Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 436 Transformation

Chapter 436 Transformation
I always knew that Tang Hai's move would definitely not be bad, but I didn't expect that Tang Hai's investment this time was really a lot.

"I remember that Mr. Tang didn't invest in a hot spring resort last time."

"And then I built a farm..." No matter how I looked at it, Liu Wen felt that this place looked familiar.

But looking through her memory, the last time she came to Yangcheng, she had never been to this place.

Liu Wen really doesn't understand where this so-called sense of familiarity comes from.

Song Boyang saw that Liu Wen was lost in thought, and knew that she must be suspicious, "This is the land that Tang Hai bought when we came to Yangcheng."

"The one who wants to get the farm?" Liu Wen suddenly realized, and she said that her memory is not bad, and it is impossible not to remember.

Said that she didn't expect this place to become so beautiful, Liu Wen remembered that Tang Hai mentioned that vegetables were grown here.

"I remember Brother Tang mentioned that vegetables are grown here, pollution-free vegetables, and then exported."

"Why now?" Liu Wen found a building built next to it, and of course there were sporadic houses scattered on the hillside. Looking at it, she knew that the fee would not be cheap.

"Yeah, why would you change your mind now." Song Boyang looked at the house on the hillside.

"Actually, the reason is very simple, because of these dishes." Song Boyang pointed to the dishes not far away.

"Food?" Liu Wen was dumbfounded, why was she so confused.

"What does this have to do with food?"

"I know that in foreign countries, organic vegetables are very expensive, and they are very popular with rich people."

"It should also be liked by people in Hong Kong City." Liu Wen can be sure of this.

The richer people are, in fact, they really value these things, but for domestic people, even if everyone is rich, they also pay attention to eating and drinking.

But it's just the pursuit of delicious food. As for nutrition and other issues, to be honest, few people will pay attention to it.

Could it be that the boss of Yangcheng will pay attention to it early?That's right, Liu Wen remembered that there were a lot of exchanges between Yangcheng and Hong Kong.

Now there are many investments from the Hong Kong city on this side of Yangcheng, and many people from the Hong Kong city have come to invest.

Maybe they are not serious rich people in Hong Kong City, but in the eyes of many people, they are really rich people.

Then, in order to show that they are rich people in Hong Kong City, and Tang Hai's organic vegetables also enter the Hong Kong City market, they should also type this out.

Many people are following the trend, envious of everything in Hong Kong City, knowing that the rich people in Hong Kong City eat the organic vegetables grown in Tanghai Farm, of course they are following the trend.

In fact, as for whether it is so delicious, Liu Wen thinks that they don't think so, but they all think that those rich people in Hong Kong City are all kinds of well-informed, and they all think that delicious food, can it be bad?

Moreover, in order to break into the market in Hong Kong City, Tang Hai really hired the inspection agency in the beautiful country to conduct various inspections, so it can be said that he got a pass.

Although it cost a lot of money, how to say it, it can be said that the harvest is really good. With the certificate, but officially entered the Hong Kong City and there is Aocheng on the side.

Although up to now, the investment cost has not been recovered, but this is not important, what is important is that the form is very good, enough to make people who laughed at Tang Hai at the beginning drop their jaws in shock.

At the beginning, they were not optimistic about Tang Hai's agricultural production in various ways, thinking that he was just playing for fun, how could he succeed.

But it's only been so long, and there has been such good news in less than a year, "Really, Mr. Tang is lucky."

In the next few years, the surrounding villages will use chemical fertilizers. Although the damage to the land will not be great, at least it will take a few years to grow it.

But now the land here has not been used chemical fertilizers, because the villagers were poor before, and they didn't have the money, so Tang Hai took advantage of it.

Otherwise, if there is output after a few years of raising, the cost of paying will increase, but now the time cost of paying is less, and the profit will be made immediately. This is definitely the envy of the bad group of people.

Song Boyang hummed, "Actually, this is not the luckiest thing. The hot spring that the villagers mentioned before, he went to the relevant agency for testing."

"Although it can't be said to be better than the hot spring in the hot spring resort he invested in before, it is not bad, and it is also good for the body."

"The result is that when many people asked Tang Hai to treat them, they came here."

"Tang Hai didn't want to, after all, it's far away from Yangcheng, and it's not easy to go back and forth."

"But too many customers have said they want to come, what can he do, other than reception or reception."

"I originally thought about receiving a few waves of guests at will, and they will dislike Yuanyuan and won't come."

"As a result, the scenery here, the delicious food here, some people say that they come here to relax."

Liu Wen admitted to this point, "Yes, I have also been to the resort before. It was good, it was very good, but how can I put it, if I had to choose, I really would rather choose this one."

"It gives me a very peaceful feeling." Liu Wen told the truth.

"I think so too."

"I wanted to scare people away, but I didn't expect that they would like each of them in various ways."

"It was just a few rooms." Originally, Tang Hai didn't intend to entertain people, and occasionally Tang Hai came here to relax for a while.

As a result, seeing that this place is so popular with everyone, it was developed.

Wow, Liu Wen was so surprised, "Really." She didn't know how to say it.

It is said that she is lucky, and she is lucky there. Anyway, compared with Tang Hai, it feels like the sky is different, and the gap is a bit big.

"But after those villagers found out, didn't they feel jealous?" Liu Wen asked curiously.

After all, the price contracted by Tang Hai back then, not to mention the price of cabbage, was not much better than the price of cabbage.

Is no one jealous? "How come no one is jealous?"

"A lot of people are jealous, but is their jealousy useful?"

"It's useless at all. The original agreement was agreed by all their village names."

"It was also approved by the village committee and the town, and the relevant departments such as the forestry bureau above agreed."

"And the land fell into their hands. Do they have the will to export vegetables?"

"Aside from other things, the certificate fee in the beautiful country alone is not a small number."

"And their vegetables have to be transported to the port city, and they also need special vehicles to transport them. There is also practicality. Do they have so much money to invest?"

"Perhaps in the eyes of many people, investing in agriculture does not require too much investment cost."

"If it's ordinary farming, you don't need a lot of money, but if you want to do something like Tang Hai's, you need to invest a lot."

"And some channels are also contacts he has known in business before."

"More importantly, Tang Hai can start over in another place, but can these farmers continue?" Song Boyang pointed out the problem clearly.

Yes, Liu Wen understands, outsiders think that if Tang Hai is driven away, they can easily take over these businesses, but is it really that simple?

If it's really that simple, and everyone has done it this way, then it's not Tang Hai's temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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