Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 370 Interviewing the Nanny

Chapter 370 Interviewing the Nanny
As soon as Liu Wen arrived home with the big and small bags, she saw Tang Hai's nanny bringing a few people over after a while.

In the previous life and the present life, Liu Wen didn't know how many nannies she interviewed, and she quickly chose a nanny.

This is a middle-aged woman in her forties from Sichuan Province. The man works on the construction site in Yangcheng. She also worked as a small worker on the construction site, cooking for the workers.

But as a result, the relatives of the foreman came to work here, fell in love with her work, and lost their jobs like this.

Although men's wages are not low, they have to raise several children. Both the son and the daughter are studying. The father-in-law is not in good health and takes medicine all the year round. The burden is heavy, so she must find a job.

Liu Wen was not surprised that she provided for her son to study, but she did not expect that this woman would still provide for her daughter's education, which can be said to be really rare.

Especially judging by the way she speaks, her standing posture, her fingernails, and her clothes are clean, Liu Wen thinks this one is absolutely fine.

As for the level of cooking, Liu Wen reckoned that it would take a little training. After all, people in Sichuan Province like to cook with peppers.

Although Song Boyang and the others don't eat spicy food at all, they don't have a high tolerance. This needs to be adjusted.

After Tang Hai's nanny saw that Liu Wen had chosen a good candidate, she took the rest away, and then it was time for Liu Wen to negotiate terms with the other party.

I had already taken them to see the situation at home before, and briefly talked about the housework to be done every day. As for the salary, Liu Wen hadn't mentioned it yet.

"My house is relatively large, and there are many places that need to be cleaned every day, so let's do it this way." Liu Wen simply quoted a price.

"If you do well, you will get a bonus every quarter and a red envelope at the end of the year."

In fact, after looking at the house just now, after listening to Liu Wen talk about the housework to be done every day, several people were not happy. After all, such a big house has cleaning, grocery shopping and cooking, and the key point is to undertake it alone , is not very happy.

Although Zhang Cuihua can endure hardships, she is also worried that she will not be able to do it. But thinking about the children's tuition fees and her father-in-law's medical expenses, what can she do?
I could only grit my teeth and do it, but I didn't expect that the reward was really good, plus there were bonuses and so on.

Even if you don't know how much the bonus is, at least this salary is equivalent to two months' salary on the construction site.

She used to work as a small worker on the construction site, and said she was mainly responsible for three meals, but when she was not cooking, she had to go to the construction site to work, carrying steel bars, moving bricks, etc., all of which had to be done.

After careful calculation, there are actually quite a lot of work on the construction site, and the salary is not very high, and there are still people who criticize.

Zhang Cuihua thought for a while, and agreed, "I'll go back and clean up, and I'll move here today."

Zhang Cuihua was in a hurry to find a job, but the foreman kept making sarcastic remarks, saying that no one was working on the construction site, so why would she have the nerve to live on the construction site?

She is no longer working on the construction site, but she also knows that it is not good to live on the construction site. She usually does not help work less, and does not take money, but she still says so.

Now that she has found a job, she doesn't bother to look at those people's faces.

Hmph, if you have the strength to work on the construction site, no one says it's good, but you still feel disgusted. It's better to spend your energy here. If you do a good job, the boss can still give you money.

Liu Wen didn't expect the babysitter to start working so soon, of course she was happy, "Success, then the salary will be calculated from today."

Originally, they agreed that they would start work tomorrow, but this one is so diligent, of course Liu Wen is too embarrassed to exploit her.

Zhang Cuihua just wanted to move out as soon as possible, so as to save some people from chattering. She didn't expect Liu Wen to say that she would start counting from today.

Zhang Cuihua had never worked as a nanny before, but since she wanted to be a nanny, of course she would ask her fellow villagers.

It can be said that I have heard many fellow villagers complain about how the owner is stingy and how he can't see people taking a break.

Although I don't know whether Liu Wen will not watch her rest, but at least this person is not stingy, and the room prepared for her is also very good.

Although the room is not big, it has a 1.2-meter bed, a separate bathroom, and a separate wardrobe.

It can be said that it is better than the house in my hometown. "Don't count salary today, I will come for half a day."

The boss is very generous, and Zhang Cuihua is not a master who likes to take advantage of others, and keeps saying that today's salary is not counted.

"Yes, after all, you start working today." It's just a day's wages, and Liu Wen said that it's not that she can't afford it, and there's no need to withhold it like this.

Zhang Cuihua saw that Liu Wen would not let go, so she didn't insist anymore, and secretly made up her mind to work hard when the time came.

Zhang Cuihua returned to the construction site, packed up her things quickly, and was about to leave. She went to the cafeteria to find the man who was queuing up for dinner.

Tell him, find a job, and mention the place by the way, so that if you need to find her, you can find the place.

In the end, when she walked to the cooking place, she found that everyone was talking about why the meal was not ready at this point, and how they should start work in the afternoon.

Zhang Cuihua felt very strange, what's going on, why hasn't dinner been served at this point.

Because the construction period of this project is very fast, the foreman not only increased the labor cost during the Spring Festival, but also tried to let more workers stay on the construction site to work and not go back during the Spring Festival, and also increased the treatment of food.

Zhang Cuihua and his wife calculated that working overtime during the Spring Festival would equal one month's salary, but she was still unemployed.

Zhang Cuihua was a little dazed, but still wanted to find her man. As for what happened here, does it have anything to do with her?
When Zhang Cuihua was looking for her man, she heard someone calling her angrily.

Turning my head, I found that it was the foreman who called her. I was very surprised. I didn't understand why I called her, and it was such an attitude.

Hearing the protests from the workers below, the foreman felt furious. He really didn't expect his relatives to cheat him like this.

Of course, Zhang Cuihua didn't even come here to help. If she hadn't temporarily put down the burden, how could this happen.

"Zhang Cuihua, why don't you come to the cafeteria to help out today, are you decent?" the foreman walked up to Zhang Cuihua and said angrily.

Zhang Cuihua looked at the foreman who took it for granted, and was also angry, "Did I take your salary?"

"Why should I help?"

"You, you..." The foreman remembered at this moment that Zhang Cuihua was no longer a worker at the construction site because of the arrival of his relatives, and he really had no right to criticize him.

But it was not in his nature to admit defeat in front of so many people.

"Aren't you still living on the construction site?" the foreman shouted angrily.

"I live on a construction site, but I have always shared a bed with my man. You keep saying that you want to give me a room, but I don't have one either."

"Also, I don't work on the construction site, I still come to help cook every day, and I pay for three meals a day."

"Your relatives said it was my accommodation fee."

"Now I have found a job. I'm sorry, I'm leaving." Hmph, Zhang Cuihua used to think that the foreman was a good person, but his relatives were not good.

Now she feels that it is not at all. If he hadn't instructed him behind the scenes, would the foreman's relatives have treated her like this?
(End of this chapter)

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