Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 439 A Landscape Worth Recording

Chapter 439 A Landscape Worth Recording

The two of them sat on the boat, watched the scenery under the setting sun, and ate something from time to time. It can be said that they lived a happy life.

At this moment, she doesn't know that there will be a big surprise soon. Now she is eating fruit and looking at the scenery.

"It would be great if I could be so happy when I retire in the future."

Just thinking about it already makes Liu Wen so beautiful, "The years are quiet."

Song Boyang knew that the current scenery was pretty good, and when he heard Liu Wen say this, "Tell me, what if you embroidered such a scenery?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Song Boyang felt a little embarrassed, because he knew that Liu Wen's embroidery works were all embroidered according to the customer's requirements.

Either specify the pattern, or embroider according to the requirements, and then embroider the embroidery pattern that meets the customer's requirements, but now I am acting according to Liu Wen's wishes, and I don't know if it is possible.

Excited by the beautiful scenery in front of him, Liu Wen glanced at the scenery, "No problem."

"It's okay if the client doesn't like it, just hang it in our house." Not every work needs a buyer.

"I used to think that as an embroiderer, I don't even have any embroidery pictures at home, so it seems a bit incompetent."

In fact, most embroiderers do not have any embroidery pictures at home, at most they are some small embroidery works.

Large embroidery works are not generally time-consuming and labor-intensive, and most importantly, if the customer does not want it, it will be thrown into the hands.

How can ordinary embroiderers bear it? Of course they are all kinds of unhappy.

Liu Wen never felt that way. She always followed the customer's request, without any creativity of her own, and it was not conducive to her own development. Occasionally, she would make some embroidery works that met her requirements.

"It's a pity that I didn't bring a camera." Liu Wen couldn't help but feel regretful. Such a scenery still needs to be photographed as a souvenir.

"It's okay, I told Tuanzi and the others, and they will remember to bring it when they leave."

Mentioning the camera, Song Boyang remembered what Song Bohua had mentioned, "This time we are going to the beautiful country, and then we will see if there is a good camera. If there is, we will buy one."

After thinking for a while, "Buy four."

After a while, the number increased again. Liu Wen looked at Song Boyang in confusion.

"We need one, Xiaohai, you say you have to give one."

Liu Wen nodded, yes, after all, she went to the beautiful country, and she really had to give something.

"And my brother, I remember he also likes to take pictures." Tang Hai gave it all, but can brother-in-law Tao Yu not give it?
If you don't give it, if you let that kid know, you know it will make a fuss.

It's just a camera, just buy it, not to mention that they will spend a lot of money to go to the beautiful country this time.

Buy one for Tao Yu? "Is there another one for?" Liu Wen is not quite sure whether it is for Tao Shan or Tao Zeming.

"To my uncle, he also likes to take pictures."

"Sister, she doesn't like these things." Since it's a gift, of course it should be something the other party likes.

Doesn't Tao Shan like to take pictures?Liu Wen thought for a while, well, it seems that Tao Shan doesn't take many photos, she would rather read some books if she has time.

Since I don’t like taking pictures, I’ll switch to other things, “I’ll see if there are any good skin care products.”

As a woman, you should treat yourself better. Look at Gong Li, that is good for yourself, and the maintenance is also in place.

Do you want to send Tao Shan skin care products?Looking at Liu Wen who was very interested, Song Boyang wondered if he would make Liu Wen unhappy if he told the truth.

But thinking about it again, if you don't tell the truth, you will be very unhappy when you find out that you have sent the wrong thing.

After much deliberation, Song Boyang felt that he should talk to Liu Wen about it.

What?How could Tao Shan dislike skin care products?Liu Wen was stunned. You said that you don't like taking pictures, that's normal. You don't like taking pictures for various reasons, but if you have the same attitude towards skin care products, Liu Wen really doesn't understand.

"I mean my sister loves work more, she is a workaholic." Although I have never worked with Tao Shan, I know she is a workaholic.

Song Boyang, who is a workaholic, even said that Tao Shan is a workaholic, and Liu Wen was also amused.

Seeing Liu Wen's unbearable smile, well, Song Boyang knew that he didn't seem to have the position to say that Tao Shan is a workaholic.

"I'm also a workaholic." There's nothing wrong with admitting this, "But my sister is really a workaholic."

"But my uncle and the others are all workaholics, so it's not surprising that my sister and the others are workaholics." Song Boyang felt that this was the so-called inheritance from parents to their children.

Liu Wen remembered that whether it was Tao Zeming or Gong Li, they were all workaholics, so there was really no problem.

"You said my sister, why didn't I find a like-minded person at work." Liu Wen forgot when Tao Shan met her future husband.

Hey, he was obviously a reborn person, but he didn't know anything, so he was quite a failure.

Find a like-minded friend, Song Boyang thinks this is a bit difficult, "If both of you are busy..."

Song Boyang felt that if that was the case, the situation would be a little bit bad, and it would become a little bit worse.

"The words of two workaholics..." Don't say extra words, anyone who understands will understand.

When Liu Wen thought about it, the possibility of this was not so great. In her previous life, Tao Shan found a husband who was a colleague, and her achievements were not low, but she also gave birth to a child, and she was a very good child.

Hey, Liu Wen sighed again, even if he is a reborn person, he still doesn't know many things.

Song Boyang heard Liu Wen's sighing voice, "What's wrong?" He sighed well.

"Did Auntie say something in front of you?" Otherwise, Liu Wen would not be like this.

Song Boyang and Liu Wen often chat about the future of their children. What he wants to say is that Liu Wen is really not ordinary enlightened.

The requirement for her children is not to do illegal things, stick to the bottom line, including whether to get married in the future, she only wants the children to be happy.

Song Boyang knew that this should be related to Liu Wen's previous marriage setbacks, and it should be unreasonable to think of Tao Shan and the others getting married.

The only thing that can be explained is that it should be what Gong Li said in front of Liu Wen, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

"What else can I say? She is already a senior, and she is not a grandparent."

"They already have a third generation." Liu Wen thought wrongly. Didn't this exclude Tuanzi and the others? Really, they didn't take this into consideration.

"Tuanzi and the others have grown up, and my aunt said that they are not the same as before, and they can talk to her about everything."

"It is said that Tuanzi and the others have grown up and have their own ideas."

Too bad, Liu Wen really wanted to bang her own head. It was really too long in the hospital bed, and she didn't even know how to use her brain.

What can be said, what can't be said, there is nothing at all, how to remedy it.

Forget it, Liu Wen thought for a while, focusing on her current mind, it's better not to toss about, otherwise, she will really say more and make mistakes, and say less and make fewer mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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