Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 433 Plastic Surgery

Chapter 433 Plastic Surgery
Pang Yue also felt that Yao Ying's current face looked unlucky, but she was her daughter after all, Liu Yi said so, it was not to give her face.

"I really admire you. In order to lose weight, you can even come up with the idea of ​​pulling out your teeth."

"I see you, that is, you didn't say that if you can remove some bones from your face, otherwise, I think you will do the same."

I glanced at someone's double eyelids, although I really didn't want to admit it, but it was really uglier than the original ones.

It can be said that it is fake at first glance, but if you look carefully, you can find that there are so many whites in the eyes that it is scary.

"Your face is average, not as good-looking as Liu Wen."

"But if you dress up well, it won't be too bad, but in the end, you idiot, you don't know what's going on, and your brain is so stupid."

"I have to do plastic surgery like others." Pang Yue thought of the money Yao Ying took from her last time, and her heart was bleeding.

Yao Ying was also in a bad mood, "I, I don't want to do this either, how did I know it would happen."

"I think that person's plastic surgery is very good, I really can't see it." Obviously, the double eyelid opening is just a minor operation, and I never thought that there is a possibility of failure, but I didn't expect it to be a failure.

It's fine if it's something else that failed, but it happened to fail to open the double eyelids. Although it cost the other side some money, it couldn't make up for her injured heart at all.

Especially now, every time people stare at her for a while, she will think, if they find out the problem with her eyes, they will laugh at her in their hearts.

In short, it was all kinds of uneasiness, and what made her sad the most was that, in her current state, it was already impossible for her to go out to catch money.

What annoyed her even more was that Liu Bin, that idiot, would call her a ghost every time he saw her.

She admitted that she is not as good-looking as before, but she is not so bad.

"Mom, can you tell Xiaobin not to call a ghost every time you see me." Yao Ying hoped that Pang Yue could educate Liu Bin.

Thinking of Liu Bin, Pang Yue's mood became even worse, "Really, I don't even know how many immoral things I did in my previous life."

"Why did you find such a man?"

"I originally thought of having a daughter, who would become a caring little padded jacket, but it turned out to be a bad one."

"Give birth to a son, thinking that when I get old, I can have someone to rely on, but it turns out that I still rely on it. Whether I can live to seventy or eighty is a luxury."

"Letting him learn is like killing him."

"The speed of spending money is faster than running water." Pang Yue also knew that there was something wrong with Liu Bin, but she just didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Of course Pang Yue won't admit it, it's all her fault, she didn't educate her son well, "It's all bad about your old Liu family."

"For their own benefit, they don't even care about Xiaobin's future."

"And your mother, too. She said it nicely. Xiaobin is my favorite grandson. I will definitely treat him well, how to take care of him, and how to urge him to study hard."

"In the end, it was all fart, all daydreaming."

"If you are strict, you will not manage Xiaobin's study well."

"We're going to take him away, and we're crying all over the place, saying we despise her, yes, I just despise her."

"Eat mine, use mine, and the whole family relies on my money to live a good life, but they still don't take good care of my son."

"That's fine, who let her be you?"

"In the end, I still don't give up, I still miss my craft, I want people to learn from me, why, I'm stupid."

"I want to set up a stall here in Yangcheng after stealing my studies, and compete with me for business?"

Pang Yue was not stupid, as early as the moment the Liu family spoke, she had already thought of the plans of those people.

To those in the Liu family?No matter how much you give them, they will not think of her well, but will only think that she is a big fool.

Glancing at Yao Ying who was still sad, "Okay, I can see it, you, like me, count on men..."

Sneered a few times, "If you can't count on it, it's better to count on yourself."

"Didn't you say you wanted to learn from me at the beginning? Then learn, at least no matter what, you will have something to eat."

Pang Yue thought that after teaching Yao Ying, at least she could go out and open a shop, and at least she could support herself.

Otherwise, it would be a bottomless pit to raise this daughter who has no hope of getting rich. It would be better to let her support herself.

Ah, learning how to start a wonton business, Yao Ying resisted in every way, if possible, she really didn't want to do it.

In summer, standing in front of the stove is really not ordinary hot.

The most hateful thing is that the income is not too much, just a little income from hard work every month.

It's really not as good as the gold master shaking his hands a little, and he can eat delicious and spicy food, Yao Ying didn't object.

There was no objection, but her expression had already betrayed her thoughts. Pang Yue knew that Yao Ying was not willing to do this.

Sneered a few times, "Don't you want to learn?"

"If you don't want to study, you can do it. Then you go out to find a job, and you are too old. You see, Liu Wen, who is younger than you, has already opened her own shop and started a business. That is a boom."

"Me, I don't expect you to be as good as her, you just support yourself."

"Don't just reach out to me for money."

"I'm just a small businessman. I want to support Uncle Liu and your younger brother. I also want to buy a house in Yangcheng."

"My burden is also not light, and there is no way to take care of you."

"You don't care whether you are doing business or going out to work."

"Of course, if you can find a financial supporter to support you, I will have no problem, but you can't find various reasons to ask me to give you money."

Whether Yao Ying wants to go out to work, and how to support herself, Pang Yue no longer has so much energy to worry about.

"By the way, don't expect to come to my place for dinner every now and then."

"And think about it, you will have to pay the rent in one month." Pang Yue helped pay the rent last time.

Thinking of this, Pang Yue became angry, "You said that you followed Lao Yang, all kinds of popular and spicy food, and that he was generous."

"Why do I feel that he didn't give you much money, otherwise why would you have no money immediately if something happened to him?"

The more Pang Yue thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, "Are you actually rich?"

For Yao Ying to praise the beneficiary so much, it means that he is absolutely generous in his actions. It cannot be that this guy has hidden the money for himself.

Pang Yue didn't think of this before, she just thought that Yao Ying's financial backer was gone, what would Liu Bin do in the future.

The next step is to find a relationship so that Liu Bin can enter the junior high school in Yangcheng. This relationship was helped by Yao Ying. Although it cost a lot of money, at least he can stay in Yangcheng to study.

Now Pang Yue is thinking, if possible, buy a house in Yangcheng, and try to move her household registration to Yangcheng, so that she can go to high school in Yangcheng in the future instead of going back to her hometown to study high school.

Pang Yue never thought about it. As far as Liu Bin's grades are concerned, not to mention going to high school, whether he can graduate from junior high school is a problem.

For her, Liu Bin is the smartest kid in the world. His grades were not good before, but he just didn't get the hang of it.

Yao Ying originally wanted to torture Pang Yue, hoping that she would change her mind, but unexpectedly, she would bring it up.

Eyeballs rolled around, the situation is not good, we must withdraw quickly, "Mom, I have an appointment with someone, I have something to do, I'll go first."

Yao Ying didn't wait for Pang Yue's reply, and left quickly.

Just looking at her in a hurry, Pang Yue knew there was a problem, but what to do when she knew.

The only thing that can be done is that no matter how Yao Ying cries for poverty in the future, in short, there is only one word, that is, there is no money.

(End of this chapter)

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