Chapter 369

In order not to make Liu Wen work so hard, the dumplings and the meat buns have made plans, as long as the other party is not a child who is a monster, they will bear it.

"Aunt Liu, when will we meet each other?" It's always necessary to meet sooner or later, so it's better to meet sooner.

"Tomorrow you go to school to report, and then meet in the afternoon." Liu Wen suddenly remembered something, if it is about the same age as Tuanzi, it is not the other party but also a student.

But Liu Wen was really curious why children of this age didn't go to school.

Now it is not like later generations, because after more foreigners come to the mainland, many big cities have established international schools, so the children of foreigners do not need to worry that they will not be able to attend classes.

Now, I probably haven’t thought of this. Not many foreigners come to the mainland. Even if they are married and have children, many of them come here alone. They don’t bring their families with them, so school is not a problem.

Now there must be no school for foreigners' children, so why does this child go to school?

Don't you go to school?Thinking of this, Liu Wen's expression was a bit ugly, she probably wouldn't find someone who is unlearned and incompetent.

If this is the case, Liu Wen is really not very happy, forget it, we will talk about it when we see each other tomorrow.

If I thought about this incident yesterday, I could go and inquire about it again, but now I have already made an appointment, so it would be impolite to say no.

Not going to class?The dumplings and the meat buns didn't understand, "Why can he not go to school?"

"Is he a bad boy, or why doesn't he go to school?"

Immediately N questions about why he didn't go to school flew over, but Liu Wen was so busy that he didn't know what to say.

It cannot be said that their problems are wrong, nor can it be said that if they do not go to school, they must be bad children.

What if both the dumplings and the meat buns say that they don't want to go to school either?

Since she didn't know the reason, Liu Wen told the truth, "I don't know the reason, and you should also know that there are many reasons for not going to class."

"For example, due to physical reasons, they cannot go to school and have to recuperate at home."

“Or they study on their own at home.” Some kids just don’t like the pace of school and prefer to study at home.

Of course, such children are generally not very smart, and they dislike the teacher's lectures and waste his time. They are the kind who don't like studying very much and their parents dote on them.

Or there is another possibility that the child is too smart and has already been admitted to university, and he wants to go out for a walk before going to university. After all, there are not many children at this age who go to university.

In short, everything is possible, and Liu Wen and the others can only guess a little bit.

After listening to Liu Wen's guess, Tuanzi and Roubao began to discuss what was going on with the foreigner who was about to become their English teacher.

Tuanzi only had one thought, that is, "I hope I don't get admitted to university, otherwise..."

He always thought he was quite smart, but he suddenly discovered that someone was smarter and more powerful than him. At the same age, he was only in elementary school, and if the other person could go to college, it was really not an ordinary horror.

Roubao also kept nodding, "Yes, yes, you can't go to college, otherwise..."

This will make them feel a lot of pressure, and, "If he is really so smart, will he think they are stupid, and the speed of learning things is too slow."

Tuanzi didn't think so much at the beginning, just thinking that if the other party went to college, wouldn't it be a lot of pressure.

It turned out that he didn't expect that it might be more complicated than he thought.

If the other party is really smart, seeing that they are struggling to speak English, they might think they are fools.

What to do, Tuanzi never thinks that he is a fool, but if he really can't keep up with the opponent's rhythm, isn't he a fool?

No, he and Roubao are smart kids, how could they become a stupid kid.

Soon he thought of a way, "It's okay, he gives us English lessons, and we give him Chinese lessons, maybe he stumbles at noon?"

"If he dares to dislike us for being slow in learning, we will also dislike him for being slow in learning."

"Uncle said, we will find it difficult to learn English, and it will be difficult for foreigners to learn Chinese."

"No, it's even more difficult."

"So, let's not be cowardly." Tuanzi concluded. "We're going to have faith in us."

"If he is really smart by then, we'll see the situation."

I glanced at Liu Wen who was driving in front. Although I knew that she would not talk too much, it was better not to let her know about some things.

Liu Wen heard the meaning behind the words, that is, it will depend on the situation when the time comes, and it is useless for them to discuss more when they don't know anything.

The children nowadays are not like they were, they are so stupid, Liu Wen couldn't help sighing.

She really doesn't think it's wrong for a child to be a little cautious, as long as he uses his thoughts on the right path, not the kind of thoughts that are always calculating, it's okay.

People who are a little bit careful are always better than idiots, and the Song family wouldn't want two more idiots, right?

Even though Song Bohua kept saying that the Song family members in the beautiful country don't need to talk to them, but after Tuanzi and the others went there, can they really ignore them?

Especially the Song family in the beautiful country. Although most of them are mediocre and rely on the family's funds to live, there are still a few of them who are doing well.

Those people saw Tuanzi and the others passing by, and they were good at reading, what if they played tricks?

Don't think that they are all members of the same family, they will take care of Tuanzi and the others.

This doesn't exist at all, but they will find ways to trick them. It's because everyone is jealous and doesn't want to see familiar people and relatives live well.

Especially Song Bohua made a strong comeback, but stole a lot of money from them.

For example, if they lived a happy life before, now they are barely living, which is a slightly stronger state than starving to death.

With such a big gap in life, how many people can bear it?
If he wanted to take revenge on Song Bohua, he had been prepared for a long time. In addition, his children were getting older, and seeing the ugly faces of those relatives, he would definitely be on guard.

But Tuanzi and the others are different. Although they have seen a lot of ugly faces since they were young, they don't have such ruthless calculations for gossip and the like.

In this way, in the eyes of Tuanzi and the others, they felt that what they did was already very bad, and they would never have thought that people could be so ruthless for money.

What Song Boyang meant was, if possible, let Tuanzi and the others endure more setbacks and experience more things in China, even if they were mentioned by others.

Although it is a bit cruel, but human, and only in this way can we make progress.

(End of this chapter)

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