Chapter 366 Concerns
After discussing for a while, Tang Hai knew that no matter the chat, the one who should come would still come.

He coughed slightly, "I asked a lot of people about that, and it can be said that even the foreign capital side also asked. Not many people know English."

"Then find a few. They may be in written language, but I know you need to be able to speak it."

"I knew they didn't meet your requirements."

"It's not that Yangcheng hasn't returned from studying abroad." The earliest people who went abroad to study at public expense have already returned.

But such a talent, is he able to hook up with it?Everyone is a person with ideas and pursuits.

If it's really for money, honestly, if you stay abroad, you will earn more money, and there is no need to come back.

Therefore, they would not consider Tang Hai's offer at all.

Even if someone would be willing to teach one or two, but he still didn't want to try.

"People like them are busy with work, and when they get busy, they don't care about Tuanzi and the others."

"And whether they will be willing to give Tuanzi lessons is still unknown."

"In case their leaders know that they usually give lessons to Tuanzi and they also want to teach their children, it will be a problem whether they agree or not."

Song Boyang nodded, "Yes, it's all a question."

Who wouldn't want to find a teacher who can seriously teach their own children, like this kind of teacher who might retreat at any moment, no matter how powerful he is, Song Boyang doesn't like it very much.

"Right, so after thinking about it for a while, I went out to dinner with someone. It was also a customer. The other party was a foreign company. Several foreigners came, and one of them even brought his children with him."

"My first reaction was, why can't their children interact with each other."

"Look at the children of foreigners. When they come to China, they should be interested in Chinese. They need money to hire a Chinese teacher."

"Tuanzi and the others have to pay for their English lessons."

"They are all children, so they can teach each other. Children, the grammar is not correct, and there is no big problem."

"If you use it frequently in the future, you will be able to solve this problem."

"The important thing is that a foreigner has a foreigner's thoughts." Tang Hai and Song Bohua went in and out together before, but they gained a lot.

"We have many different ideas from them, and the children are easier to communicate with." Tang Hai was quite nervous at first, but he couldn't help getting excited when he saw that Song Boyang didn't object.

It's a good thing if there is no objection, "The eldest brother also said that even if he has been there for many years, he still speaks a little differently."

"Tuanzi and the others listen to tapes more. I think that if we let friends interact with them, there should be no problems in this regard."

"Then where do they live?" Song Boyang was right when he thought about it.

Don't say good spoken English now, even good written English is all kinds of sought-after, and making money is not difficult for them.

Few people would be willing to teach their children, and it's not that there are other ways to make money.

Song Boyang had to admit that Tang Hai was really right.

Liu Wen also admitted that Tang Hai's arrangement is good, but there is a question, "Does the other party understand Chinese?"

If the other party doesn't understand a little Chinese, how can we communicate? Isn't that like a fool communicating?

Song Boyang turned his head to look at Tang Hai, and the latter's eyes kept wandering, well, don't answer this question, everyone already knows the answer.

"That, I think, can also try."

"Think about it, that foreigner doesn't think there is a problem, so there's no reason to be cowardly."

"Isn't this just starting from scratch?"

"That foreigner doesn't understand Chinese, but it doesn't matter. Don't they know some English? If they bring a dictionary, they will be able to communicate." Tang Hai quickly thought of a way to deal with it.

Phew, Tang Hai never imagined that one day, he would actually use all his wits and courage on his friends, but luckily the result was good.

Liu Wen really admires that he can still operate like this. He was obviously flustered at the beginning, but in the end he actually found a solution for him.

What Liu Wen could say, other than calling someone awesome, she didn't know what to say.

Song Boyang made sense to Tang Hai again, or there was no other way
It's really not easy to find a reliable English teacher, but I really missed this one, and I don't know when a teacher will appear.

Liu Wen could see the helplessness of Tang and Song Boyang, yes, she was really helpless after thinking about it, no matter whether she was really satisfied with this person or not, it was already the best result.

"There are some aspects of communication between children that we don't understand."

"Maybe they don't understand the language, and they may find a way to communicate." Sometimes I feel incredible, but such things happen suddenly.

"I hope." Song Boyang could only hope that his two sons could communicate with each other.

Even if the matter of finding a teacher for the group is temporarily settled, Liu Wen sees that Tang Hai has no intention of leaving, and guesses that they must have something to say.

"I'll go up and take a rest." Although the daily driving time is not too long, and two people take turns to drive, but after all, there is no high-speed era, driving on the national highway along the way, pedestrians appear from time to time.

Liu Wen is really looking forward to the arrival of the high speed, so that driving on the road is also convenient, otherwise, the spirit is really high and the pressure is really high.

After going upstairs, Liu Wen got into bed and soon fell asleep.

When she woke up, she felt that there was someone beside her. Don't look back to know that there is no one except Song Boyang.

I looked up and looked out the window, well, it should be around four or five o'clock, and there is still some sunshine outside.

I yawned. Starting tomorrow, I will be busy.

They have to send Liao Jian and the others to the airport, and when they come back, they have to buy a lot of things.

Some things are left in Sioux City, and they need to be purchased again when they arrive in Yangcheng.

Of course, before that, there is the most important thing to do, which is to interview the aunt.

On the weekends, Tuanzi and the others will also clean up together, and they can also handle the work that they can do normally. Liu Wen thinks that hiring an aunt should be enough.

However, for such a big house, it would be quite a challenge to hire an aunt, even if there is a group of them to help, and it would be busy.

Liu Wen and Song Boyang also discussed, to give the aunt more salary, [-]% more salary, and if they do a good job, they can give a bonus at that time.

As for the things that Tuanzi and the others should do, of course, there is no shortage of them, otherwise Auntie will do it all by herself, so she won't be too busy.

After all, there are three floors up and down, as well as a terrace on the top floor, and the front and rear gardens need to be taken care of by my aunt.

Liu Wen sighed softly, "When I bought the house, I was concerned about the size, and I completely forgot about the cleaning afterward."

The house in Sioux City can be regarded as small and exquisite, and their family of four lived quite spaciously.

As a result, when I came to Yangcheng, I didn't pay attention for a while, thinking about living in a big house, and ended up digging a big hole for myself.

But now that the house is bought, it has been renovated, even if you regret it, it is a foregone conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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