Chapter 424 Help
Rao Song Boyang and Liu Wen didn't make much noise, but there were so many people staring at them.

Noticing that Song Boyang helped Liu Wen out of the ward, a poking nurse was stunned.

Rao knew that Liu Wen had woken up, but he heard people say it, and he didn't actually see it.

In the end, I didn't expect that I actually saw it now, and returned to the nurse's desk lightly.

The rest of the people looked at her, and there was something wrong, "What's wrong, why are you like this."

"What happened?"

"That, that, Dr. Song's wife is awake, Dr. Song help her to go to the bathroom."

Although I didn't read the whole thing, I just looked in the direction they were going, and guessed it should be going to the toilet.

Wait, Dr. Song is a man, how to help Liu Wen go to the women's restroom?

Even if he is a family member of the patient, he cannot use this name to send Liu Wen into the toilet.

Or send Liu Wen to the men's bathroom, of course it is not impossible, as long as Liu Wen is not embarrassed, the rest of the people probably will not be embarrassed either.

But once it gets out, will the reputation of Dr. Song's wife still be lost?
What will everyone think of her after wearing it?Also, if someone kept muttering in front of Dr. Song, he would definitely feel uncomfortable.

If he feels uncomfortable, will he quarrel with his wife?Between husband and wife, no matter how deep the relationship is, once there is a conflict, this will give people a chance.

And Song Boyang didn't make a sound, hoping that these nurses could help out.

Since he didn't mention it, there was no need for them to be proactive. Anyway, Song Boyang didn't want them to have a close relationship with Liu Wen.

The nurse didn't have this idea. The other nurses in the market who wanted to help also stopped their thighs that wanted to step forward.

One by one began to get busy, either busy reading professional books, preparing to improve their professional level, or making patient case records, or checking the patient's condition in the ward.

In a word, they are very busy, very busy, and if no one calls them, they will not take time to see the situation of the patients in the single ward.

They wanted to see Liu Wen and Song Boyang falling out over a trivial matter.

In fact, they didn't know at all. Song Boyang had long thought about how to deal with this problem.

Song Boyang stood at the door of the toilet and shouted into the room, "Excuse me, is there anyone inside?"

"My daughter-in-law just woke up. She wants to go to the bathroom. I help her in. Is it okay?"

First ask if there is anyone, and then express your thoughts quickly, so that even if someone takes advantage of it, you can explain it well.

After shouting a few times, a middle-aged woman finally came out, "Young man, is your wife awake?"

Although Liu Wen and his wife didn't know each other well, they couldn't stand that they were celebrities in this department, big celebrities.

For other people, knowing that their family members are in a state of long-term coma, and when to wake up is a problem, there is a high possibility that they will give up treating patients.

But I didn't expect that this person not only didn't give up, but also spent a lot of money to save his daughter-in-law. He used all kinds of good medicines and asked a nurse to take care of him. He will massage the patient tomorrow to prevent muscle atrophy when he lies down for a long time. .

Of course, the most important thing is to prevent bed sores, which is also the most common disease for comatose and paralyzed patients.

A woman who has been lying in bed for a long time has never had any peculiar smell on her body, and she also knows that this is because of the good care of the nurse.

Of course, there are also family members who are willing to spend money and hire someone to take care of the patients. This is also a blessing for the patients.

In fact, in this department, besides doctors and nurses who will discuss Liu Wen's condition, many family members are actually discussing this matter.

They all know that Song Boyang is a doctor in the hospital, and they also know that his family's conditions seem to be good, otherwise they wouldn't be able to support them for so long.

But they are not optimistic about the long-term. After all, they are not Dr. Song's first wife, nor did they give birth to a boy and a half girl. How can they expect a man to remember her a little bit more and be willing to spend more money?
In the end, I didn't expect that the comatose patients who had been lying in the hospital for so long would wake up like this, so it's not surprising.

"Are you awake?" After the middle-aged woman greeted, "I've confirmed that there is no one inside."

"Let them go in, I'll help you guard the door." Although the middle-aged woman was a little curious, there was a nurse next to Liu Wen, why didn't the nurse send Liu Wen to the toilet.

Although the middle-aged woman was puzzled, she still said that she would help keep watch.

Song Boyang originally thought that if there was no one inside, he would help Liu Wen in, and then he would come out quickly. After Liu Wen recovered, and no one was in the toilet, he would go in and help Liu Wen out.

Unexpectedly, someone would help guard the toilet door, Song Boyang couldn't help thanking him, "Thank you."

The middle-aged woman signaled that it was okay, "Go to the bathroom."

Song Boyang knew that Liu Wen must be in a hurry, so he helped Liu Wen in without further politeness.

Liu Wen couldn't help sighing, she met a good person, just now she wanted Song Boyang to send her to the door of the bathroom, and then she just went in by herself.

Although she had been lying down for so long, she did not expect that there was still some strength in her legs, and she could still move inside slowly.

It is of course a good thing that someone can help her in now. After walking all this way just now, she found that her legs are so soft.

After quickly solving the physical problem, with Song Boyang's support, he washed his hands again and left the bathroom.

And the middle-aged woman who promised to guard them was still at the door, "Okay?"

Liu Wen hummed, "Thank you, Auntie, who are you?"

"My old man is not in good health..." The middle-aged woman was able to chat, so she briefly talked about her situation.

And Liu Wen also knew which ward the other party lived in. Maybe in the other party's eyes just now, she just helped her along the way, but in Liu Wen's eyes, she helped her a lot.

If it wasn't for her, she might have entered the toilet alone in fear.

Although there are often cleaning staff mopping the floor, but there are too many people using it, and the floor is not mopped all the time, so it still feels a little wet.

Thanks to someone helping her, otherwise, Liu Wen was really worried that she would fall down.

Song Boyang didn't make a sound, but after hearing Liu Wen's question, he knew what she was thinking.

After the two slowly returned to the ward, Song Boyang scanned the circle, "What do you think I'll send you a big watermelon?"

Although Liu Wen couldn't eat anything, whether it was Tang Hai or Song Bohua, they would bring some fruit or snacks every time they came to the hospital.

They didn't make mistakes, nor did they think that Liu Wen could eat it when she woke up, but because the nurses, doctors and nurses could eat it, and it was prepared for them.

Now, there happened to be a big watermelon in the ward, Song Boyang and Liu Wen didn't have the idea of ​​eating watermelon, even if there was, they wouldn't eat such a big watermelon, they simply couldn't finish it.

Liu Wen hummed, "There's another cantaloupe, you can take it too."

Although I don't know who gave it to her, but I also know that it was given to her, and I just let her handle it.

Song Boyang didn't say anything else, so he took two melons to give away.

Liu Wen didn't care how the clumsy-mouthed Song Boyang delivered things to the other party after arriving there.

(End of this chapter)

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