Chapter 438
This is really not Liu Wen's nonsense, but the rice in a certain place in the northeast is because the water in the reservoir is rich in minerals.

Therefore, as long as a certain area is irrigated by the water in this reservoir, the rice grown will also have good nutritional value, so the price is expensive.

There is no way to take advantage of the corner in the northeast, but maybe Tang Hai is so lucky to occupy such a geomantic treasure?

But what Liu Wen is curious about is that there really is such a good place, why didn't she hear about it in her previous life.

Perhaps at the beginning, the people here were relatively low-key and would not leak it out, but in the Internet age and the small video era, no Internet celebrity has ever photographed this place.

Maybe the things here are good, and the nutritional value of the things planted is good, but it is not enough for people to hide them privately and not let more people know.

After much deliberation, Liu Wen felt that there was only one possibility, and that was that Tang Hai might not have engaged in agricultural production at all in his previous life.

In other words, when he was engaged in agricultural production, the place was already polluted and unsuitable for agricultural development, so Tang Hai didn't think about it.

Forget it, don't think about it, let him go about the things in the past life, what needs to be focused on now is the things in this life.

"I told Tang Hai that it would be great if he could retire here."

Maybe it was because she was worried that Liu Wen would not like it, because Liu Wen liked the old house in Sucheng very much, and wondered if she would go back to Sucheng to retire in the future.

"Of course, I don't care where I live for the elderly." Song Boyang immediately added that the desire to survive was a big one.

"I just want to be with you."

Liu Wen was happy, "As long as the scenery is good and the transportation is convenient, I can be with you."

"Okay." Anyway, they are rich, and they still have the same idea as before. Wherever they go, they buy a house when they see a beautiful place. Anyway, buying a house is also an investment.

Especially in the past two years, with the liberalization of the economy, more houses have been bought and sold. Unfortunately, more houses are still waiting for factories to allocate houses, and there are really not many people who buy houses with their own money.

"Nowadays, the benefits of many units are not good. Waiting for the distribution of houses in the factory, I don't know how to wait until the year of the monkey." Whether it is in the previous life or in this life, Liu Wen has never had a part-time job, so don't expect such a good house. thing.

"Yes, many people want to buy a house, but it is difficult to buy." There are only so many houses in the urban area, and it is not so easy to buy a house.

"So now some people eat land and build houses, it's really not a loss." At least the real estate industry has been booming for many years, and many real estate tycoons have become frequent visitors to the wealth list.

Is it worth building a house?Song Boyang was happy, "But who can I sell the house to?"

"We are all waiting for the unit to distribute the house." Buying a house with your own money, even if the price of the house is cheap, it is money, and the unit distributes the house without paying a penny.

"Yes." Liu Wen admitted that waiting for the unit to distribute the house would not pay a penny, but there was a very critical problem.

"Right now, units with good returns can allocate houses, but units with good returns also have a large number of employees. When it's the turn of young people to allocate houses, I don't know when."

"It's fine if there is only one son in the family, or if the house is big, but if there is no house, it is an ordinary worker, the house is still small, and there are a few brothers. If you say they get married, where will they live?"

Not to mention later generations, when you get married, the mother-in-law asks for a house, even now, if you want to get married, the mother-in-law will ask for a house.

"We can always find a way." To Song Boyang, the wedding room has never been a problem, so he has never considered this issue.

Yes, there is always a way to find it, Liu Wen thinks about it too, forget it, don't worry about it, things like worrying about the country and the people are not suitable for her.

Still the same sentence, take care of yourself and don't add chaos to the country.

"By the way, why haven't Tuanzi arrived yet?" Liu Wen felt very strange. Those children were not at home on vacation, so there was no reason for them to be more annoying than those who set off at the end of get off work.

"Maybe something happened to Xiaohai." Of course Song Boyang knew why he came late, but he couldn't tell Liu Wen now.

That's right, they can leave at any time, but that's not the case at Tang Hai's end. If there is nothing to do, of course they can leave early, and if there is something to do, of course they have to deal with the matter first.

"Are you hungry?" Song Boyang knew that no matter how busy he was, Liu Wen would pay attention to where to eat, and at this point, she had already had a good meal.

Liu Wen shook her head, "I'm not hungry."

"It's really driving all the way to eat all the way." It's not that Liu Wen is talking nonsense, but seeing food on the side of the road, looking at the food, smelling good, so I bought it with money, and I can say that my stomach is round. .

Since Liu Wen wasn't hungry, Song Boyang thought for a while, "Why don't we go boating?"

He has good eyesight, and he has long seen a few small fishing boats on the small pier in front of the house, and presumably put them there for guests to use.

Since there is still time, it feels good to go boating on the lake.

Boating, Liu Wen is not very interested in this, but seeing Song Boyang eager to try, well, since he wants to row, let's be satisfied.

After getting the instigation of his wife's consent, Song Boyang went downstairs and asked the passing staff, and after knowing which boat was available, he quickly pulled Liu Wen and ran over.

"I asked the staff, as long as there are people rowing, there will be staff who can swim watching."

"And you must wear a life jacket." Song Boyang really felt that with such an arrangement, his safety would immediately increase.

This is to arrange people and wear life jackets. This safety measure sounds good.

That's right, when Tang Hai placed the fishing boat here, he must have thought of this. It is impossible not to ignore safety, after all, the bosses are the ones who come and go.

If something really happens, it's not for fun.

After Liu Wen put on the life jacket, she and Song Boyang slowly rowed out the small fishing boat.

The two of them had no intention of fishing, nor did they want to row farther and say something inhumane, they just wanted to row a boat to relax.

But as soon as the boat rowed to a wider area, the two put down their oars and let the current push the boat away.

Anyway, no matter how big the pond is, it still has sides, so Liu Wen doesn't worry about it at all.

At this moment, Song Boyang handed a mango to Liu Wen, "Eat some."

Looking at the mango in front of him, Liu Wen was dumbfounded, "There is still this on the boat?"

Wow, this service attitude is really awesome, nothing to say.

Song Boyang cast a blunt glance at Liu Wen, "What do you think?"

"It was when I went down to ask the waiter, I just mentioned it."

"It means we are in a hurry, otherwise we can still have snacks and tea."

"Anyway, you also know that for Tang Hai, as long as he can make money, his attitude is good, and he is absolutely considerate."

Song Boyang knew that as long as he had something to do with money, Tang Hai's brain would definitely turn quickly, and he would never fall behind.

(End of this chapter)

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