Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 374 Don't admit defeat

Chapter 374 Don't admit defeat

Tuanzi didn't expect them to be in a bad mood, but Tao Tao Zeming and the others saw them, and couldn't help but become embarrassed.

"Grandpa, I, I..." He wanted to say that although he was sad that Liao Jian and the others would go back, he also knew that they would meet again in a few months.

In particular, there is still the hateful Tang Hai here. Once he follows Tao Zeming's words, will the truth be revealed, and then he will lose face completely.

But if he just said it like this, wouldn't it mean that he is an idiot? At the same age, people would consider going to college in a few years, and he just went to high school.

The gap in this is known to individuals. Doesn't this mean that he is a fool.

If he was really an idiot, Tuanzi wouldn't be so excited. After all, he is an idiot, so he can't compare with smart people.

But he is not an idiot, he has always thought that he is very smart, how could he give up so easily.

Yes, you must not admit defeat, Tuanzi stood up abruptly, "I will work hard too."

"Why can't I do what that little foreigner can do."

"I'm not an idiot, I'm a smart dumpling." Tuanzi kept cheering himself up.

It's not that the other party is about to go to college, and it's quite difficult to catch up with the other party. The problem is that it will take a few years for him to go to college, which means that there is time left to catch up with him.

Tuanzi not only gave himself chicken blood, but also put on meat buns, "Meat buns, let's work hard together."

"We have to go to university in a few years." Tuanzi was thinking about how old they should be admitted to university.

Roubao didn't take the ambition of the dumpling too seriously, and continued to eat. Anyway, he was used to following the dumpling.

"Roubao, I've made up my mind. We'll be admitted to college at the age of 15." Tuanzi didn't know when the other party would go to college, and felt that 15 years old should be the safest.

My god, Roubao was eating fruit, but when he heard the news, no, after the bad news, the fruit in his hand fell on the coffee table.

Roubao has always known that Tuanzi is very competitive, but he never thought that Tuanzi's competitive spirit would be so terrifying and put him under a lot of pressure.

Both Song Boyang and Liu Wen hoped that Tuanzi would work harder, but they didn't expect that this kid really didn't work hard. Once he started to work hard, it would be really scary.

Roubao quickly cleaned up the fruit that fell on the coffee table, "Brother, I think we have to work hard, but, we, don't put too much pressure on us."

"Brother, you are not a few years away from 15 years old."

"For me, it's still a few years before I'm 15. Brother, do you think your goal can be achieved?"

"Brother, I know you are eager to catch up with each other, but we can't mess up."

What can Roubao do? Knowing that fighting with Tuanzi will definitely make him more angry, so he can only slowly move forward in a detour, hoping to change Tuanzi's mind.

At this moment, Roubao disliked the little teacher he hadn't seen in all kinds of ways. It was really too much. It didn't matter if he was smart, how could he put so much pressure on others.

Song Boyang also came to his senses, "Tuanzi, you should be laying a good foundation now. If you don't have a good foundation, you just want to build a high-rise building. This is very easy to cause accidents."

"And you see, life is very long. You are running away now, but are you sure you are running away from others every time?"

"Maybe you ran past others this time, but next time you can still run past them?"

"Then are you sure you can run past each other every time?"

"Even if you ran past the opponent, did you really win?"

"They are advancing according to their rhythm, but what about your rhythm?" Song Boyang hoped that Tuanzi would be self-motivated, but he should also advance according to his rhythm.

Roubao didn't make a sound, but kept nodding beside him.

In fact, Tuanzi also had a hot head for a while, so he didn't think too much about it. Now that he listened to a bunch of questions from Song Boyang, well, his head suddenly went cold.

"Dad, I won't be so confused anymore." Tuanzi felt that he was really out of his mind, and there was nothing else in his mind except surpassing the other party.

Is it difficult for them to get into college?There is no difficulty at all, and what he has to do now is to lay a solid foundation.

Is it true that the fastest runner will be the first to reach the finish line?Just look at grandpa, how many people said that he was worse than his peers at the beginning, and he was promoted long ago, so he just stayed put.

But looking at Grandpa now, it seems that something has happened to those who have been promoted at the same time as him, who have been promoted a long time ago.

It means that they have been busy all their lives, but when they get old, they have nothing left. On the other hand, Tao Zeming, as long as he does a good job this time, he will continue to be promoted.

Tuanzi remembered what Song Boyang said just now, if he runs fast now, must he be fast?

"But Dad, I still want to skip a grade." A teacher had advised Tuanzi to skip a grade before, but he felt that he had too many things to deal with, so he didn't think about it.

But now, he feels that this issue should be considered. Only in this way can he lay a solid foundation and at the same time enter university early.

Grade skipping, Song Boyang said that this is possible, "As long as you pass the grade skipping exam, as long as you keep up with the progress, I think it's all possible."

Tuanzi is really not worried at all about whether he can keep up with everyone's rhythm after skipping a level.

"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely keep up. If I can't keep up, I won't skip a grade."

"No, not only will I not skip a grade, but I will return to my original class." Is it enough just not to skip a grade?

Of course not, let Song Boyang know that he is really serious about studying.

Song Boyang looked at Roubao, wanting to know what his youngest son was thinking, and the latter expressed his acceptance of the current progress.

After all, as far as skipping grades is concerned, this is not too difficult. In fact, the progress of his study at home has already exceeded the progress of school teaching.

Seeing that the two sons agreed to skip a grade, Song Boyang and the two of them finally settled the matter.

Liu Wen saw that this matter came to an end in such a way, well, she once again admitted that Song Boyang is really much better than her in terms of educating children.

Tang Hai was eating and drinking tea nearby, watching how Song Boyang educated his children.

After the matter was over, Tang Hai gave Song Boyang a thumbs up, "Really, whether it was before or now, you are really not ordinary in terms of educating children."

"In our eyes, they are all difficult problems, and you can solve them so easily."

While watching Song Boyang educating his children just now, Tang Hai suddenly had an idea, "I said, Lao Song, when I have a child, you can help me educate my son."

Although it is family planning now, only one or two children are allowed, but Tang Hai knows that he will definitely have a son, and the family property he has earned will never let some so-called relatives point and point.

(End of this chapter)

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