Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 399 The History of the Song Family 2

Chapter 399 The History of the Song Family 2
Now that you have already asked, if you still have questions, please continue to ask, otherwise, Tang Hai feels that the questions in his heart still cannot be answered.

"Don't your grandma have any siblings?"

"And brother, your grandma is recruiting a son-in-law, and Boyang's grandma is also recruiting a son-in-law?"

"No." Song Boyang shook his head, "My grandpa is the younger brother of my elder brother's grandma."

"Yes, that's right." Song Bohua nodded to show that he was right, "If my grandmother is too old, she also has an elder brother."

Ahhh, what's the situation, because there are no brothers competing for the position, but I didn't expect that there are brothers, but they still succeed in the position.

But it's not right, Liu Wen doesn't understand, since it's the capable ones, why is Song Bohua able to occupy a large share of the fund's shares in the family fund.

Ahhh, it's okay if you really don't know, but once you know something, you find that there are more and more problems, and you feel dizzy all over.

If one problem is solved and a new one pops up, it's better not to ask at all in the first place.

"My great-grandmother's elder brother is a prodigal son. It can be said that he has all the five poisons. The ancestors were worried that if he would inherit the family business, the Song family would lose so much, so they adopted him."

"Grandma also has a younger brother. He studied mechanics after going abroad. Unfortunately, after going abroad, he became interested in economics and started trading in stocks in the beautiful country."

"After returning to China, he put down stock trading, but he didn't give up doing business. Compared with being a big patriarch, he would rather be a boss and go out and call him Boss Song."

"There is no way, the position of patriarch can only be done by grandma."

"Originally my great-grandmother was getting married, but in the end it could only be changed to recruiting a son-in-law. My great-grandfather is still the eldest son, so he gave up everything in his family and married my great-grandmother."

Wow, Liu Wen knows that for a family like the Song family, the one who can get married must be a rich family, plus the eldest granddaughter, Liu Wen feels that the other party is not only a big family, but also the future patriarch.

In the end, I didn't expect that such a future patriarch would give up as soon as he said he would give up, just like this.

Don't talk about the past, it's the present. When you hear a man marrying a man, everyone's first reaction is that the man is incapable and the family conditions are average. Otherwise, how could he marry.

You can know how many rumors and gossips a man had to face eight or ninety years ago when he wanted to get married.

Tang Hai was also stunned, his mouth opened wide, "Give up everything in the family."

If it were him, he might not even do this. Tang Hai thought for a long time, and only had one thought, "Really is true love."

Song Bohua hummed, "Yes, there were not many women studying abroad at that time, but my great-grandmother and great-grandfather went abroad to study in a beautiful country together."

"Grandma's younger brother went to study there later, and he was also in the same school as grandpa, and was taken care of by my grandpa."

"Later my great-uncle wanted to invest in stocks. You also know that at that time, people in China didn't know much about stock trading. Of course, they would not support what they didn't know, let alone send money to my great-uncle."

"It was my great-grandmother who gave the money, so my great-uncle has the capital to speculate in stocks."

"Later, my great-uncle always remembered this passage, and later no matter what business he did, he had my great-grandmother's shares."

"In addition to my great-uncle bringing my great-grandmother to do business, my great-grandfather will also speculate in stocks there. After returning to China, besides teaching at a university, he will help my great-grandmother with family affairs."

"Grandpa also makes some investments in his spare time. He also made a lot of money and left a lot of money for my grandma and the others."

"Although the direct lineage accounts for the majority of the Song family's division, it still accounts for [-]% and [-]% goes to the non-direct lineage."

"No matter how many assets you have, if you continue to divide them, the assets of the direct descendants are actually not that much, and you still need to work hard to make more money."

"Sometimes a well-developed collateral line has more assets than a direct line if you count it seriously."

"Later, from the generation of my great-grandmother, the assets of the direct lineage have developed greatly, and are more than those of the collateral lineage."

"My great-grandmother gave birth to a daughter. My grandma was the eldest daughter and she had two sons. My great-uncle died in an accident when he was studying abroad. He was neither married nor left any descendants."

"Boyang's grandfather is the youngest son of my great-grandmother. He is not interested in economics, nor in managing family affairs. He just focuses on medical skills."

"Grandma has no choice but to ask my grandma to recruit a husband, but compared to grandma's good luck, the person my grandma was going to marry, broke up directly after knowing that my grandma was going to recruit a husband."

"Later, my grandfather was also my grandma's high school classmate. Because of his poor family conditions, he stayed in China to study in university. He was my great-grandpa's student."

Wow, I was able to study and be admitted to a university before liberation, although I didn't study abroad, but at least my family conditions were not so bad, otherwise, how could I have the strength to go to university.

"Later it was my great-grandfather who proposed it. That's how my grandfather married my grandma."

"It's a pity that my grandma's health is not very good. After giving birth to my father, there is no rebirth."

"During the liberation, all the descendants of the Song family went abroad to live in a beautiful country. My grandma didn't want to leave. Unfortunately, my grandma passed away, and my grandma was in poor health, so they went there to attend the funeral with my grandpa. "

"At first, I wanted to get cured, so I went back to my country. Unfortunately, when they are cured, the situation in the country and the beautiful country is very bad."

"Later, various news came, and they didn't come back."

"Including this fund, it was also set up by my grandma and the others who stayed there."

"They said that my grandma established it voluntarily, but according to the documents my grandma left with the lawyer, it proves that there is no way for the couple to do so."

"Because I don't know whether my parents can go abroad, and I don't know whether they can persist until they see my parents, so I set up a fund."

"Because some of the funds shared by the family are used, they also have a share in the collateral. My grandma means that I have made enough preparations, but people who can't stand it are greedy."

"So why I take the majority of the fund, and Boyang also takes a lot of shares, because most of the money used was established by grandma's assets."

Liu Wen understood that the co-authorship fund accounted for the majority, not because Song Bohua was the eldest son and grandson, but because the money was invested by grandma and the others, and their respective shares were calculated according to the invested money.

If this is the case, those people are still calculating like this, and they don't want to distribute dividends to Song Bohua and the others from the fund that belongs to Song Bohua and the others. It is really abominable.

Tang Hai was puzzled, "Since most of the money is your grandma's money, if that's the case, why does the fund have to bring them in? Can't your grandma use the money to set up a separate fund?"

That's right, Liu Wen also found it strange. Song Bohua said before that those people forced the old lady to set up the fund, which shows that they also have plans.

In this case, it makes no sense not to know their thoughts, why grandma would do such a stupid thing.

(End of this chapter)

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