Chapter 451

Liu Wen didn't know that Pang Yue kicked Liu Yi out just because of the Liu family's mess.

It never occurred to Liu Yi that because of this incident, he would feel remorse and think of Gong Jing.

If she knew, she just wanted to say, or don't think of Gong Jing, because someone is not worthy.

When life is good, I don't think about it. Now that life is hard, I think of Gong Jing's good life. I don't have any regrets at all.

Now she is waiting for Song Boyang and Tuanzi to come down, they have been up for more than an hour, but they still haven't come down.

This made Liu Wen very anxious. It's not that it's getting late and everyone is hungry, but it's a serious problem, and they have to stay on it for so long.

Although she was impatient, she didn't let Charlie and the others have some snacks before meals.

Roubao also panicked, and asked Liu Wen anxiously, "Aunt Liu, my brother, my brother?"

"It'll be fine." Liu Wen knew that although Song Boyang might object, he wouldn't object forcefully.

I just don’t know who they are trying to convince upstairs that Liu Wen is really looking forward to it.

Tang Hai was also curious, "Why did I go up for so long?"

This is such a big problem that it has already made them forget that there are still people waiting for them below.

Tang Hai regretted it. He should have ignored Song Boyang's words at the beginning. He is the owner of this place, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

But it's too late to go up to listen now. I don't know how much they discussed. Maybe when he goes up, he will see a father and son smiling.

Hey, sighing softly, now I really have to wait or wait, what else can I do.

Although Charlie looked calm, he should eat and drink, which was in stark contrast to the fidgeting meat bun and the two brothers of the Liao family.

How could Liao Jian not be in a hurry? Of course he was. Although it was a bit regrettable, this plan might be aborted.

But there is no way, we can't let Song Boyang teach Tuanzi a lesson, and this time he taught him a lesson, maybe he will keep an eye on him in the future, so that he won't make another mistake.

Just when the few of them were anxious, Liu Wen couldn't help letting out a long breath when she heard a voice from the other side of the stairs. Everyone was downstairs. At this point, only Song Boyang and his son could come down from upstairs. No one else.

Roubao and the others heard the movement from the other side of the stairs, how could they not be excited.

Regardless of the result, at least Song Boyang would not reprimand Tuanzi again for this reason.

Not long after, Song Boyang and Tuanzi appeared at the stairs.

Everyone is already gathered around the stairs, although they know that they can see them later, but everyone hopes to see a thing or two sooner.

Song Boyang saw so many people, his face was full of nervousness and excitement.

Well, he knew, as long as he could make money, he wouldn't be excited.

It's a pity that he really doesn't know much about the stock market. He just listened to Song Bohua in advance and said that as long as he operates well, he can make a lot of money in the stock market.

Song Boyang admits that some people get rich by speculating in stocks, but there are a few such people.

At least Song Boyang doesn't think there is such a person among them, and the probability of being regarded as a fool is very high.

But for some reason, seeing Tuanzi talking freely, Song Boyang suddenly felt that this son planned to study finance when he grows up.

Also, although being a doctor, let’s not talk about it in China, but if you are abroad, you can study a medical major and find a job after graduation, and your salary will not be low.

But being a doctor is not easy, it is really not easy. I am so busy every day, I just don’t know if foreign doctors are so busy.

Forget it, don't think about it, since Tuanzi never thought of becoming a doctor, why is he still doing these white jobs.

It's better to help those who need help, as Tuanzi said, he will work hard to make money, so that he can buy some medical equipment in the future, which is his wish.

As for the meat bun, although there was no discussion on this issue, no matter how I looked at it, I felt that he was not the kind of person who could be stable, and it was unlikely that he would be a doctor.

Tang Hai stared at Song Boyang for a long time, thinking that if there was any news, he would tell him quickly so that he could be mentally prepared, and then think about whether he could join.

Song Bohua also stared closely at Song Boyang, wondering what they were discussing upstairs.

Song Boyang knew that both Tang Hai and Song Bohua were impatient, but this was Tuanzi's personal privacy, no, it didn't matter if it was his personal privacy.

This is their teamwork, and Tuanzi also wants to talk to them.

"Let's eat, it's getting late."

"If you have something to do, have a good meal and wait for Tuanzi and the others to discuss it." Song Boyang glanced at his watch.

Well, what he said was that he was a little excited, and he didn't even have time to check the time. It's a bit late for dinner now, but at least he didn't miss it.

In short, no matter how important things are now, they are not as important as eating, and only when everyone is full can they sit down and discuss them.

Anyway, no matter whether they cooperate together or not, it is their business. As for his words, Song Boyang is not interested.

The stock market is a wealth-creating machine. It can make a poor man get rich in a day, and it can also make a millionaire lose his fortune in just a few operations.

So this time, after thinking about it, he still didn't want to participate.

Tang Hai was anxious, but Song Boyang had already said so, and it was getting late, so there was no rush for such a moment.

Let's discuss this matter slowly after they have eaten and drank enough. Of course, the premise is to wait for the group to discuss it before there will be a result.

Hey, Tang Hai never thought that one day he would have to wait for their children to discuss before he could know his fate.

I want to give up, but I still can't bear to give up after thinking about it. What if I can really make a lot of money?

You can't just watch money fly past your eyes like this, otherwise, you really can't let yourself go.

Song Bohua also thought a lot just now, he thought about some problems with Tuanzi these days.

Originally, many problems were discussed, but if one or two were sorted out properly, some problems could actually be found.

And this discovery also frightened Song Bohua a lot. He knew that children nowadays have a lot of ideas and are relatively courageous, but they just didn't expect that they would be so courageous.

Song Bohua also didn't know how they would think of making money in this way.

Song Bohua was really worried whether Song Boyang would blame him for this. After all, among so many people who knew a little about the stock market, he was the only one who knew something about the stock market.

Although there is still Charlie, how old is Charlie, a foreigner, and how much can he understand?
Hey, Song Bohua felt aggrieved when he thought about it, he really didn't know Tuanzi's plan.

If he knew, it is impossible for him not to tell Song Boyang, after all, this is a big deal.

(End of this chapter)

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