, they are friends, and what to say depends on the situation, but now, Song Boyang thinks it is a good opportunity.

"You are not young, you can consider stabilizing."

"Then have a baby, after all you have so many assets."

"You don't always hope that you have no descendants, and all the money you have worked so hard to earn will be given there."

Song Boyang knew that Tang Hai would know who he was talking about, and if possible, he didn't want to mention those people, but there was no other way, it would be impossible not to mention them.

Of course Tang Hai knew who Song Boyang was referring to, "Don't worry, I know."

"Occasionally, I said that I would go back to work. As long as they know that I am going back to Shencheng, they will come to me, all kinds of helpless, all kinds of begging for mercy."

"Anyway, it's all the children's fault. They don't know the severity and bully me in various ways."

Tang Hai remembered what the man and the woman had said, and he could only sneer.

"They really are the ones who won't stand up and take responsibility no matter when it comes."

"But they also dream, and I know they don't want me to get married."

"In this way, when I die, they will have the opportunity to get the assets under my name."

Tang Hai closed his eyes, not wanting Song Boyang, or Liu Wen to see him at his most vulnerable.

"You know it's still like this." Song Boyang didn't understand, either he didn't know what the people in the Tang family were thinking, or they didn't make corrections.

Song Boyang looked anxious, and Tang Hai felt warm in his heart. No matter when it was, he was still not alone.

"I'm not stupid, I'm not married, except that I haven't found a suitable person yet."

"I'm also thinking, if I don't get married all this time, will they have something to look forward to." Tang Hai recalled the news he had received before.

"They are spending all kinds of money now, spending money lavishly, after all, it's not their money." Tang Hai thought it would be like this when he agreed to give his old father alimony every month when he came to make trouble.

Song Boyang remembered that two years ago, when the Tang family knew that Tang Hai had become rich, they came to Yangcheng to make a fuss.

After that time, Tang Hai would give his old man a living allowance every month. Song Boyang heard him mention the specific amount. In his opinion, it was a very large amount.

"Do you still pay there every month now?" Song Boyang asked casually.

"Of course I will. If they don't, they are not going to make a fuss." Tang Hai mocked.

"Really, those few people are all spoiled by that couple. They think it's hard work, and they hate that the leader will take care of them."

"I hate working hard every month for only so little income." Thinking of those people's complaints, Tang Hai couldn't help laughing.

"They despise low-level jobs, why don't they think about how good their level is, if the old man is not still there, they despise the jobs..."

"Now the old man is going to retreat to the second line, and it's a job they hate soon..."

Tang Hai laughed, "When the time comes, once they make a mistake, their jobs will change and they will do jobs they don't want to do."

"For example, to sweep the floor or something." Tang Hai really didn't like these so-called half-brothers at all.

If he hadn't thought about it, if he wanted them to learn a lesson, he would have shot them long ago.

Although that would solve the trouble quickly, it would be better than just watching them cry.

Not to mention that this amount startled Liu Wen, even Song Boyang was also shocked.

"You are crazy, how can you give them so much money."

"Originally, they treated you like a money bag, but you gave them back so much money."

"This money can only go up, not down, and they will only become more and more greedy."

Because of Tang Hai's relationship, Song Boyang didn't have much contact with the rest of the Tang family, but he also knew that they really didn't know how to measure.

At that time, I don't know how they will calculate Tang Hai, and Song Boyang gets angry when he thinks about it.

He is obviously a smart person, why would he do such a stupid thing? I really don't know what's going on in his head

"I know they're greedy, and honestly, I'm worried they're not greedy enough."

"The more greedy they are now, the worse they will die in the future." Tang Hai didn't mind letting Liu Wen know his cruelty.

Just because of her attitude towards Liu Yi and the others, I know that this girl is also a person with clear grievances and grievances.

"After all, if you are used to talking about money, you will have money when you live, and it is a lot of money. Who is willing to listen to the boss who is dissatisfied with them?"

"Who wants to take that little money every month."

"Everyone wants to live a life where they wear clothes, stretch out their hands, eat and open their mouths. I know they will like it. Now that I have the strength, of course I can treat them better."

"I just don't know how many years the old man can live." Even though Tang Hai was in Yangcheng, he was always watching the movement of the Tang family.

"Why is your old man not in good health?" The last time I went to Shencheng to pick up Song Bohua, I also met Tang Hai's father by chance.

"I think he's pretty good, he's in great shape, and his cursing voice is full of energy."

Song Boyang really didn't know much about the Tang family, "I just saw him on the road training a son like a grandson."

Song Boyang recognized him, and Song Bohua also recognized him, and of course he didn't miss it. The person being scolded looked at Mr. Tang with unkind eyes.

The son who was just reprimanded like this on the road, Tang Hai thought for a while, and then remembered who the other party was.

For that person, he will not pity him a little bit. When he was bullied at home, that kid was merciless.

"The old man is eccentric. He is just such a promising son. In the end, he doesn't get a good one. Instead, he is proficient in eating, drinking, having fun, etc. He is the son who doesn't like to make money. He is his favorite."

Tang Hai felt happy when he thought about it, "I reckon that most of the money given to the old man has been given to this son Huo Huo."

So what about brothers of the same father and mother, they will become inhumane in front of money.

Now the old man thinks that he is rich, so he can handle him, just wait, it doesn't count now, it doesn't mean it won't count in the future.

When someone collapses, it's time to liquidate everything. In short, it's really not in a hurry. I've been waiting for so long, and it's bearable to wait for a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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