Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 373 Introduction

Chapter 373 Introduction
Tang Hai was also surprised, "Ah, didn't I tell you?"

"Did you say it?" Song Boyang can be sure that this guy never mentioned this, otherwise, Liu Wen would not have told Tuanzi and the others.

"The child's health is not very good, so at the current stage, he is taking a break from school and studying at home."

"His parents divorced when he was very young. This time the child's father was transferred to work in China. It was best for him and his mother to take care of him."

"But it turned out that the other party had just given birth to twins, so he didn't have so much time and energy to take care of this son."

"There is no way for the father and son to come to China."

"However, I can assure you that although the child's body is not very good, his brain is really smart."

"Even if he is self-taught at home, his student status has been transferred to a school in Hong Kong City?" Tang Hai thought for a long time.

"I also forget which school it is, but I can be sure that it is a good school. It looks like a name. I don't usually go to school, but I go there during the exam."

"By the way, it seems that after the other party transfers back in two or three years, that kid will apply for university."

"If there is no accident, it should be the famous school in the beautiful country that the elder brother said." Tang Hai just listened to it at the beginning, and didn't ask much.

He is a single man without children, so why ask about it? If he has children, it is normal to ask about it.

But he doesn't have any children, so he just listens to it, and just knows that he is a very powerful university league.

Tang Hai didn't know the name, but Song Boyang knew, "Ivy League."

Song Boyang has never been to such a school, but he still knows a thing or two about the universities in this league.

"Really good university."

"It's as famous as our Q University and B University here." Song Boyang made a comparison between these two universities and the schools in that alliance.

My God, Song Boyang's words not only calmed Tang Hai, but also the dumplings and meat buns.

They didn't expect that their English teacher was really so good, what should they do?
Tuanzi looked at Song Boyang uneasily. If the teacher is super powerful, then what can he do if he can't meet the teacher's request.

Although Tuanzi was also worried, seeing that his younger brother was so worried, he knew not to panic, otherwise his younger brother would panic even more.

"It's okay, we're not bad either."

"We can do it." Tuanzi felt that they hadn't thought of this before, and now that they have a goal to catch up, of course they will work hard.

"And our bodies are healthier than his." Tuanzi tried hard to find what they had but the other party didn't have.

Liu Wen looked at the dumpling who kept comforting the meat bun, and exchanged glances with Song Boyang. They were really satisfied with this tutor who hadn't met yet.

The two children of Tuanzi and Roubao are very smart children. Compared with their children of the same age, it can be said that they are many times smarter.

I don’t know if it’s because I think I’m still young, or I think I’m smarter than many people, so I don’t work too hard, and I think it’s enough to learn.

But now they suddenly discovered that when someone was smarter and worked harder than them in places they didn't know, they would be touched and work harder.

For healthy competition, Song Boyang and Liu Wen still like to see it, so that they can improve each other, don't they?
When Tang Hai saw what the two children said, he couldn't hold back for a while, and burst out laughing.

Let the dumplings and meat buns who were discussing whether they should be better than each other look at Tang Hai very unhappy.

"Uncle Tang, what are you laughing at?" Roubao asked very unhappy.

Of course Tang Hai wouldn't admit what he was laughing at, he waved his hand, "I didn't laugh at anything."

Duanzi and Roubao are not fools, how could they be fooled so easily, but no matter how they asked Tang Hai, the latter just said he didn't smile.

This made the two of them feel very unhappy, but they had no choice but to get into the car angrily.

Gong Li knew that Liu Wen and the others were coming today, so she rushed home as soon as it got off work. Although there was a nanny at home, and she also explained the meals to be prepared today, she always felt that she was not in charge of her children, so she was not at ease.

She didn't forget to tell Tao Zeming not to work overtime today, and she doesn't care about working overtime normally, but today is a special situation, so she can't work overtime.

Just as Liu Wen and the others entered the compound, Tao Zeming's car also entered the compound. It can be said that Liu Wen and the others were at home, but Gong Li was very angry.

Mingming told him to remember to go home early, but he still didn't remember, but because Liu Wen and the others were there, he saved some face for him.

Seeing Gong Li's expression, Tao Zeming knew that the situation was not good, so he quickly explained why he was late at home.

"I was going to get off work, and I was already at the door of the office, but the phone rang, so I had to answer it."

"It turned out to be a call from that brat Tao Yu." Thinking of the news on the other end of the phone, Tao Zeming's expression became even more unhappy.

When Gong Li heard that it was her precious son's call, she looked at him quickly, wondering what could have caused her son to call Tao Zeming instead of her.

"I thought it was a big deal, but he actually told me that Beibei is old enough to be a father, remember to ask me to choose some beautiful dogs for Beibei."

"Tell me..." Tao Zeming wanted to say, "Although Beibei retired early, it is impossible for him not to be a father at his age."

In the team, he is not of breeding age, but Liu Wen has raised Beibei for several years, so it is impossible not to become a father.

Although it is a little unbelievable, Liu Wen can only say that Beibei has not yet become a father, "Brother said, he will help Beibei find a wife."

"The result has been delayed until now." Liu Wen complained again, "My brother is doing something, really..."

Liu Wen was really curious about Tao Yu's attitude at work. It should not be like this. Otherwise, how could he go to the capital for further studies and stay in the capital to work.

If this kind of attitude is aimed at Beibei, Liu Wen expressed that she is very unhappy, won't this delay Beibei's becoming a father?

Tao Zeming didn't expect that Beibei had not become a father for a long time, and he was still related to Tao Yu, so he suddenly became embarrassed.

Tao Zeming remembered what Tao Yu had mentioned, saying that he was busy and asked the old man to help him keep an eye on one or two, but the old man forgot about it when he was busy.

But in front of Liu Wen and the others, how could Tao Zeming admit his mistake, "This kid, really, forgets everything when he's busy."

The old man glanced at the dumpling, and remembered that when he entered the house just now, he was not in a good spirit, and remembered that Liu Shuhui's two sons were going to fly back today.

I reckoned that it was probably because I was reluctant to part with my two good friends, "Duanzi, Roubao, what's the matter with you, are you in a bad mood? Are you reluctant to part with your friends?"

(End of this chapter)

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