Chapter 385
Seeing the three children standing at the door and introducing themselves, Liu Wen couldn't help laughing.

When Liu Wen smiled, Duanzi and Roubao looked at her, and Charlie also looked at her puzzled, wondering why she laughed.

"I just think so why can't I go in and say it."

"Why do you have to stand at the door." Liu Wen also knew her weight, so she simply said it in Chinese.

As for how to translate it to foreigners, it is not because there are still dumplings, this is the problem of dumplings.

Huh, it's another difficult task. What can Tuanzi do, he can only use the words he knows.

Although his grammar and other terms were wrong, Charlie understood what he wanted to express miraculously.

Charlie suddenly felt very impolite, and forgot to invite Tuanzi and the others to enter, and made a welcome gesture, worried that they still didn't understand, and walked into the house first.

His move, even Liu Wen, whose English is basically zero, also understands the meaning.

The three followed Charlie and walked into the house. Charlie asked them in broken Chinese, "What do you drink?"

This person actually understands Chinese?Liu Wen and Tuanzi were taken aback. Although Liu Wen and the others had to recognize what he said for a long time before they knew what he wanted to express, at least they could understand the meaning.

"Water." Liu Wen checked just now, but she didn't see the existence of a nanny. Also, although it is not difficult to find a nanny these days, it is still difficult to find a nanny who can speak English.

Over the past few years, the number of foreigners working in China has increased, but the field of foreign-related nannies has not developed at the same time.

Liu Wen said to drink water, Tuanzi and the others thought about it, and also chose to drink water.

Charlie drank water as soon as he heard it, thinking that it was too simple, "Coke?"

Roubao didn't have much interest in drinking water, but he wanted to follow Tuanzi and the others. He didn't expect Charlie to ask them if they wanted a Coke.

This made him excited, and he kept nodding, "OK, OK."

At this moment, he has long forgotten how panicked he is about speaking English. He just wants to drink Coke now.

Liu Wen is not surprised that Roubao likes to eat cola, after all, there are really few people who can resist cola.

It’s just that I didn’t expect Roubao to communicate with foreigners because of Coke. What can Liu Wen say, is he a snack?

Although Liu Wen thought so, at least she wanted to give Rou Bao a little face.

And the most angry one should be the dumpling. Just now, I pretended that I didn't want to speak English, but in the end, because of a can of Coke, Roubao opened his mouth.

Tuanzi looked at the meat bun who kept expressing his desire to drink Coke, and he had only one thought, which was that he was not familiar with this kid at all, really in all kinds of ways.

Because of such an operation of the meat bun, Liu Wen thought it would be awkward to meet each other, but unexpectedly took a different path.

In Liu Wen's mind, they are learning English from each other, shouldn't they let each other understand their progress?This will facilitate the next teaching.

In the end, I didn't expect the three of them to start communicating with only this Chinese-English dictionary, English-Chinese dictionary, oh, and an exercise book.

It can be said that Liu Wen was really dumbfounded. Before watching, she comforted Song Boyang, saying that the children would definitely have their own way of communicating.

In the end, she really guessed right, but she didn't guess the content of their chat.

Watching them keep flipping through the dictionary, occasionally popping up a few English words and bad Chinese, people who don't know will feel that they really study too seriously.

As for Liu Wen, who was on the sidelines the whole time, he was still dazed until now. He really didn't expect that these people were talking about food.

It's not surprising that Duanzi and Roubao know a thing or two about the delicacies here in Yangcheng. They have been here last year, and they have not missed a thing or two in the past few days, thinking that they have time to go out to eat.

I just didn't expect Charlie, a foreigner, to know a few good restaurants and eat there.

Liu Wen could feel Charlie's resistance to the stall they mentioned, but she still asked if it was really delicious.

Looking at the three people discussing enthusiastically, at this moment, the language barrier?That doesn't exist at all, food really has no borders.

Liu Wen came up with an idea, maybe they will start to improve their language skills from discussing food in the future.

But at least it has a good start. As for how and in what way they started communicating, is this a problem?
Learning the language in a way that they all like should not be so repulsive, and they will study very seriously.

The three of them stood up after talking for a while, and Liu Wen's first reaction was whether to go back.

As a result, Roubao said excitedly, "Aunt Liu, we are going out to eat delicious food."

Ah, go out to eat delicious food at this point?Liu Wen didn't expect them to rise directly from the theoretical school to the practical school so quickly, and was really a little surprised.

Liu Wen couldn't help looking at Tuanzi. Although Charlie's father was on a business trip to the capital, he also knew that access control would still exist, and maybe he would call when the time came.

Tuanzi nodded to Liu Wen, "Charlie's father is on a business trip, and the nanny has something to do today, so she left early, and there is nothing to eat at home."

Well, although Liu Wen felt that the nanny left early, she should have made preparations in advance so that Charlie didn't leave any food.

But the three of them have discussed it, she can say anything, and taking the child out to eat in broad daylight is not a big problem.

"Ask Charlie, what time does his father call him?" Wanting to say what time is the access control, thinking that Tuanzi probably doesn't understand the word access control, Liu Wen, who didn't want to explain, changed the meaning.

The dumpling let out an oh, communicated with Charlie, and got the answer within a short while.

"08:30 to nine o'clock." As for when it is, I don't know.

08:30 Ah, Liu Wen said, "Okay, let's go out and eat something, and then go to our house."

Liu Wen has an intuition that the three of them will interact a lot in the future, Tuanzi and the others may often go to Charlie's house, and Charlie will also often go to Liu Wen's house.

"Would you like to come to our house for dinner?" Tuanzi quickly realized.

Liu Wen hummed, "Didn't you say that his house has nothing to eat, let's eat something outside and then go home to eat."

"There are a lot of vegetables at home." The ingredients can't be wasted, and just eat some snacks outside.

"And it happens to be able to recognize our family." Liu Wen asked the group to ask what Charlie meant.

Charlie snorted, saying that there was no problem. He didn't think there was any problem with Liu Wen's suggestion to go to his house. Now that Tuanzi is here, he can also go to Tuanzi's house to play in the future.

Although they met for the first time today, in Charlie's view, they were friends.

It is normal for friends to interact with each other and go to each other's house.

(End of this chapter)

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