Chapter 452
This meal can be said to be ordered according to everyone's taste, and the chef's craftsmanship is excellent, so everyone should eat it with gusto.

But when everyone is thinking, there is no place to eat, and they are also thinking about their own thoughts, stuffing things into their mouths mechanically.

Because if they dare not eat, Liu Wen will definitely go crazy, and they can't dare to provoke a Liu Wen who goes crazy for their health.

Liu Wen looked at everyone who didn't feel like eating. Really, doesn't she have no worries and thoughts?

But no matter how worried they are, they have to eat, and don't they know that they are worthy of the chef who works hard in the kitchen?

It was so disrespectful to the success of other people's labor. After Liu Wen complained in her stomach, she told Tuanzi and the others to eat.

"Shameless, what's the matter, isn't the food delicious?"

"It's delicious." Roubao is the king of the crowd, especially in favor of Liu Wen, that's definitely a good performance.

"It's delicious, let's eat more." Really, it's not as good as a child. I don't know if the world is big and the food is the biggest?

Making money is important, isn't the body important?

It also includes Song Boyang, who is obviously a doctor, but after looking at his actions, Liu Wen really doesn't know how to complain.

Song Boyang had something on his mind. He talked with Tuanzi for a long time just now. Although he gave in, there was nothing he could do.

Who told the group to say that they had already done all the preparatory work, and they just waited for the time to start.

Although they didn't do it now, they didn't know how much they spent on the preparation work, especially in order to raise enough foreign currency, it can be said that they also spent a lot of handling fees.

If the plan is abandoned like this, the money is doomed to be a real loss.

I have always known that they are brave children, but now that I think about it, there are still many shortcomings in my understanding of them, and I still underestimate them.

Song Boyang knows that the stock market makes people tempted, but in fact, some people made money in the stock market, and they made the leap from pauper to millionaire in one night.

The result is that I didn't expect my own children to be jealous of this money-making model.

Even though he knew the adults would object, he still invested in it, Song Boyang sighed easily.

Looking at the impatient Tang Hai, he hoped that what Tuanzi and the others played this time would not scare him.

I don't know if it was shocked by Liu Wen's eyes. Anyway, in the following time, everyone's eating is much better than before, and they no longer have bitter faces.

After finishing the meal in a hurry, Liu Wen went upstairs to take a shower and prepare to rest.

As for whether the rest of the people have important matters to discuss, that is their business. Liu Wen believes that even if Song Boyang does not tell Tang Hai, it is impossible not to talk to her, so there is no need to stay here.

As for Tuanzi and the others, after eating and drinking, a group of five people said they were going for a walk around the neighborhood to digest food. In fact, everyone knew that they were going to discuss things.

After the children and Liu Wen left, there were only the two Song brothers and Tang Hai in the living room.

Tang Hai walked quickly to Song Boyang's side, and looked at him with a smile, "Can we talk now?"

"I promised Tuanzi that unless they are willing to tell, I won't tell." As a good father, you can't reveal the children's secrets at will.

Ahhhhhhhhhh, how could this happen, Tang Hai really broke down, "I swear, I won't betray you."

"I'm just a little curious." After all, it's money, and Tang Hai just keeps making promises anyway.

Song Boyang glanced at Tang Hai, "Do you think what you said is credible?"

These words made Song Boyang very angry, "You mean, I don't have trust?"

"Song Boyang, Song Boyang, you can't be like this."

"You know, I'm really sad when you say that."

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore, it's all tears." Wiping away the non-existent tears, Tang Hai angrily found a place away from Song Boyang.

Song Bohua looked at Tang Hai who was so angry that he looked like he was acting, and smiled, "Are they planning to go to the beautiful country to speculate in stocks?"

As soon as the words came out, before Song Boyang gave an answer, Tang Hai jumped out first, "No way."

"How old are they, why do they go to the beautiful country to speculate in stocks?"

"They are rich, I know." Tang Hai didn't know how much money Liao Jian and the others had, but after thinking about it, they should have a little money, after all, they were the ones who brought Tuanzi and the others to start a small business together.

But the crux of the problem is, how could they think of going to the beautiful country to trade stocks.

"And how do they get the money." Although the bank can exchange foreign currency, it's really not something you can exchange whenever you want, and you can't exchange it if you don't go abroad.

Even if you go abroad, it seems that there is not a lot of money that can be exchanged. If you want to go to the beautiful country to speculate in stocks, is the cost a bit low?

Regarding Tang Hai's doubts, Song Boyang kindly explained a few questions, "Do you think foreign currency can't be exchanged in places other than banks?"

"I know." Tang Hai is not a novice, of course he knows that there are channels to exchange for foreign currency.

The crux of the problem is, "I never thought that children like Tuanzi and the others would actually, actually exchange foreign currency."

"I don't think it's strange if it's you, but they are children."

Tang Hai suddenly had a feeling, "I think when Tuanzi and the others are as big as us, they might be stronger than us. Maybe we're just like a little fool."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Tang Hai felt that this was really very possible.

"One generation is better than the next. If we are not as good as us, we can't sit still. We will be anxious." Song Boyang was very calm.

"It's better for a child to be smart than stupid." Song Boyang paused, "Of course you can't be too smart, sometimes too smart doesn't work."

Well, Tang Hai said that although he is about the same age as Song Boyang, he is really far behind in educating children.

"Come on, I know you don't know how happy you are right now."

"You have two smart sons, how do you feel?" Tang Hai interviewed Song Boyang, wanting to know how he was feeling.

Asked how he was feeling, Song Boyang said without thinking, "Very happy, of course you, a man who has no children and no wife, you can't understand."

Although Tang Hai might be hurt, Song Boyang didn't care. Single dogs have no human rights.

Isn't Tang Hai angry?Of course he was angry, but was anger useful?Do protests work?It is useless at all.

In this case, it's better to save some effort, "It's better to be single than a married man like you can understand."

"Forget it, it's useless to tell you."

"Even if you're not married, you won't realize it." I wanted to show off, but after thinking about it, I decided to forget it.

(End of this chapter)

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