Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 456 Is Stock Trading Difficult?

Chapter 456 Is Stock Trading Difficult?

Song Boyang actually planned to learn how to trade stocks?My god, Liu Wen looked at Song Boyang with admiration.

In her previous life, in order to speculate in stocks, of course she did not miss reading relevant books.

She didn't even know how she persisted in the first place. It was really like a heavenly book. In order to understand the K-line chart and so on, she really studied for a long time, and cooperated with the way of non-stop tuition payment, she learned it after several months of study.

Although this way, the loss is a bit big, but Liu Wen feels that only in this way can he improve quickly.

Otherwise, if you study books all day long and don't have the opportunity to practice on the ground, how can you improve?
This is completely training on paper. The theoretical experience may be clear and logical, but when you start, you are really like a little idiot.

But no matter how you say it, you have to put forward a suitable reason. There is no way. Although Song Boyang should not be wary of her, he can't be careless.

"I think you can't just read books. It's better to cooperate with stock market trading to make more progress."

"But there is no stock market in China." It will take several years for the stock market to exist in China, and how the stock market was at the beginning, to be honest, these things are useless.

Song Boyang remembered that Song Bohua still suggested the same way before, "My brother also said that you may not be able to learn well just by reading books."

"At the beginning, he read the books for a long time at home, but he didn't learn much."

"Later, I directly opened an account in the stock market, and traded stocks while reading a book."

"That's how I learned to read candlestick charts." Song Boyang didn't expect Song Bohua to pay so much for learning this.

My God, Liu Wen couldn't help sighing in her heart. It seems that no matter when it is, no matter what the respective circumstances are, what I want to say at the time is that when it comes to learning how to trade stocks, there are almost the same number of ways. Ways to improve your stock trading level.

Of course, not everyone who pays tuition will definitely improve their stock trading skills.

"Then what are you going to do?" Since Song Boyang said so, Liu Wen reckoned that he might have a trick.

So, Song Boyang took a breath, "Tang Hai mentioned before that some of the people he knew went to Hong Kong City to open an account."

Although the Hong Kong city has not yet returned, the Shenzhen city has begun to develop. It is not as difficult for people from Yangcheng to go to the Hong Kong city.

"I'm thinking about whether to go to Hong Kong City to open an account."

"But it's just a thought."

Song Boyang took a deep breath, "To be honest, I don't know what to say."

"If you say I trade stocks, can I make money?" Song Boyang looked at Liu Wen firmly.

Is this someone's lack of confidence?Liu Wen smiled and put her head on his shoulder, "Why don't you make money?"

"As my brother said, find a good stock, invest in it, and watch it after a few years. It will definitely give you a big surprise."

"Of course, if you exchange shares frequently, you can catch up with the trend, but how to say that, it is impossible to step on the right rhythm and choose the right stocks every time."

"In case you encounter a few stocks, you can definitely put all the money you made before."

"That's fine, if it's a loss of profit, it's fine, if it's all the principal..."

Liu Wen smiled, "This is what I heard from my elder brother."

Liu Wen thought of this, "Oh my God, did the Tuanzi already have this idea at that time?"

These were the real things she heard when Tuanzi and the others asked Song Bohua.

After all, it is a knowledge point related to the stock market, and it is of course a good thing to learn more.

She didn't think about it at all, how could Tuanzi and the others be interested in these things since they were children.

"How long did they know Charlie at that time." Liu Wen really didn't know what to say.

"Sometimes meeting friends has nothing to do with time."

"Some people have known each other for many years and are also friends, but there is a gap between them, and they will hide some things when they do something."

"Some people, they haven't known each other for a long time, but their relationship is growing day by day."

"Don't worry, Charlie won't cheat Tuanzi and them."

"Of course, if you really cheated Tuanzi, you should spend money to let Tuanzi know that not everyone has goodwill towards them."

"Someone can still act and make you let go of your guard."

"Of course I hope that Charlie is not such a person." Song Boyang knew that if this was the case, it would definitely allow Tuanzi and the others to grow up quickly.

But as an old father, I still hope that their growth rate can be slowed down.

"You have seen Charlie a lot, what do you think of him?" Song Boyang waited for Liu Wen to talk about his views on Charlie.

Hehehehe, he said that he was relieved of Charlie, but in the end he was still not at ease, and lightly talked about her getting along with Charlie.

"I don't think it's necessary for Charlie to deal with Tuanzi and the others?"

"He also has no friends in his hometown, but of course he is a true friend."

"On social occasions, they are also friends, after all, they are family friends."

If they were abroad, Liu Wen reckoned that they would often go out to parties, and let Tuanzi and the others interact with those children from quite families.

But in China, there is no such thing to consider. In Sucheng, the former big families have all fallen, and of course there are some who have not fallen, but they are not only embarrassed.

There is also the Song family, maybe it used to be a big family in Sucheng, but before the liberation, the family almost stayed in Shencheng except for the sacrifices that would return to Sucheng, and there was not much contact with the family friends here in Sucheng.

If Song Boyang came back, he didn't get in touch with the other party, and he didn't visit the door. Of course, those people would not take the initiative to visit the door.

As for Yangcheng, there should be people from the big family who stayed behind, but they had no contact with the Song family before, and there will not be much contact in the future.

The most important thing is that Liu Wen is expected to have something to do with the hatred they formed when they bought the house.

It seems that probably the pair of brothers, whose ancestors lived in the territory of Yangcheng, got along pretty well, not to mention how powerful the big family is, but at least they knew quite a few people.

Just because of the house, but there is no less talk about Song Boyang outside.

Liu Wen knew that not all of them had a good relationship with that person in the area of ​​Yangcheng, but there was no way to do it. Who told them to be outsiders? To these natives of Yangcheng, they were intruders, so how could they be pleasing to the eye.

Maybe they want to cool off Song Boyang, invite him to the party later, and then release some resources appropriately, so that everyone can cooperate better.

But what they didn't expect was that for Song Boyang, if he didn't contact him, he wouldn't contact him. Anyway, he didn't expect them to live a life, so there was no need to flatter them.

(End of this chapter)

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