Chapter 432

You must know that this is what Yao Ying is most willing to hear. She thinks that such a stupid person as Liu Wen would think of writing a will.

Even if I wanted to write it later, there was no chance. People were already in a coma, and they would not wake up until they died, which meant that there was no chance to write a will.

In this way, Liu Yi can use the name of Liu Wen's father to divide Liu Wen's inheritance.

As for Song Boyang, it doesn't matter whether Gong Li and the others agree. After all, Liu Yi is Liu Wen's father, and there is no way to deny it.

Whether it is Gong Li or Song Boyang, they are people who want face, so they won't tear themselves apart with Liu Yi.

Yao Ying knew that in order for Liu Yi to get more assets, she had to be shameless, absolutely shameless.

Only by being more shameless can we completely suppress Song Boyang and the others and let Liu Yi get more money.

You know, for this day, they don't know how long they plan in private.

Yao Ying has already received Liu Yi's promise that as long as he can get Liu Wen's inheritance, he can give one-third of it as a reward to thank Yao Ying for his help.

Although Yao Ying was dissatisfied with her contribution so much, why only give one-third, of course, all kinds of unwillingness.

But there was no way, no matter whether she was willing or not, what could Yao Ying do with so much money, at least it was not a small number.

She made up her mind to let Liu Yi ruthlessly tear off a large sum of money from Liu Wen's inheritance.

But now, everything has disappeared, their idea is good, and they have made a lot of plans.

But they missed a trick, that is, Liu Wen will wake up.

"Tell me, if she woke up, wouldn't she have thought of writing that at all?" Liu Yi had forgotten that.

"Will." Yao Ying really doesn't understand, is the word will difficult to understand?Why don't you keep it in mind.

What an idiot, Yao Ying felt that Liu Yi could not beat Liu Wen, and there was a reason for that.

Liu Yi didn't care about Yao Ying's slow disgust, "You said if she didn't write that, wouldn't you..."

"Yes, she didn't write a will, but when you think about your age, do you think you can outlive Liu Wen?"

It's really not that Yao Ying looks down on Liu Yi, but that this person really doesn't use his brain, he's so stupid to death.

"No." Liu Yi shook his head to let him go.

"You all know that she outlived you." With Liu Yi's broken body, Yao Ying wanted to say that it would be nice to live another ten years.

"That's not, that's not me, I..." When Liu Yi thought that so many assets under Liu Wen's name had nothing to do with him, how could he be reconciled.

Pang Yue was also unwilling in various ways, "She, she, is really lucky."

"Why didn't she die?" Pang Yue knew that Liu Wen fell down the stairs.

"When people fall from the stairs, not all of them fall directly to death."

"Why didn't she fall to her death?"

Liu Yi was also unwilling, very unwilling, "The old man really has no eyes, how can a person like Liu Wen live so long."

"She is obviously not an unfilial person, he is unfilial to me in every way."

"Unfilial children and grandchildren." Liu Yi said viciously.

Yao Ying originally wanted to work harder, wondering if the relationship could be eased a little.

If those rich bosses know that she has a good relationship with Liu Wen, whether she is a girl or not, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that she has an awesome sister. She was low-key before, but she also knows that there is no buffer for the disgusting behavior of their mother and daughter.

Thinking of this, Yao Ying glanced at Liu Yi, there was no way for their mother and daughter to ease the relationship with Gong Jing's mother and daughter, they were in a confrontational relationship.

But Liu Yi is different, he is Liu Wen's biological father, but he doesn't care about anything.

Liu Yi thought of the rumors outside, "I really never thought that the man Liu Wen married would be so rich."

Thinking back to the past, Yao Ying was not just getting closer to Gong Jun, she was a sly, thinking that she would definitely become Mrs. Gong, and would definitely become a rich man.

But what's the result, don't talk about marrying Gong Jun and becoming Mrs. Gong, but that idiot Gong Jun did stupid things and sent him to prison.

Until now, the mellowness has not come out, and so on.

Liu Yi couldn't help but look at Yao Ying. Every time she failed, Yao Ying would find all kinds of excuses to make Pang Yue and him feel that the other party was really not good enough.

But now this is not sure, is it true that the other party is not good?

Originally, Gong Jun was in his hometown, there were people with money, and he entered the industry early, so there was no reason why his business would plummet.

Obviously the business was booming, but in the later stage of Yao Ying's relationship, the business dropped.

Liu Yi looked up at Yao Ying, okay, "Yao Ying, your face..."

Liu Yi remembered that he once heard a classmate and elder who knew a little bit of fortune-telling mention what is Wangfuxiang and what is Kefuxiang.

What Wang Fu looks like, Liu Yi really didn't hear too carefully.

But Kefuxiang, of course he heard it. The previous him just heard it. As for what was going on inside, he didn't think about it carefully.

Now that Yao Ying has experienced a lot, Liu Yi has more free time, so of course he will study the faces of the people around him.

It can be said that it’s really okay if you don’t read it. After reading it, he kind of understands it.

"Yao Ying, you are already thin, but don't continue to lose weight. If you continue to lose weight, I mean it."

Although when people are busy, they can't take care of many things, but really, "Yao Ying, you really can't lose weight."

"Although people can't be too fat, otherwise it's not good for the body."

"But you can't torment yourself in all kinds of ways in order to be thin." She glanced at Yao Ying's eyes.

"Your face looks like you are unlucky, you are Kefuxiang."

Liu Yi looked at her again, although he couldn't see it very clearly, but he wanted to say why he looked so old just for that little face that was getting thinner and fleshless. .

Yao Ying is actually a bit regretful, she really doesn't understand, why she did this in the first place, and it's not that she didn't know that the so-called thin face in the star's mouth is related to the extraction of wisdom teeth. .

But no matter how unwilling she was, it was already like this, and she could only smile sarcastically.

"Okay, I don't care about your business." It's not his daughter, if she speaks too much, she might get angry.

It's not his daughter, why worry about it.

Liu Yi is all kinds of troubles now. If he knew that Liu Wen would have such bangs before, he should have taken care of the child wholeheartedly.

Otherwise, now that Liu Wen is rich, his father will have to be so miserable haha, will he go out to make money at his age?

He didn't need it at all, he could live a good life with his coat reaching out and eat, drink and play as he wanted.

"Mom, mom." How could this happen? Of course, she was anxious. If, if she had thought a little bit more before doing this, or if her brain was on the line, she wouldn't be like this.

But she has already done it, and it is useless to regret it. In fact, these days, she really regrets it, but no matter how much she regrets it, there is no way to go back to the past, and she can only work hard to move forward, otherwise what can she do.

(End of this chapter)

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