Chapter 437
After Liu Wen sighed, she suddenly remembered something, "I remember it wasn't Mr. Tang who said he would give us our house, now?"

Liu Wen found that the village had changed a lot. It used to be the landlord's house. .

After looking around, Liu Wen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because the house is still there.

If the house is still there, it should be left for them to live in, but Liu Wen is actually not sure.

I didn't think about receiving people before, but now I have a new development direction, and I don't know if I can do what I promised.

"It's still there." It turned out to be this one. Song Boyang said that although many people valued the house over there, Tang Hai declined all of them.

"I found someone who has seen Fengshui, and said that the Fengshui of the old house is very good, and when it was built, I also invited a Fengshui master to read it."

"If it wasn't for the change of dynasty, that family would still be a rich man."

"That family seems to have come back a few days ago." When Tang Hai mentioned it, Song Boyang just listened to it casually because he was concerned about Liu Wen's condition. He didn't listen carefully to the specific content.

Ah, the original homeowners have all been back once?Liu Wen was stunned, "Then they are overseas now?"

No, they did well overseas, so when they come back this time, besides worshiping their ancestors, they also want to take back the old house.

After all, this is not an ordinary old house, it feels like their family's geomantic treasure.

"I'm not too sure about the specific situation. It seems that the other party just looked around and bought the house for Xiaohai. The real estate certificate has already become his. What can the family do?"

Maybe they will propose to take back the old house, or they may want to use certain means to take back the house. How to do it, don't say that Song Boyang doesn't know, even Tang Hai doesn't know.

"It's just waiting." Now that the situation is unclear, that's all he can think about.

Liu Wen thinks about it too. They are all worried now, and there is nothing at all. There is no other way except to wait for the other party to make a move.

"Anyway, the formalities are complete, and the other party can't use hard ones." Song Boyang couldn't help but rejoice, "At the beginning, the village said that the house was empty, and it was empty, and Xiao Hai could live in it."

You can live and change the property rights, but they are different. If you change to a cheap person, knowing that there is such a good thing, of course, you agree to it in a hurry.

But if it was Tang Hai, he knew it was a bit cheap, and he really couldn't take it. Once he took it, he didn't know how much he would have to pay.

After the remodeling here, Song Boyang has never been here, but it does not prevent him from getting to know the place well and where they live before leaving.

Then he carried the luggage, took Liu Wen's hand into the house, and then took the elevator to the third floor.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. From now on, our house will be the third floor and the terrace above."

"On the second floor, Tang Hai lives."

"On the first floor, there is the dining room, kitchen and living room."

"The building opposite will become a luxury suite. If you are not Tang Hai's friend or important guest, you cannot stay in it."

Song Boyang briefly talked about the situation after the room was reassigned.

From one building to one floor, Liu Wen was a little surprised, but not too surprised. No matter what, at least they had a place to live.

Liu Wen felt that she was really satisfied, "Yes, by the way, is there someone to clean it?"

I don't know if someone cleaned it. If no one cleaned it, she wouldn't need to do it.

"Do you think there is a lack of cleaning here?" Song Boyang was amused by Liu Wen's thoughts.

That's right, Liu Wen found it interesting when she thought about it, "I'm stupid too."

"Sure, by the way, let's go up and put things away." I thought I had to climb the stairs, but luckily there was an elevator, and Liu Wen was very satisfied.

Suddenly Liu Wen thought of something, Song Boyang said before that the terrace above was for his family.

But the problem is that Tang Hai lives on the second floor below, can they not let this guy go to the terrace?
Good guy, Liu Wen really admires Tang Hai, even though the terrace is still shared with Tang Hai, forget it, it's not bad, they are doing it for nothing.

"By the way, can I arrange it as a terrace or a garden?"

"Does anyone usually go up to water it?" Liu Wen asked with concern.

"Yes, usually someone will clean one or two."

"Anyway, we don't usually live there, and we rarely distribute personal things." Although they are assigned to live there, they usually don't come here too often.

In addition, there are usually people cleaning and so on. Song Boyang always feels that it is not too safe, so he also told Liu Wen that if you have to put some personal items, don't put too much.

Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, "I think so too."

"I bring my luggage with me every time I come." Anyway, there is a car, so there is no trouble in bringing luggage around.

Don't guess which room belongs to them. I have to say that the best room is their bedroom. Standing in front of the window, Liu Wen understands why this building is the main building.

Sitting north and facing south, there is a circular pond not far in front, and then there are mountains behind.

Even Liu Wen who doesn't understand Fengshui knows that such a house is definitely good Fengshui.

"Really nice house."

"Not to mention anything else, just standing here and looking at the distant scenery like that makes me feel refreshed."

"In the morning, I looked at the foggy pond." Liu Wen just wanted to say that the scenery is really beautiful.

"There are scenery all year round."

"Really, even sitting by the window, drinking tea, reading a book, and occasionally looking up at the scenery outside..."

Liu Wen couldn't help sighing, "It's really a treasure land of geomantic omen."

"It's really awesome."

"Yes." Song Boyang walked behind Liu Wen, hugged her gently from behind, and put his chin on her head.

"Xiaohai mentioned it before, saying that the fish in the pond are hot spring fish and taste very good."

"I've eaten this." I had it the last time I came here, and it tasted really good.

But the fish that Tang Hai can mention again, Liu Wen thinks that the taste should not be too bad, otherwise, such a busy person would not need to mention it at all.

"Yes, anyway, you also know that since he knew that the Feng Shui here is good and there are hot springs, he also tested the fish here."

"Anyway, there are a lot of data, and one word is that the nutritional value is good." Although he is a doctor, Song Boyang can only say, sorry, it's not his profession, and he really doesn't understand nutrition.

Liu Wen didn't want to know the specific data. Anyway, she knew one thing, that is, "President Tang contracted the land here, and he really made a fortune."

"Don't tell me that the fish are good because the water in the pond is good."

"And the vegetables here are good, not only because they are organic vegetables, but also because the water quality here is good."

(End of this chapter)

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