Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 448 Money is more important than life

Chapter 448 Money is more important than life

Let her help pay off the debt?Liu Wen knew that this was really possible.

"Even if I'm in Sioux City, and they bring someone to look for me in Sioux City, do I have to pay back the money?"

Liu Wen couldn't help being happy, "It's fine if you don't look for me. If you want me, I will take them to the police station and have a good chat. Why do they owe so much money?"

"Where is the money used, and the interest rate, how can it be so high?"

"We can have a good chat."

"If they want to be tough, I don't worry, I have Beibei." Hmph, if you dare to do something, don't think that you can avoid Beibei.

"I don't even care about Liu Yi, and I don't even care about uncles or aunts."

"If you don't have this money at home, don't worry about it."

"They are actually betting that Liu Yi will not care about them."

"They are also stupid. If Liu Yi is doing business in his hometown, they will still have scruples, even if they are not reconciled in their hearts, but this money, it's not that they don't have to pay it if they don't want to pay it."

"But in Yangcheng, do those bastards dare to come here?"

"Even if they come to Yangcheng and they find Liu Yi, will someone definitely help to pay back the money?"

"Don't spend a lot of travel expenses at that time, but you don't get a penny in the end."

"If they are more ruthless and directly find someone to settle accounts with them, the loss will be huge."

Generally, gangsters operate in their own territory and rarely cross the border. On the one hand, everyone acquiesces to this rule, and on the other hand, they are also worried that it is very dangerous to rashly go to a territory that is not their own.

Liao Jian hummed, "They are just beeping in the town."

Beeping in the town, Liu Wen remembered that Liu Shuhui and the others would occasionally return to the town. Since there are such people in the town, I don’t know if they will bully Liu Shuhui.

"They opened their mouths, but they were beaten away by my dad, and then they went to the police."

"After all, they are gangsters. Even if they say that going to the police station is equivalent to going home, it is normal for them to come and go."

"But they're just talking." Liao Jian knew that those gangsters seemed to consist of five of them, but in fact, none of them had much courage.

"As long as we can be more fierce than him, he will be persuaded." Liao Jian said that he should not worry about them at all.

Liu Wen knew that scaring those gangsters away was not as simple as what Liao Jian said, but she also knew that those gangsters probably didn't take advantage of it.

"Don't be hard-pressed with those bastards. Money can be earned, but people only have one life."

Liu Wen knew that both Liao Feng and Liao Jian and Liao Kang thought they were men, so it was not so easy to be bullied.

But what those gangsters do all day is to bully people, if it is not clear, it may be hard.

Liao Jian looked at Liu Wen who was seriously admonishing them, and burst out laughing, "Auntie, you are really just like my mother."

"Always say people are the most important thing."

"Isn't it?" Liu Wen asked back, "Don't you think that money is more important than human life?"

Well, Liao Jian knew he had said something wrong, "Of course human life is important."

"But auntie, don't worry, I'm not a reckless man, I know what to do."

As the child grows up, he also knows that Liao Jian is a sensible child and will not do impulsive things.

Liu Wen knew that the Liu family was in a mess and all kinds of troubles, but she didn't know that Pang Yue was once again pissed off by the operation of the Liu family.

Pang Yue received a call from Liu Yi's mother. It can be said that the old lady was getting softer every day, but she just wouldn't let go.

Gambling debts, gambling, once touched, it can be said that this person is basically hopeless.

Pang Yue remembered that there was a relative who fell into it when she was a child. In the end, she didn't know how much money she owed. There was really no way to pay back the money.

That relative shouted and beat him everywhere, but no one took him in, so he committed suicide by jumping into the river.

"I don't believe your brothers don't know the dangers of gambling."

"After we got money in our town, we used all sorts of tricks, as if I were the number one person in the world. As a result, it didn't take long for them to sell their houses to pay off their gambling debts?"

"After all, they are rich, and they can make them prodigal, all kinds of fuss."

"But look at your brothers, do they have money?"

"They don't have a lot of money in their hands, but they all regard themselves as a big boss."

"The money is spent and used. Even if we take Xiaobin away, they still spend money recklessly."

"I was thinking, if we didn't see the bad situation and felt that they didn't educate Xiaobin well, otherwise, they would be really crazy to take Xiaobin to gamble."

Thinking of Liu Bin who came to Yangcheng, he has become disobedient. Although he used to argue with adults, as long as their expressions become serious, Liu Bin will immediately become honest.

But now it's all right, as soon as you said something bad about him, you immediately started crying and making a fuss. In a word, you usually don't care about him at all, and now you don't have the qualifications to take care of him.

But Pang Yue was so angry that even though she was a patriarchal person, she always felt that her son would depend on her son for the future pension.

But once she sees that her son may not be counted on, she can also become cruel.

"By the way, the summer vacation will last for a few days. At the beginning, he said that he would relax a little bit, and then go to the store to help."

"I also agreed at the beginning. Now, after playing for so long, I can calm down and help with work."

"By the way, remember to tell your son that starting tomorrow, there will be no more pocket money."

"If you want pocket money, you can, then rely on his own labor." Pang Yue also heard Yao Ying mention it at the beginning. Is it so tight?

But now Pang Yue feels that Liu Bin should be allowed to work, "Only by letting him work, I know how difficult it is to make money. He won't waste money."

Pang Yue was worried that Liu Yi would soften his heart, and when the time came, the kid would soften a little, and the matter would be over.

"Let me tell you, if you let me know that you secretly give Liu Bin a penny, then your pocket money, I tell you, is gone."

Pang Yue said very imposingly, in short, there was no discussion on this matter.

Of course Liu Yi has no problem not giving Liu Bin that stingy money, and he absolutely agrees.

If Fangzheng Liu Bin is making a fuss, you can also tell him, it's not that you don't want to give it, but someone ordered it.

Liu Yi actually has another question, "I didn't give the money out, what if you give him the money?"

If it is said that he dotes on Liu Bin, Pang Yue actually dotes on Liu Bin a little bit.

Don't say that Liu Bin is not allowed to be given a penny at that time, but if it is replaced by Pang Yue, it will be all kinds of money, so I am worried that Liu Bin will be wronged.

Liu Yi's words made Pang Yue angry. It was her suggestion, would she take the money?
She just didn't want Liu Bin to have money, so she said, "Of course I won't give it."

"Success, if I find out that you actually give money to that kid Liu Bin to spend, I don't ask too much."

"Triple the pocket money for me." Liu Yi had long had a lot of resentment towards his pocket money. As a big man, why did he only have so little money? It was simply not enough to spend.

Three times, Pang Yue was frightened by Liu Yi's request, but she really didn't dare to say no to the bet.

And she is confident that she will not pay out, "Cheng, that's it, let me tell you, I will never lose to you."

After all, he will work hard for money.

(End of this chapter)

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