Chapter 434 Vegetarian
After delivering the dumpling and meat buns to the place that he had agreed with Charlie, Song Boyang started the car after seeing the three of them connecting.

"Shall we go out to eat?"

Liu Wen thought for a while, "I didn't tell Aunt Zhang, let's go back for dinner."

Gong Li hummed, "I didn't say anything, but I told her to go back to dinner at night."

"By the way, corn rib soup for dinner." Gong Li said a few menus, "By the way, can you eat meat?
eat meat?Liu Wen's ears immediately perked up. Of course, she would like to eat meat if she could, but it's really not up to her whether she can eat meat or not. It still depends on Song Boyang.

Song Boyang knew that Liu Wen must be looking forward to eating meat.

After thinking about it, I realized that it would be a bit too much not to give her meat, "Yes, but you can't eat too much."

As long as you can eat meat, Liu Wen can't help nodding, saying that there is no problem, "I will only eat two ribs."

Although it was a little less, it was better than nothing. More importantly, if she could eat meat today, she would be able to eat more meat tomorrow.

"At noon, let's go to eat vegetarian food." Song Boyang remembered that there was a vegetarian restaurant nearby, and the taste was also good. He thought that if possible, he would come here to try one or two.

But in the end, the two children, including Liu Wen, disagreed, saying that meals without meat taste bad.

Song Boyang didn't force it, just happened to have this opportunity today, so he went there for dinner.

Ah, no way, Liu Wen thought that even if she couldn't eat meat at noon, she could at least have broth, but she didn't expect that she didn't even have broth at noon, so she just ate vegan.

Well, forget it, she is a person who cannot eat meat, so she has nothing to protest.

But she can't be the only one responsible for such a good thing, "Regardless of whether it tastes good or not, I will bring the dumplings to eat with them some other day."

For Liu Wen's reaction, Song Boyang is not surprised. This is the so-called difficulty, let's be together, "No problem, let's go to the spot first."

But thinking about it, Liu Wen also forgot one thing, "But daughter-in-law, you have to eat again when the time comes."

Ahhh, she, why did she forget this, dumbfounded, but just let Tuanzi and the others go like this?
Liu Wen thought for a while, "Forget it, if the food in the vegetarian restaurant is still delicious, we will bring the dumplings."

"If it doesn't taste good, forget it." If you eat delicious food again, you can still bear it. If it doesn't taste good, don't suffer from it.

Song Boyang said oh, and drove to the vegetarian restaurant.

This is an era without navigation, Liu Wen looked at Song Boyang's driving action, and it didn't feel like he was going to a strange place, "Have you been there before?"

Isn't it premeditated? Liu Wen remembers that Song Boyang mentioned it several times, but they denied it before. Has he never given up?
Don't look back, you know that Liu Wen must be all kinds of curious, or confused, "I went there once to eat."

"Really, the taste is really good."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have said I would take them there to eat." It was because I had heard about it and eaten there, otherwise why would I have said I would take them there to eat.

It turned out that I went there to eat, Liu Wen understood, "Since you said it was delicious, it seems that I should also be looking forward to it."

Regardless of whether Song Boyang admits it or not, it must be admitted that he is actually a picky-mouthed person.

Gong Li had eaten Suzhai when she was in Shanghai. Regarding Suzhai, "Delicious Suzhai is really delicious."

"Auntie, it's definitely not inferior to the vegetarian restaurant you ate in Shencheng." Song Boyang knew that Gong Li also liked food, and he liked a vegetarian restaurant in a temple.

Some of the other colleagues went there to pray for blessings, but what is certain is that Gong Li went there to eat vegetarian food.

Song Boyang admitted that the vegetarian restaurant at that restaurant was good, but the vegetarian restaurant he took them to eat this time was definitely not bad in taste.

Song Boyang compared this, but brought up Gong Li's curiosity.

"It's really that delicious?" Gong Li asked.

"I think so, but this is my opinion. Whether this is the case or not depends on your opinion, aunt."

Although it is certain that Gong Li will like it, there is still one thing to add.

Gong Li absolutely agrees with Song Boyang's taste. Although he is not picky about food and eats whatever he gives, it is really not easy to get what he says tastes good.

How can Song Boyang not let people look forward to the delicious vegetarian food.

"It's better to go out to eat with you." Thinking of those at home, no matter if it's Tao Zeming, Tao Shan, or even Tao Yu, as long as they can eat enough.

"The few in my family, they only ask for more servings, and they don't care about the rest."

"In the past, you have to pay attention to the amount, you can eat enough."

"But what time is it now, I should change my thinking, but I can't just focus on eating." Gong Li thought of the few people in her family, and really didn't know what to say.

Liu Wen and Song Boyang could only smile, otherwise, what would they do, how could they talk to the old lady about Tao Zeming and the others?
And I also know why Tao Zeming and his son only care about considerations. After all, they exercise a lot every day. Of course, the first pursuit is to eat enough.

As for Tao Shan, it's very simple. The first requirement of people from which era is to have enough food. As for the rest, they really don't care so much.

"Auntie, in a few years, my uncle and the others will change."

"As for my brother, he does so much exercise every day, plus he is with a group of young men, eating alone, not fighting, eating with a group, of course, all kinds of fighting."

Song Boyang once borrowed money from Tao Yu's comrade-in-arms. He had a good appetite. He remembered eating hot pot that time, and he ate more than ten catties of meat anyway.

Gong Li thought of Tao Yu's daily training volume, "You said he knows about training every day, and occasionally goes out to participate in missions."

"I don't even know when he will meet girls." Gong Li didn't ask too much, but hoped that the two children would at least have good news.

Is Tao Yu okay now?Counting the time, he should have known his wife. As for whether to become a full-time employee, Liu Wen is not sure about this.

But with Tao Shan's words, it seems that something has happened, and the relationship with the other party may have been confirmed, but it should not have been mentioned to Gong Li.

Since Tao Shan did not report this matter to her family, of course Liu Wen would not take the initiative to bring it up stupidly.

"Auntie, it's fate, we'll marry soon." Liu Wen took Gong Li's arm.

"At the beginning, I thought that I would never be able to get married in this life. I even told my brother that after he got married and had a child, he would adopt a child to me."

"As a result, I'm married now." Liu Wen felt very lucky when she thought about it, thanks to the fact that there were two older sisters and older brothers, not to mention being parents, their marriage was nowhere in sight.

Otherwise, Liu Wen can guarantee that she may be pointing out all kinds of people to urge marriage now.

It's fate again, hey, Gong Li gets dizzy when she hears this word now, "No, wait until Xiao Wen gets better."

"I'm going to burn incense in the temple, and I want to ask which temple in Yangcheng has the best marriage incense."

"I want to be a mother-in-law and mother-in-law soon." As for the children, well, Gong Li knows that this matter is really not something they rush into.

After staying in the hospital for a long time, you will know that having a child is not something that parents can decide, nor does it depend on fate, it really depends on the body.

Regarding this issue, Song Boyang and Liu Wen could only shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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