Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 398 The History of the Song Family 1

Chapter 398 The History of the Song Family 1
Tang Hai was stunned, don't look at the relationship between him and Song Boyang, but they didn't discuss this before.

No, it's not that they don't discuss this aspect, but that they only had a little money in the past.

Song Boyang is just a small doctor, with such a small income, he still has to support his family.

As for Tang Hai, let's not talk about it. He didn't know what the future would be like after he had eaten his last meal.

If it weren't for good times, Tang Hai always felt that it was not impossible for him to go in and receive re-education.

And once he is locked in, there will be many people in the Tang family who are happy and watching jokes.

As for anyone who is worried about him, there is absolutely no one, including his biological father, who will not worry about him.

They should only scold him for how ineffective he is, how he has discredited the Tang family, and they should be all kinds of lucky that he was not selected as his successor, otherwise the Tang family would not know how they would be trampled like this now.

Tang Hai couldn't help thinking of his half-brothers and sisters, although in his eyes, those people were greedy fools.

That is, the fool who is fooled by a woman and plays with it in the palm of her hand will think those children are good.

However, if it is necessary to find a better person among the dwarves, Tang Hai thinks that the youngest sister should be the best person to take over the resources of the fool.

I don't know if it's because there are more brothers and sisters. The youngest daughter of the Tang family was neglected by her mother and bullied by her brothers and sisters since she was a child, so she always knew to fight for resources for herself.

Even if it's greedy, at least he can perform one or two, and in terms of brain, it should be considered okay.

But in the end, even if some idiots are useless, the fool still wants to give resources to his son, or to the stupidest, stupidest and most pampered eldest son.

Originally, the Tang family was going downhill under the hands of fools, and Tang Hai admitted that he also contributed a lot.

It turned out that after the fool was delegated power, that guy would make stupid moves again and again, and there were not many families that had a good relationship with the Tang family.

As a result, the families that were able to help the Tang family after a few operations by that idiot have all severed ties with the Tang family.

Originally, the fool came forward to say hello to the head of the other party, not to mention that the relationship was restored to the original, but at least it would not be the kind of old and dead.

But in the end, the fool made a phone call, but instead of apologizing, he asked the other party why he bullied others.

A fool would protect his own child, wouldn't the other party protect his own child?
After coming and going, the other party will fall out completely, or fall out at the level of the parents. It can be said that if there is not enough interest, it is impossible to restore the relationship.

The Tang family was going downhill in the first place, and the family that had a good relationship before had no way to turn their faces, which would cause people to attack.

But if the Tang family committed suicide by themselves, no one would be able to blame one or two.

Even if the Tang family finds a capable middleman to mediate, but the other party just ignores them, what can the Tang family do.

No, the Tang family is not totally helpless, for example, Tang Hai can be allowed to return to the Tang family. In this case, those families will restore their relationship with the Tang family.

This is not Tang Hai's boasting, but that he really received calls from some so-called elders, although it was just a small talk.

But everyone is not a fool, whether it is the other party or Tang Hai, they are busy people, not the kind of people who have time to chat.

Tang Hai laughed at the other party's words of closeness. He has been outside for so many years and knows the importance of backing.

It's not that he has no backing along the way, although it may be possible to compare with those people's family background.

But those people have a good relationship with the Tang family. Isn't it to benefit the Tang family to ease the relationship with them?Let the Tang family buy one?

I'm sorry, but Tang Hai would never do such a stupid thing. Wouldn't it be good for him?

The most important thing is, how many good families are there that can maintain a good relationship with the Tang family?
If we go deeper, either the development is weak, or the successor is not successful, and they are all going downhill. Compared with the Tang family, their speed of decline is not so fast.

Now that he was going downhill and he was not a local snake here in Yangcheng, Tang Hai had no intention of easing relations with them.

Tang Hai also did some research on those families that had a good relationship with the Tang family. In fact, those families were not without people who could lead the family out of the predicament and go uphill.

For example, daughters, son-in-law, or grandsons, granddaughters, etc. In short, in a big family, it is impossible for all of them to be stupid, and there can always be one or two useful people.

It's a pity that the parents just acted as if they didn't see it and didn't give each other a chance, which is still good.

Some families are even more extreme, worrying that the collateral line will surpass the direct line, not only did not give any help, but also added resistance to the other party.

Let the other party go to the department where there is no achievement, or take away the credit and exchange it with other families.

There are too many operations like this, even those who respect the family are already very helpless, either completely decadent, one day after another, or being separated from the family.

With such a role model, will some people in the family who want to work hard still work hard?
Either lie flat or leave the family.

This is to maintain the status of the direct line, but it also brings the family's weak successor. Not to mention leading the family to advance and improve the status, it is really not easy to keep the current status.

Tang Hai couldn't help but fell into thinking, yes, although passing it on to his daughter might feel like passing it on to an outsider, at least it was preserving the strength for the family.

But what he was curious about was, is the Song family so enlightened?

Liu Wen was also very surprised. She always thought that the Song family was that kind of old-fashioned people, but she didn't expect to be so open-minded.

No, it's just lip service, and it can't be taken seriously.

Tang Hai also thought of this, although he felt a little impolite, but he still wanted to ask, "Well, I want to ask, has there ever been a female head of the family in your family?"

Wow, this guy is really not an ordinary warrior. Liu Wen just said something in her heart, but asking questions is impossible.

In the end, I didn't expect that this buddy is not an ordinary warrior. If you want to ask, you can ask. Liu Wen pricked up her ears, wanting to hear what they had to say.

"Of course, my great-grandmother and my grandma are both heads of the family."

"My great-grandfather and grandpa are married." Song Bohua knew that some people would think that they were just talking, and there should be no one who could really do this.

But the Song family is really not the kind of person who just talks, but someone has already done this.

Ah, Liu Wen didn't expect that both Song Bohua's great-grandmother and grandma were recruiting husbands. Wait, Song Bohua's great-grandmother and Song Boyang's great-grandmother are the same person.

But Song Bohua's grandmother and Song Boyang's grandmother are not the same person. Could it be that the grandma gave birth to daughters?

And does grandma have no brothers?Then withstood the pressure and did not adopt a boy from a collateral line, but insisted on letting her daughter inherit the family business.

(End of this chapter)

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