Chapter 454 Records
After Liu Wen was pleasantly surprised, she was happy in every way. Although she is not short of money now, but no one would dislike having a lot of money. Work harder now, and her retirement life in the future is really like a dream.

But there is a big problem. Liu Wen found that some memories are slowly fading. I don’t know if God doesn’t want her to remember this, so the quality of food and drink is improving these days. Is this the so-called care?
Liu Wen didn't know why this happened, but she also thought about it. When the time comes, she will write it down in a small book and often take it out to read a few times. After that, I will definitely remember.

But there is also a problem, where to put the book that I take out from time to time to read.

If Song Boyang finds out, he won't be able to analyze one or two things.

Although there is no secret, what I wrote is some thoughts and plans about making a fortune in the future.

But even such a plan is enough to scare people.

Especially those who read it, once they think of the things recorded in the little book, what will they think?
After all, once is a coincidence, twice is a coincidence, it can't be a coincidence three times or four times.

More importantly, at this time, some companies have not been established at all. Don't ask anyone for these data. You can know a thing or two by looking at the company's establishment date.

This is also the reason why Liu Wen never thought of recording it before. In fact, if someone finds out, she may not be able to bear the consequences of this matter.

But there is no other way now, if it is not recorded, Liu Wen is really worried that she will forget what to do when the time comes.

If it's small money, Liu Wen really doesn't care, if it's not there, then it's gone.

But the problem is that this money is really not small money. If she misses it like this, Liu Wen is really worried that she will die of anger.

If it is leaked, Song Boyang will find out a thing or two, or he should not give up the opportunity to make money.

This choice between the two is actually not difficult to choose, and Liu Wen made a choice very quickly.

It must be recorded, who does not want to make money, who does not want to be a rich man.

As long as she is well disguised, she will never be discovered by others.

And the best way to cover it up, of course, is to record family expenses. It just so happened that Liu Wen had this habit before, and would record one or two things in the notebook every day.

So in this family expenses, write down some companies, even if you put them on the dining table, on the desk, or on the small table next to the bed, Liu Wen dares to say that Song Boyang may not even take a look at them .

Hahahahaha, she really admires herself, she is really a little genius, and she can come up with such a good solution.

"Then do you agree to let Tuanzi and the others speculate in stocks?" Liu Wen knew not to be too distracted, because the men in the family are too powerful.

But they must not let them come up with some content. The best way, of course, is to let Song Boyang think about other things.

Does he agree? Song Boyang smiled helplessly, "You think they have already made a plan, and the money has been exchanged. They are just waiting for us to go to the beautiful country and start to operate."

"Can I tell them, I'm sorry, I think you are children, not suitable for stock trading?"

"Of course I think they are children and really not suitable for stock trading, but I can't object so bluntly."

"And the more we oppose it, the more they may want to join."

That's right, Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, "For them, the more adults object to something, the more they want to act against our will."

"Since they insist on participating, let them participate." Liu Wen could only agree, after all, would the opinions of these adults be useful to Tuanzi and the others?
"Anyway, let them toss this time. If they make money, that's good."

"If you don't make any money, it's not bad. At least let them know that the stock market has risks, and they need to be cautious when entering the market." Liu Wen recalled the saying in her previous life that the stock market was already so bad that it couldn't get any worse.

"If they really didn't make money this time, or lost money, that would be the price they paid for growing up."

"I told Tuanzi and the others that once they lose money, they should live their lives more honestly. They don't even think about pocket money." Song Boyang has just thought about how to educate the two if this plan fails. child.

When Liu Wen heard this, she really only had one thought, "You don't expect Tuanzi to fail, do you?"

"Really, why don't you think about it. After you plan to go to the beautiful country, you have to plan to spend some money to buy the shares that Tuanzi and the others talked about."

"If it really falls, think about your worth."

"Think about the real money you invested." Hey, it's really too difficult, Liu Wen really doesn't understand how the father and son get along, and why they look so stupid in front of her.

The money he invested, Song Boyang actually just remembered now, "I'm also busy, I have to sort out some things before the festival."

"Then it's all done by me alone, how dare I call someone else."

"After all, our family's situation is a bit complicated." It can be said that the domestic assets alone have made many colleagues envious and jealous.

Song Boyang was deeply worried once he let his colleagues know about some of his overseas assets. At that time, whether he was married or had a good relationship with his wife, there was really no way to restrain him.

Maybe some people still don't care about it now, Song Boyang knows that those people may not be tempted by things that are put on the bright side.

But once the assets go up, no one will resist them.

Liu Wen groaned, remembering that when she was in the hospital, there was always such an unfriendly gaze staring at her.

Although she didn't catch anyone at first, she was also taken care of by a nurse.

Although the nurses are not regular employees of the hospital, as long as they work in the hospital for a long time, they can still know a thing or two about some internal situations in the hospital, especially the entanglements that have to be said between doctors and nurses.

If the relationship between men and women was not good when Song Boyang was in the hospital, of course the nurse would not mention it to Liu Wen.

Between husband and wife, regarding the addition of one person or several people, each person's approach and method are different.

Some people are just pretending to be asleep, as long as the other half of their family doesn't ask for a divorce, they can also act as if nothing happened.

As for those of them who remind one or two, maybe there is no good fruit to eat, so they don't bother to remind.

But Song Boyang and his wife had a good relationship, and suddenly someone wanted to intervene, and the nurse would of course remind him.

The nurse would not mention it in front of Song Boyang, but would mention it to Liu Wen in private.

After Liu Wen knew about this person, of course she had observed him a little bit.

Anyway, to Liu Wen, that nurse was not her opponent at all. She was not married, but her reputation in the hospital was really not very good.

Especially her request for a partner really scares away a group of promising people.

Liu Wen also observed how the relationship between Song Boyang and the other party was in private.

Anyway, she can be sure that the relationship between Song Boyang and the other party is really not good. In this case, she certainly can't have the vision to advance this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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