Chapter 371
Zhang Cuihua returned to Liu Wen angrily, and she happened to take out the bed sheets she just bought from the washing machine.

She likes to wash the newly bought sheets and other things first, and then use them after being exposed to the sun.

Seeing Zhang Cuihua look so angry, she was quite surprised, and didn't understand how it happened.

"Sister Zhang, what's wrong with you?" Liu Wen wondered if the other man disagreed?
Seeing Liu Wen, Zhang Cuihua remembered that she was already working here, not working under that disgusting foreman, "It's okay, I just went back to pack my luggage, and then I realized that the foreman is not as disgusting as usual."

Zhang Cuihua was also straight-hearted, and cracklingly said to the foreman, "I have never seen such a stingy person."

"Before, I was disgusted by all kinds of people, saying that I would stay on the construction site without going to find a job. But when I found a job, they even told me not to leave, saying that they could give me a salary."

Before changing it, Zhang Cuihua would of course agree. After all, working part-time is not only for money, but face is worth a lot.

But now that she has found a job, and knows that the foreman is a chicken-hearted person, how could she work there.

For the behavior of the foreman, Liu Wen also felt that it was normal, "He, he can't do much."

Those who can come out now, apart from lack of money at home and want to make more money, are also courageous people. They just lack an opportunity now.

Once they are given a chance, sooner or later they will go out independently, and the workers will leave sooner or later because of the foreman's preoccupied temperament.

But now Zhang Cuihua's man is still working under the other party, "You just left, aren't you worried about your man?"

Zhang Cuihua is not worried, "Don't worry, my man is good at crafts, that is to say, he came out to work with the foreman before, and my man is embarrassed to change places to work."

"If he dares to babble, he dares not to pay wages, my man said, where is not a construction site, where can't work."

Zhang Cuihua felt a little embarrassed, as this was her private matter, Liu Wen could completely ignore it, and ended up discussing it with her.

"It's not that no one has found my man before, hoping to work with them."

"The salary is also quite high, and I can also arrange my work. I can be a small worker on the construction site, and the salary is still high. We just feel that we are all fellow villagers."

Zhang Cuihua sighed softly, "At the beginning, I thought that if we were all fellow villagers, we shouldn't bully others."

"I didn't expect it..." She really didn't know how to say it.

People who thought they could help each other turned out to be able to float like this now that they have money.

"Also said that we all depend on him for our money, so we should be grateful to him."

"I admit this. If it wasn't for him, none of us would have known that we could make so much money outside."

"But we also make a lot of money through our own hard work."

"He didn't lose money from us." Zhang Cuihua sighed softly, "Forget it, don't mention it."

"I don't work with him anymore, why mention these things." From Liu Wen's appearance, it should be washing things, put the burden in the room quickly, and then come out to work.

It can be said that with the addition of Zhang Cuihua, Liu Wen really felt much more relaxed, and all the clothes that needed to be cleaned were cleaned in a short time.

The newly bought kitchen utensils and other things should be cleaned and sterilized, and they are all put in the cabinet.

As for the guest rooms on the first, third and second floors, Zhang Cuihua quickly mopped the floor, and then wiped down the furniture.

Liu Wen was shocked by the dexterity of the movement. It's not that I haven't seen someone with dexterity in movement, but it's really rare to see such a dexterous movement, and the one that was cleaned was clean.

Liu Wen suddenly felt that it was really great to have such a good housekeeper at this price.

Liu Wen has also thought about it. If she continues to work here, when the boss starts the social security business, she can consider helping her pay social security.

Although it is necessary to pay more, but in exchange for her serious work, Liu Wen thinks it is very necessary.

As for how to pay the social security at that time, Liu Wen has already thought about it, so she will pay the social security in the name of Tang Hai Company.

If they move out of town, it would be best if Zhang Cuihua is willing to continue to follow them. Liu Wen doesn't want to change her nanny, so she has to get in touch with her again.

After busy work, it was almost time for Song Boyang to get off work. Liu Wen drove the dumpling and they were ready to pick him up from get off work.

Then the family planned to go to Gong Li's place. Originally they planned to go out for dinner, but later Gong Li said that they should eat at home, so they could identify the door.

As for where to eat, Liu Wen really doesn't care. It still depends on who you eat with and whether you enjoy the meal. As for where to eat and what you eat, it doesn't matter.

Before leaving, Liu Wen told Zhang Cuihua, "If you want to eat, you can make it yourself, there are ingredients at home."

Although there is no fire to cook today, Liu Wen is also preparing for the things that should be prepared. After all, it will be regarded as the official fire from tomorrow.

After finishing speaking, he drove away. If he didn't leave, it would be too late. I haven't seen Gong Li for a long time, and I have a lot to say.

Especially knowing that Yao Ying was swaying in Yangcheng under the name of Tao Zeming's relatives, Liu Wen felt dizzy thinking about it, and she didn't know how much trouble she had caused them.

Although this matter has nothing to do with Tao Zeming and the others after careful investigation, it is only Yao Ying and the others who are unlucky, but people will still be caught.

The more Liu Wen thought about it, the angrier she became. Some people, no matter how many times they hit, would jump up and down every time. They are really tenacious Xiaoqiang.

But what should they do if they can't, Liu Wen gets angry when she thinks about it, if possible, Liu Wen really wants to deal with them directly and prevent them from jumping out.

But after thinking for a long time, she couldn't find a way to deal with them.

After all, Yao Ying said outside that she knew Tao Zeming, and she deceived Yang Zhi, but as long as Yang Zhi didn't report the case, the case would not be filed.

Liu Wen also knew that even if Yang Zhi knew he had been duped, he would only privately force Yao Ying to spit out the money.

But if you go to the police, Liu Wen thinks about it, and thinks that the probability is not high.

It was only a small area that knew that he had been cheated by a woman. If it was called to the police, everyone in the business in Yangcheng would know it, and I don't know how many people would laugh at him.

For a person in business, face is a big problem, and how many people are busy running around just to save face.

After much deliberation, Liu Wen didn't think of a good way to make a move, so she didn't bother to think about it.

This matter, let those smart people think about it. With her brain, even if she is a reborn person, she is not enough to look down upon compared with Tao Zeming and the others.

Knowing her own shortcomings, Liu Wen will not expose her shortcomings, and let smart people deal with these things.

(End of this chapter)

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