Chapter 449 Discussion
Pang Yue glanced at him, and snorted at someone who was all kinds of happy and looked like he got three times the pocket money.

Do you really think of her as a bully? "I told you, I will definitely persevere, and I will not give Liu Bin a penny."

"Me too." Liu Yi also said that he would not let Pang Yue have the opportunity to deduct money.

"Hmph, I won't let you have the possibility to add pocket money." There is food and drink at home, so a little pocket money is definitely enough for him, why do you need three times the pocket money.

The more Pang Yue thought about it, the more she felt that Liu Yi wanted the money for the Liu family. Hmph, she really regarded her as a dead person.

In short, as long as she is here, she will never let Liu Yi spend a penny for the Liu family.

She didn't care what the old lady said, if they didn't pay back the money, those gangsters would take the debtors of the Liu family and use it to pay off the debt.

She didn't look for those people, but she knew what to do. Why do those people want the debtor's arms? Do they eat them?
What they want is money, and if their tone is not aggressive, they will know that it will be difficult to get the money.

"Don't worry, I asked my little sister."

"They said that there are many people who owe money. As long as they don't want to run and work hard, those gangsters won't do it."

"If the arm is really cut off and the matter becomes a big deal, are they justified?"

"Especially since they are not banks, it is illegal for them to charge high interest rates."

"When the time comes, things will get serious, Liu Yi, let me tell you, not only will the money not be given, but the other party may even be able to pay a sum of money."

"After all, it's just a hand. If the hand is useless, how can a human being be better? I guess it will be time to use it up."

"No, even if the hands are still on them, people are useless."

In the past, because Liu Yi was the breadwinner of the family, no matter how dissatisfied he was with the relatives of the Liu family, he could not speak out, otherwise Liu Yi would definitely get mad.

But now that she is the breadwinner, will Pang Yue care what Liu Yi thinks?That is impossible.

In fact, if it was possible, she would have wished that those gangsters could just chop off the hands of those in the Liu family, even if she wanted to pay more.

"I still remember that I spent so much money to let them take care of Xiaobin and let them focus on studying, but in front of me, it was all kinds of promises."

"As a result, I turned around and took him out to eat, drink and have fun."

"I really have never seen such a relative."

"It's good that I didn't fall into trouble."

"Let me tell you, Liu Yi, if your mother calls again, crying and saying that if she doesn't give money, she will jump off a building and jump into a river, etc., I will definitely say hello."

"I also asked her when to dance. If she dances earlier, Xiaobin can go back to the funeral."

"If the business is good, I won't go back." Pang Yue really didn't like Mrs. Liu at all.

"Also, she shouldn't expect how grand her funeral will be."

"Her children are heavily in debt. How much money can I have to pay for her funeral?"

"It can't be our family paying for it."

"I'm already a very easy-going person. I take responsibility. As for the inheritance, I can see it. Don't count on it at all."

"I can't count on it." It's not that Pang Yue is arrogant, but that she has no way to be arrogant. She knows that even if the old lady said all kinds of hype and guarantees, there is no such thing.

As a mother, can she really value her children, especially if she has some money.

Liu Yi wanted to say that his mother would not be so biased, but his mouth moved, he really didn't have the confidence.

"I just hope that no matter how partial your mother is to any child, at least your mind is still online, and you won't take out all your money and house."

"Otherwise, I'm worried about you, Mom, where will you take care of yourself in the future?"

"She won't think that your brothers will give her a pension."

"I don't want to take care of you, Mom, but at least I don't think about her money."

"But look at your brothers and sisters. They need money and a house, but the old man doesn't want to take care of them."

Pang Yue became angry when she thought about it, "Get out for me."

"I don't want to see you these days."

"I get mad when I see you."

Pang Yue sometimes thinks about why she would be so hot-headed at the beginning, thinking that Liu Yi is very good, and wanting to be with him in various ways.

If she hadn't lost her mind and continued to be with Yao Ying's father, she would be living a good life now.

Thinking of the news that her little girlfriend said on the phone, Pang Yue sighed again. At the beginning, she thought that man was a fool and couldn't even coax others.

But look at it now, so what if a man can coax others, he just talks about it, but there is no substance.

Don't talk about buying things for you, just take on some things and help you with work, it's all a dream.

Chase him away?Liu Yi really didn't understand why he had to be driven away if he wasn't doing well.

And the most important thing is that he was just driven away. As for where he lived and how to solve the problem of eating, they didn't mention it at all.

"You are happy to drive me away, but have you thought about what I should do?"

"Where do I live, what should I do with my food?" Liu Yi was also angry, anyway, as long as Pang Yue was in a bad mood, Liu Yi knew that he would be unlucky, and that dead woman didn't know how she would beep.

As long as he has some money, he will not do this, let him go, the outside world is so big, he can always find a few confidante.

But I don't have any money, so I really don't dare to go out.

He even asked her for money?Pang Yue amused Liu Yi for asking for money with confidence.

"Do you think it's appropriate for you to ask me for this money?"

"Did you usually pay me wages?"

"You haven't even handed in your salary. I'm busy in all kinds of ways, busy making money and supporting my family. You trash, if you can't help at all, forget it."

"When something happens, I just reach out and ask for money."

"I really don't know what to say."

"Let me tell you, Liu Yi, I hate being a cash machine."

"One by one is not enterprising all day long, all kinds of mixed food, when one by one asks for money, that is a big talk."

"If you don't have any money, get out." Pang Yue really didn't want to see Liu Yi's face, because she really couldn't compare it to when she was young.

Without the blessing of appearance and poor career, for a moment, Pang Yue really hoped that Liu Yi would go out and find a rich woman to support him.

In this way, not only can she not give Liu Yi money, but maybe she can get some money from him.

He didn't even give him a penny, and said that he was just an idler. In short, he belittled how he wanted to belittle, and he directly belittled people to be worthless.

Liu Yi remembered a recruitment announcement he saw a few days ago. At that time, he just glanced at it and didn't take it seriously.

After all, it’s not a good feeling to work for others. I usually work at the booth, but I don’t miss those migrant workers who come to eat, and all kinds of complaints about the boss’s tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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