Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 375 Where is the mother of the child

Chapter 375 Where is the mother of the child
Tsk tsk tsk, Liu Wen couldn't stop saying that when she heard Tang Hai's unobtrusive answer, no one could be better than Tang Hai in terms of seeing every stitch.

This guy didn't miss the excitement, and when it was time to fight for benefits, he didn't fight for less.

Song Boyang couldn't help complaining about Tang Hai's brazen request.

"I said you, don't daydream all day long, don't say you have a child, just tell me where your future child's mother is."

Future child mother?Tang Hai was stunned for a moment, "You will know a thing or two soon."

Isn't it just finding a mother for the child? How difficult is it? As long as he has money, he can do it. Some problems that he thought were very complicated before can be simplified immediately.

Although he has never considered the issue of marriage, is it difficult to have a son?
Of course, it's not too big. As long as the money is in place and there is no daughter-in-law, you can have as many children as you want.

"Can't I have children directly?"

"That's right, why do I have to have a wife." Tang Hai didn't like people pointing fingers at him, forbidding him from this or that from him.

If you don't do what she says, you will be unhappy immediately, and you will turn your face in various ways, and you need him to coax you.

It's not that Tang Hai doesn't know how to make girls happy, but the question is why he is required to make girls happy every time, instead of the other party making him.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that once married, his assets will be shared with his wife.

What if the other party came here just for his money, and then used his cheating, etc. to file for divorce, and then divide his hard-earned money, what can he do?
Or is it just spending his money and having a lover outside?
Or maybe giving birth to him is not his child at all. He foolishly raises and raises children for others, and in the end he leaves his life's hard work to this child. When he goes underground, he really wants to Angrily vomiting blood.

It might as well be like now, "I really feel that I am in a good state now."

"I can be with whoever I want to be with. I have no feelings for her, or if she meets a better man than me, we can also break up peacefully."

"You..." Song Boyang knew that Tang Hai would not hide anything in front of them, so he said whatever came to mind.

But he just didn't expect that he would be so undisguised, and say such things so carelessly in front of Tuanzi and the others.

Song Boyang looked up and could see the curious eyes of the two children. Their heads were big, and they were all kinds of big heads. He really didn't know how he should answer if they had questions.

Just when Song Boyang was thinking about how to get rid of the topic, he heard Tuanzi ask Tang Hai crisply.

"Uncle Tang, you don't even have a wife, how can you have a child?"

"That's right, you don't have a daughter-in-law, how can you be a father." Roubao suddenly thought of a possibility, and quickly closed his mouth.

Tang Hai wanted to say something at first, but when he saw Roubao talking, he closed his mouth.

"Tang Hai, what's the matter, if you have any questions, you can ask me." Just through the question of the meat bun, I can get a little idea of ​​the situation over there.

Tang Hai was really worried if he couldn't answer Tuanzi and the others' questions. If he didn't explain a thing or two today, this question would soon become a super big one.

At that time, don't talk about it and explain it clearly, maybe it has reached the point where there is no way to explain it.

If it's an outsider, Tang Hai doesn't care at all, anyway, those people don't see his kindness, and try to trip him up in every way.

As long as it is anything that can hold him back, those people are very happy to see it.

Even if these rumors sound unreliable, they will treat them as true and spread them everywhere.

It's best to hope to see him busy dealing with these rumors, delaying business in various ways.

But none of them knew that to Tang Hai, reputation was important, and as a businessman, credit was very important.

Once you lose your credit, not many people will be willing to cooperate with you.

As for these nonsense, those who sincerely want to cooperate with him will not care, and those who do not cooperate because of such rumors have no need to cooperate.

He doesn't have his own ideas, and he takes it seriously when he hears some troubles. Once they start in-depth cooperation in the future, and encounter such things again, let him explain.

But Song Boyang and Tao Yu are different, he only has a few friends, of course he has to explain clearly, even if he knows they will believe him.

"Whether you have children has nothing to do with whether you are married or not."

"As long as there is a woman to give birth to you."

"Some women want to marry you, but when they see that you don't want to marry a wife, they may change their ways."

"I want to use the method of having a child to tie you up so that you have to marry her."

Tang Hai really doesn't know how many people like this have seen.

Some people don't follow this at all. In a word, if you love life, you can live, if you don't want to live, you can't live, anyway, they don't care.

If the child is born and is willing to be raised by the man, then leave with a small sum of money. What happens to the child in the future has nothing to do with her.

If you don't want to hand over the child to the man's upbringing, that's okay, and the man will not force it, that is, the child will have nothing to do with the man in the future.

In this way, of course, there will be fewer such troubles around the cruel people.

And around those indecisive people, there are many such people. Although there may be a high probability that they will not be able to become a regular, what if they succeed?

And even if he doesn't succeed, such a person is generous in his actions, and it will be no small gain when he leaves with a large sum of money.

It can be said that in this circle, Tang Hai has really seen a lot, and he can understand why the old man's second daughter-in-law treated him so well.

After all, Tang Hai's life is better, but her children's life is not.

But Rao understood why the other party would do this, but he would not forgive those two.

They are not wrong. Could it be that he was wrong as a child at that time?

Perhaps in their eyes, the young Tang Hai should have passed away early like his mother, instead of staying with others, making their family in a dilemma?
Liu Wen was stunned, what's going on, why today's Tang Hai's words are becoming more and more irrelevant, no, I can't see the situation.

If they were the only adults around, no matter what Gong Li and the others thought, Liu Wen would support him anyway.

An unhappy marriage is not as good as a romantic relationship with a stable partner, but the problem is that besides this, there are topics such as illegitimate children.

Not to mention how hot such a topic is, at least an elderly person like Gong Li and the others would definitely find it outrageous.

But in front of Tuanzi and the others, is it really okay to have to say that?
(End of this chapter)

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