Chapter 453 New Ideas
Liu Wen returned to her room, took a shower, and took out a book to read quietly.

To be honest, Liu Wen thinks this resort is quite a paradise, the scenery is not bad, and there are also hot springs.

But there is a big problem, that is, it is dark from the room at night, and there is no scenery at all.

Of course, if you look up at the sky, you can see a little bit of starlight.

If it was changed to later generations, it would definitely attract many people. After all, in a bustling city, if you look up at the sky, you won't see many stars at night.

You can only see the vast starry sky if you go to the inland or western regions.

It's a pity that at this time, everyone doesn't have much interest in the vast starry sky, because if you look up at the sky at will, you can see such a scenery. Since it is a scenery that can be seen easily, who would go to such a far place to see it? Star.

For people nowadays, maybe a little bit of light will be more attractive to them.

As for how to make it look better at that time, Liu Wen thinks that it is Tang Hai's problem to worry about.

She has already put forward her ideas, as for how to operate at that time, it cannot be her consideration again.

Thinking of Song Boyang's previous proposal to embroider the scenery here, Liu Wen felt that this proposal could be considered.

Among other things, after it is embroidered, it can be used as a gift to Tang Hai, and it can be regarded as a belated gift for the opening of the resort.

Of course, after hanging such embroidered pictures, it might still attract some business. Liu Wen really doesn't think it's strange.

Embroidered picture, yes, Liu Wen thinks that such a high-end resort should not leave small souvenirs for customers.

For example, some embroidered handkerchiefs about the scenery of a certain corner of the resort, or embroidered scarves, etc., in short, these can be brought out with embroidery.

Liu Wen feels more and more that this idea is really good, it can be said to be absolutely awesome.

But whether it can be passed or not, it still needs to be discussed with Tang Hai, after all, this is a long-term business.

If possible, Liu Wen hopes that this cooperation can lead to more in-depth cooperation in the future.

After all, there are so many industries under Tang Hai, as long as there are a few projects that can be cooperated, not to mention earning a lot of money, at least they should be able to live a good life.

Liu Wen's happy and nice outing is really a perfect outing. Of course, if the cooperation can be negotiated, then of course it will be the best.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't work out, at least I tried.

Song Boyang returned to the room, and was about to ask Liu Wen if he was going out for a walk, when he saw her secretly sitting on a chair by the window.

Can't help being very curious, wanting to know why Liu Wen is so happy, "What are you thinking, so happy?"

Seeing Song Boyang, Liu Wen brought up what she had just thought, "I just think that although it costs a little more, at least it can leave more and better impressions on the guests."

"I think it's okay." After thinking about it for a while, Song Boyang felt that this idea was quite good.

"When some guests see the embroidered handkerchief, they may think of the good days they spent here."

Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, "Yes, yes, that's what I think, what do you think?"

"I mean, will Tang Hai agree?" With Song Boyang's approval, Liu Wen felt that this matter should at least give her a lot of peace of mind.

But whether this proposal can be passed depends on what Tang Hai thinks.

Whether Tang Hai would agree, this, Song Boyang was not sure, "You will know if you try it."

"If you can, that's the best. If you don't agree, it doesn't matter, at least you have tried."

I didn't agree this time, so there will be a next time. In short, Liu Wen also knows that no business is a one-time deal, even if Tang Hai took the initiative to find her, it's the same.

Song Boyang thought of the few people who should be left for heated discussion now, "I think if you discuss with Tang Hai a little later or tomorrow, maybe you should, there may be a very unexpected result."

Why did she go to Tang Hai later or tomorrow? Why did Liu Wen feel that there might be something wrong with it.

He looked at Song Boyang in confusion, guessing that he might know a thing or two about it.

"What's wrong?" Can make Tang Hai feel better, and then Song Boyang is not downstairs.

I couldn't help but think of what Tuanzi and the others said before, "It can't be that Tang Hai intends to cooperate with Tuanzi and the others."

"Could they be planning to speculate in stocks?" Since there were only the two of them, there was nothing they couldn't say, so Liu Wen asked very simply.

Well, another person who guessed it, Song Boyang hummed, "How did you guess it?"

"Simple, how many businesses can make them make a lot of money now?"

"I'm just curious, how can they be sure to make a lot of money?"

"After all, you should also know that there are too many changes in the stock market, and there is a big difference between assumptions, plans, and reality."

This is also the reason why Liu Wen is still not sure, "Even if there is so-called inside information, to be honest, it may not make money."

If the trend of the stock market is really going as those experts think, wouldn't the experts consider spending their savings and making various efforts to make money after going back?
Song Boyang has never discussed the stock market with Liu Wen, and there is no stock market in China, so she probably doesn't understand.

It turned out that Liu Wen was not ignorant at all, but a person with great wisdom.

Song Boyang was stunned for a moment, "You, do you understand the stock market?"

What?Does she understand the stock market?In her previous life, when the stock market was booming, she took out money to speculate in stocks, of course it was her private money.

At that time, she already knew that Gong Jun was not a good match, and she would consider her and her son appropriately.

When Gong Jun's women trade in stocks, Gong Jun will give some inside information appropriately, or they know a lot of people and have a lot of little sisters, and occasionally they will share their experience in stock trading and discuss which stocks can be operated.

It can be said that compared with them, Liu Wen started later than them, and did not have as much funds as them. As for the so-called inside information, there was no such thing. It was really up to Liu Wen to find out slowly.

In my previous life, I didn't know how much tuition I paid, so I slowly summed up some experience in the stock market circle.

Although this experience is sometimes found to be wrong, what she wants to say is that through her hard work, she can also be regarded as making some money in the stock market.

Hahahaha, she is also stupid. There is no stock market now, but in a few years, there will be a stock market in China, and it will be time for her to show her skills.

The only pity is that Liu Wen really doesn't know much about foreign stock markets, that is, she knows a few good projects, such as a certain fruit phone, certain social software, online shopping websites, and browsers Prosperous technology company.

It can be said that it is really a gamble. Bicycles have become a typical representative of cars. No, there are a few stocks that can be counted as rockets if they are calculated seriously. That is really soaring into the sky.

Will Liu Wen miss such an opportunity?Of course, you won't miss it, as long as the shares are appropriate, not the kind that attract people's attention.

Even if the vest was dropped later, it wouldn't be too surprising for everyone to find out that she, a little embroiderer, has so many assets under her name.

(End of this chapter)

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