Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 386 Lowering the Requirements

Chapter 386 Lowering the Requirements
Zhang Cuihua knew that the children in the city knew more than the children in the country.

But she didn't expect Tuanzi and the others to be able to communicate with foreigners, and they didn't know what to say. She knew there was a gap, but she didn't expect the gap to be so big.

Back in her hometown, Zhang Cuihua still felt that there was no reason to learn English. If she didn’t go out, the possibility of encountering a foreigner in a small town was almost zero. Why did she have to learn English?

But now she feels that it is necessary to learn English. Just seeing that Tuanzi and the others can communicate with a foreigner, she knows that they are really good.

When Song Boyang got home, he saw a little foreigner, he was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly remembered who it was.

Song Boyang knew that today was the day they were going to meet foreigners, so it seemed that they had a good conversation.

But the question is how to let this foreigner come from home, what is the situation?Is it a home visit?But do foreigners say this about home visits?

Didn't you say that foreigners keep their distance from others?Why is this little foreigner not like this?

Song Boyang looked at Liu Wen, who smiled at him, dragged him upstairs, and explained why Charlie came here.

Song Boyang was relieved to hear that Tuanzi and Charlie communicated well, "That's right, it's a good thing to be able to speak."

"Although the entry point..." He really didn't know how to say, "It's a good entry point."

"By the way, we have a good meal, shall we send him back?" Song Boyang went to the bathroom to take a shower, he was used to taking a shower when he got home.

Liu Wenen said, "Yes, I want to send him back."

"By the way, did you know that Charlie actually said that he wants to study Chinese hard for half a year, and plans to stay in China to study in September."

Liu Wen still wonders if she misunderstood the translation of Tuanzi, but Charlie used half-baked Chinese to confirm that the translation of Tuanzi was correct.

ah?Song Boyang used to think that Charlie is a person who loves learning and would take the initiative to learn Chinese, but now there are really not many foreigners who are so active and hardworking.

In the end, I didn't expect that he still planned to stay in China to study, "Can he understand?"

"I don't know." Liu Wen also felt that it would be a dream if she wanted to be taught in Chinese in half a year.

But having this idea at least shows that he has confidence in learning. Liu Wen said that he should not hit the other party, but should encourage the other party.

Song Boyang hummed, he didn't have too many thoughts about Charlie, what he cared about was.

"So, isn't Tuanzi and the others under all kinds of pressure?" They were worried before, if the other party is very powerful, wouldn't it make them fools.

Now that the men in Charlie have put forward such high demands, isn't it a lot of pressure for Tuanzi and the others?
"I asked Tuanzi, and he said that since Charlie can do something, it doesn't make sense that he can't do it with Roubao."

"He told me so that I have confidence in them." Liu Wen also wondered if Tuanzi gave Charlie such a stimulus and dug a hole for herself.

But on Charlie's side, Liu Wen didn't even hit his confidence, let alone hit Tuanzi.

And if possible, Liu Wen also hopes that Tuanzi and the others can really do this.

Song Boyang wiped his hair, "I don't ask them to do this in half a year."

"I'm very satisfied to be able to do this in two years."

"After all, this is a Chinese environment, not an English environment." Song Boyang knew that Charlie could do this. Apart from his own hard work, there was also the fact that the environment was suitable for learning Chinese.

Liu Wen nodded, yes, "That's why Charlie would say that."

I remembered that before they went out to eat food, even though Charlie's Chinese was really bad, he still greeted people enthusiastically, and then he and Tuanzi tried to speak Chinese after understanding the meaning through the dictionary.

Liu Wen took a deep breath, "Whether it's dumplings or steamed buns, they really did a good job today, and they can all speak English."

"But compared to Charlie..." After all, it's her own child, so Liu Wen couldn't help but pay attention.

Song Boyang understood what Liu Wen didn't say, "Yes, it's really incomparable."

"But it doesn't matter. I think they follow Charlie, and they can see him without fear of embarrassment. They can say what they want. I guess they should do the same."

The more Song Boyang thought about it, the more he felt that Tang Hai's idea, which he had no choice but to think of, was really great.

"It seems that I should invite Tang Hai to eat delicious food." It is really a big favor to not invite him to eat, it really shouldn't be.

"I want it." Liu Wen said that she must thank Tang Hai.

The couple stayed upstairs for a while and then went downstairs to prepare for dinner. After all, they had to send Charlie back after dinner.

Charlie always thought that the food made by his nanny was delicious, but he didn't expect that the food made by the nanny of the dumpling family, especially the soup, was delicious.

Charlie is really envious of the dumplings and the others, who can eat delicious food every meal.

After eating and drinking, Charlie chatted with Tuanzi for a while, and Song Boyang drove him back.

Knowing that Charlie was the only one living in the house, Song Boyang used broken English to keep telling Charlie to remember to close the doors and windows.

Although I also know that the environment near Charlie's house should be very good, but sometimes I still have to be careful.

Charlie nodded, thanked Song Boyang, and got out of the car to go home.

Song Boyang didn't immediately start the car and leave. He drove away after seeing Charlie enter the house and the lights came on.

And he didn't drive back directly. Instead, he went around and went to the western pastry shop that Liu Wen and the others said were delicious, and bought some western pastries.

After Charlie entered the room, he turned on the light, and then quickly looked around the enclosure to make sure there was nothing unusual.

Although the law and order environment here is pretty good, you still can't relax your vigilance. No matter when and where, there will always be one or two bad guys.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard the sound of a car starting from outside the house. He rushed to the window at a high speed, and saw Song Boyang start the car and leave.

Seeing this, Charlie understood that Song Boyang must have seen him turn on the lights in the house, and knew that he had checked every room before driving away.

Charlie felt that his old man had made such an arrangement without even discussing it with him. It would be a little uncomfortable after all.

But now he feels that such an arrangement is really good. He has met interesting friends, and the friend's father also takes good care of him.

In short, today is a happy day, and he has a premonition that the three of them will be friends for life.

Tuanzi ate the fruit, and talked about how they felt after getting along with Tuanzi today, "Charlie is a nice person, really interesting."

"I'm sure we'll be good friends with Charlie."

(End of this chapter)

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