Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 372 For the Delayed Beibei

Chapter 372 For the Delayed Beibei

After picking up Song Boyang, Liu Wen drove to Gong Li's house. As for the gift, Liu Wen had already prepared it.

It's just some fruits, and some local products brought from Sioux City, which are Gong Li's favorite food.

Anyway, they drove all the way south, and there was enough space in the car, of course for packing.

It didn't take a while to arrive at the compound, register, and then call to confirm.

Although this compound was Liu Wen's first visit here, it was the same process when she was about to go to Shanghai before, and Liu Wen and the others knew a thing or two.

So even if she was waiting, Liu Wen just looked at the surrounding scenery, "The location is good."

"Then the greenery inside is good."

"Public security is also good." There are guards at the door, and only fools and people who are not afraid of death will break in here.

But it is estimated that there are no such people. It is much easier to find a place to make a fortune outside, so why choose this place without thinking.

Song Boyang hummed, if the law and order in the compound is still not good, it is estimated that few places are safe.

"But we have Beibei here." Liu Wen was satisfied with Beibei, "By the way, do you think Beibei is going to be a father?"

Last time I heard Tao Yu say that he would choose more beautiful wives for Beibei, but it has been so long, and I haven't seen the follow-up.

"Are you in a hurry?" Is Liu Wen so anxious about Beibei's life-long event?Song Boyang thinks she shouldn't be in such a hurry.

"I don't want to be in a hurry, but there's nothing I can do. Too many people are waiting for Beibei to have a baby."

"You don't even know how many descendants of Beibei I owe now."

"I met Mr. Tang when I went out today, and he never forgot to ask Bei Bei if he could be a father."

When I was in Sioux City, although many people were looking forward to Beibei's child, they didn't dare to ask about it from time to time.

It turned out to be better now, and he lived near Tang Hai's house, and he would ask the last time from time to time, Liu Wen was really worried that she would not be able to bear it.

Song Boyang really didn't take Tang Hai's words seriously, and felt that he was just curious for a while. After all, it was a bit difficult for Tang Hai to want a powerful dog, but it was not impossible to get one.

In the end, I didn't expect Tang Hai to be so anxious, "He is so anxious."

Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, "Yes, when I saw me, I greeted us, and then I asked about it."

"I'm really worried that every time I see me, I won't ask when his dog will give birth to Beibei's baby."

Liu Wen felt wronged when she thought about it, "Although I am Beibei's mother, I really have no say in Beibei's life-long affairs."

"You see, my brother is also, busy in various ways."

"Last time I asked my brother when he would let Beibei meet his wife, but he told me there was no rush."

"He has to choose slowly."

"Really, I think, Beibei is destined to have a lot of harem, so don't make too many demands."

"Forget it, I'm just complaining about one or two things, let's wait for my brother."

"By the way, do you want us to choose a beautiful bitch so that we don't have to wait for my brother?"

Liu Wen feels that the family can have two dogs now, and Beibei can have a regular companion by then.

Song Boyang thought it was ok, "Sure, but where do you tell me to find it?"

He didn't have a dog before, so it can be said that Bei Bei was his first dog, and Tao Yu found it, so he didn't know how to choose a dog.

"Look for me." Tang Hai never thought that there would be such good news when he came to Tao Zeming's house for dinner today.

Liu Wen and the others did not expect to meet Tang Hai, "You are?"

Could it be that Tang Hai has a part in today's dinner?If he didn't go to Tao's house, where else could Tang Hai go.

"Uncle Tao's house invited me today." Tang Hai had a good relationship with Tao Zeming when he was in Shencheng.

Liu Wen and the others said, Tang Hai continued to ask, "I can provide a wife who meets Beibei's requirements."

"You can have a concubine selection meeting for him." Tang Hai said that as long as Bei Bei likes it, he can stay.

Let me go, Beibei actually has a concubine selection meeting, Liu Wen really doesn't know what to say, can she say that she is not as good as a dog?

Forget it, I won't say this, it will only make people sad, "I'm sorry, I don't have such a big place at home."

"And my Beibei is monogamous."

"Ah, dogs are still monogamous?" Tang Hai was amused by Liu Wen's words.

"I've never heard of dogs like this." It's ridiculous, if all dogs are monogamous, it is estimated that there will not be so many stray dogs outside.

"You didn't hear it, but it doesn't matter, my Beibei does it this way." Liu Wen didn't care so much.

"Besides, my house is not big, two dogs are enough." Liu Wen insisted that Beibei only needs one wife.

Tang Hai originally wanted to say that it doesn't matter if there is not enough space, his family has space, but he couldn't help Liu Wen's insistence.

Liu Wen and the others can enter the compound, but since they met Tang Hai, of course they have to go in together.

"How is the nanny today?" Tang Hai remembered that today was also the day when Liu Wen interviewed the nanny, and he didn't know if she had chosen a suitable nanny.

"Very good, fast work." Liu Wen is really satisfied with Zhang Cuihua, "There is work in my eyes."

Song Boyang originally wanted to ask after returning home, but now he was relieved to hear that Liu Wen was very satisfied with the new nanny.

Since the daughter-in-law is satisfied, that is the best, after all, it is not easy to find a suitable nanny.

Tang Hai knew that Liu Wen was satisfied with the nanny, so he let it go, "Go to the store together the day after tomorrow?"

Originally, according to Tang Hai's plan, he should go to see the shop today, make a decision early, and then start the decoration.

But Liu Wen couldn't help but have too many things to do, so she had no choice but to delay until the day after tomorrow.

Liu Wen also knew that this matter could not be delayed any longer. After all, there were only so many good shops, and they were in high demand.

Even if the other party is willing to wait because of Tang Hai's face, he can't wait for a long time.

"I'll go to see the shop the day after tomorrow, and try to make a decision the day after tomorrow." No shop that can satisfy Tang Hai will be too bad.

The only difference is which shop Liu Wen is interested in. She just wants to choose a location with better development potential.

And the day after tomorrow is really all right, of course we have to deal with the business.

When Tuanzi saw Tang Hai, he remembered what they had discussed before, "Uncle Tang, Aunt Liu told us today that we are going to see the teacher tomorrow."

"He's not as old as me, but why doesn't he go to class?" Now that he saw the person, Tuanzi wanted to ask.

Although we can know the result tomorrow, wouldn't it be better to know one or two earlier?
That's right, Song Boyang actually felt a little strange when he heard Tang Hai introduce the other party's situation yesterday, but at the beginning, his focus was on how their children communicated.

Hearing Tuanzi's question now, Song Boyang was also a little anxious. People of this age shouldn't be studying, so why didn't he study?
Is there any problem here?If there is a problem, then you have to reconsider one or two.

(End of this chapter)

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