Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 425 Must Be Light

Chapter 425 Must Be Light
Liu Wen supported the railing of the hospital bed and kept kicking her legs. After lying on the bed for so long, she should exercise a little bit.

Although she was not injured when she went out just now, someone was supporting her. Once Song Boyang got busy, who would take care of her so intimately.

Song Boyang exerted his teacher's strength, and all kinds of words came out, so he gave away the two melons.

When he returned to the ward, before he breathed a sigh of relief, he saw Liu Wen actually kicking while supporting the bed railing, which frightened him a lot.

Although I also know that Liu Wen's legs are strong, after all, it's better for a person who has been in a coma for so long to be careful.

"I said you should take it easy. Although I know you are holding on to the railing with both hands, you will not forget that your limbs have not been used for a long time."

"Although the nurses give you a massage once or twice a day, it's still unknown how effective the external force will be."

Although the nurse is quite responsible, Song Boyang is not sure about the effect of the massage.

"That's right." Liu Wen thought about it. After all, she has been in a coma for a long time, and she can't compare with a healthy person before. There is really no way to compare.

"I should take it easy." Liu Wen slowly returned to the bed and sat down.

I don't know if it's because I haven't eaten for a long time, or after going to the bathroom, I feel hungry.

"Is there any food?" Liu Wen knew this. There should be no food in the hospital cafeteria. Of course, even if there was, she didn't want to eat it.

How to say about the food in the hospital, it is healthy, but in terms of taste, really don't expect too much.

In this way, how can Liu Wen look forward to it? After a long period of coma, the first meal after waking up is a tasteless canteen meal.

Liu Wen thought about all kinds of resistance, "I want to eat barbecue."

I also know that if he doesn't ask what he wants to eat, based on his understanding of Song Boyang, he will definitely say something nutritious, such as eating some fruit or pastries.

Even if she went out to buy things, she would most likely buy porridge. This is not what Liu Wen wants to eat. She wants to eat delicious food like barbecue.

Liu Wen wanted to eat, of course Song Boyang was happy. When he woke up, he had a good appetite, which meant that his body was functioning well.

But I didn't expect that she would eat barbecue, how could this not make Song Boyang a little unhappy.

"No, you just woke up, you haven't eaten for a long time, you eat such greasy food after waking up, do you think your stomach can handle it?"

"I..." Liu Wen wanted to say that she could eat less, but seeing Song Boyang's disapproving expression, well, the result was already obvious.

Although she can't eat barbecue, she can no longer object to her eating other foods. As long as the request is not too outrageous, Liu Wen knows that Song Boyang will not object to it one after another.

There are only a few foods that can prevent Song Boyang from objecting. Although I think the list is a little bit, it is better than drinking porridge.

"Can I have pork rib porridge?"

"Or beef porridge is fine."

"Fish porridge is also available." As long as there is something to eat, Liu Wen really doesn't pick what kind of food it is.

When Song Boyang heard it, Liu Wen asked for porridge, of course he would not object, "Yes, there is a porridge shop next to the hospital."

"His porridge is really good." No matter where Song Boyang works, he eats at least a few of the gourmet restaurants near his workplace, not to mention all of them.

For some delicious gourmet restaurants, he will always bring Liu Wen and the others to eat.

He was also busy this time, and both Liu Wen and Tuanzi were also busy in various ways, so he didn't bring them to eat.

Unexpectedly, Liu Wen was so lucky, "Let me tell you, this restaurant is definitely a treasured gourmet restaurant near the hospital."

"Highly recommended." Song Boyang wanted the nurse to buy porridge, but after thinking about it, the nurse had already told her to go back to rest.

What to do?After thinking for a while, "Is your body able to handle it?"

Song Boyang felt that Liu Wen, who hadn't gone out for a long time, would like to go out for a walk, look at the scenery outside, and eat freshly baked food.

Liu Wen hummed, "Okay, you plan?" Liu Wen was so excited, thinking that she might be planning to take her out for dinner.

If this was the case, she would definitely be very excited, but thinking about it, it was unlikely, after all, she had just woken up, and for the sake of safety, she might not agree to go out for dinner.

But people, after all, have dreams, what if they really agree?

He looked at Song Boyang expectantly, and the latter couldn't help being happy when he saw Liu Wen's expectant look. He remembered that when Roubao wanted something, he looked at him like this.

Every time he sees his youngest son so pitiful, how can he say no, of course it is not an excessive request, if it is an excessive request, he will never agree.

But a daughter-in-law and a son are different. Although Song Boyang felt that Liu Wen had just woken up and her physical condition was not that good, it was better not to go out.

But he couldn't help his daughter-in-law looking at him with such pitiful eyes, what could he do.

He didn't know what to do other than agree.

Of course, although it is agreed to take Liu Wen out, there is a condition, that is, "You can only go out in a wheelchair."

Ah, no way, go out in a wheelchair?Liu Wen couldn't help but get tangled up, she didn't have a broken bone, so is it necessary to do this?

Doesn't she look like a patient to others?But there is no way, it's not because she doesn't want to.

If you don't want to, you don't have to go out, what else can you do, of course, you can only agree helplessly.

"Should we go down and take the cart or?" The idea of ​​going out still prevailed. In this case, how to arrange the follow-up, of course, is to ask Song Boyang.

go on?Song Boyang didn't dare to let Liu Wen try, "Forget about the stairs, you just walk on flat ground."

He fell down the stairs before, and Song Boyang didn't dare to let Liu Wen take the stairs again, at least he didn't dare to let Liu Wen climb the stairs until his body fully recovered.

At this moment, Song Boyang is a little dissatisfied with his new home, for example, he should have found a way to get an elevator in the first place.

In this way, you can take the elevator up and down if you need it. Unfortunately, now that the house has been renovated, it will be very troublesome to install an elevator.

But giving up just like that, Song Boyang felt that he should try one or two. It would be even better if it could be installed outdoors.

Liu Wen didn't know that Song Boyang was planning to install an elevator at home. If she knew, she would definitely say that the hero sees the same thing. She actually considered it at the beginning, but after inquiring about the price, she gave up.

The price is really not ordinary expensive, what can I do, of course I can only give up.

After Song Boyang went to the nurse's station to borrow a stroller, he pushed her down together.

The nurses knew that Song Boyang was taking his wife out for supper, so they were envious, super envious.

"Doctor Song is really a good man." He helped his wife to the bathroom just now, and now he took her out to eat.

The married ladies present couldn't help but think of their own men. It really doesn't hurt if there is no comparison.

(End of this chapter)

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