Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 457 Explanation

Chapter 457 Explanation
"Secretary friends?" Song Boyang didn't have much affection for so-called family friends.

"The so-called family friends actually depend on interests."

"Without the support of interests, do you think family friends can still communicate frequently?"

"At some point, it is often these so-called family friends who stab you with a knife."

"I think it's better for Tuanzi and the others to meet like-minded friends than family friends."

"If we follow the standard of making friends in a big family, there should be a high possibility that Tang Hai and I will not become friends, and maybe neither of us will support his career."

"But look, I'm good friends with Tang Hai now." Song Boyang didn't mention some requests from those big families, but it didn't prevent him from talking to Liu Wen.

Ah, Liu Wen didn't expect that someone as powerful as Tang Hai would not even become Song Boyang's friend.

"What is the standard for making friends?" Liu Wen was really curious. "Aren't the conditions of Tang Hai's family not bad?"

Liu Wen remembered that Tang Hai once mentioned that his mother was also from a big family. Although his father was a commoner, he didn't think that this was the reason why he couldn't be friends.

"Tang Hai's mother eloped with his father." Song Boyang said the most important reason.

Ah, Liu Wen didn't expect Tang Hai's mother to be so powerful. In those days, elopement was a big deal.

Of course, I also understand why it was impossible for Tang Hai and Song Boyang to be friends in the past.

Thinking of this, Liu Wen couldn't help laughing at herself, "Thanks to the present, if it were before, I guess I wouldn't even be qualified to marry you."

Even if Song Boyang was not married for the first time, he would definitely not find a second-married woman to remarry.

Of course, if there is a strong person, Liu Wen thinks that maybe the Song family will let go.

But the identity of a embroiderer, even a good embroiderer, is still a second marriage. Liu Wen guessed that it would be a problem not only to marry Song Boyang, but to meet Song Boyang.

After Song Boyang knew Liu Wen's so-called happiness, he couldn't help being happy, "I reckon, if this is the case, you will definitely stay away from me."

As Liu Wen's husband, how could Song Boyang not know that Liu Wen is a person who hates trouble.

Once he feels that there are too many constraints on his body, he is really the kind of person who will walk away.

That's right, Liu Wen didn't think there was anything wrong with what Song Boyang said, "That's right, with so many constraints, I certainly wouldn't be happy."

"Freedom is the most precious thing."

"And I can make myself live a good life, why should I wrong myself."

"And I predict that you will not be able to bear it." In fact, let alone her, Liu Wen felt that Song Boyang himself would not be able to bear such a rule.

That's right, Song Boyang smiled even more happily, "So some old rules now have been abolished long ago, no, maybe some old antiques will talk about it, but for some young people, how could they be willing to endure such rules."

"And no matter how many resources and wealth a family has, there are still a lot of unfairness in the internal distribution."

"For example, resources will be tilted towards long houses."

"There are also assets. According to the old rules in the past, the long-term family should get [-] to [-]% of the assets that can be distributed."

"Then the direct line, and then the concubine."

"If it is said that the long house is promising, then everyone's opinions will not be too much in this way of distribution."

"But the problem is once the ability of the head room is not strong, how will the people in the other rooms be willing."

"Even if Changfang is capable, the rest of the people are not convinced in various ways."

"That's right. Born in a big family, who would not want to stand out, but whether the resources will be distributed to you, and how much will be distributed are all questions."

Among other things, with regard to Gong Jun's net worth, several illegitimate children can really catch up with their scheming in order to compete for his favor.

Not to mention that kind of big family, the fight must be more serious.

About this issue, Song Boyang only knows a little bit, "I also heard from my grandparents that they have many brothers and sisters in their generation, not to mention cousins."

"At home, you don't have to worry about food, drink, clothing, and clothing, but if you want to live a better life and have a higher status at home, that depends on your strength, or your own family's wealth."

"The most basic food and drink can be managed by a kilometer."

"If you want more and better treatment, it depends on your strength and let the family know that you are a person who can or is worth cultivating."

"My grandfather has to work harder to live well in the big family."

"In my father's generation, because of my grandma's health, my father gave birth to a child."

"My parents were busy with work, and at that time, they did this and that exercise from time to time, so my parents gave birth to me."

"That is, the resources of my grandparents' house, there is no way to divide it among people."

Liu Wen deeply agrees, "There is of course a big difference between sharing resources between several people and one person. No wonder they want to be jealous of you."

Liu Wen felt that why those people disliked Song Boyang in various ways was definitely because of this relationship.

"Wrong, this is really not my relationship."

"Although I also admit that I don't have brothers and sisters competing with me for property and resources, I can have more assets and trust funds."

"But the most important thing is that the fund belonging to my house, in addition to some necessary expenses these years, can be said to be the money earned, and continue to be used for investment."

"As for those who settle abroad, they have to get money every year."

"Otherwise, how to support their high consumption."

"If they save some money and get a part of the living expenses, such as half or more, they can set up a fund of their own again, so that money can make money. When their children grow up, It can also supplement part of the living expenses every year."

"But some of them don't operate like this. They don't spend all kinds of extravagant money, buy and buy, or they are ambitious to start a business."

Start a business?Liu Wen thinks this idea is good, "Although there are risks, it is at least an attempt. I think it is better than buying, buying, buying."

"Of course, if the taste is good, in fact, this can also be used to make money."

Liu Wen affirmed that many buyers in later generations just bought for themselves, and then matched them with various collocations. After people noticed, they began to slowly recommend outfits to others.

As long as you have a good vision and a few more clients, you will definitely have a good life.

"I don't know about that." The understanding of those relatives is mostly through Song Bohua's description.

For these descriptions, Song Boyang also has some reservations, and it is impossible that he is not biased.

But for Song Boyang, even if there is a little moisture in it, his relationship with those relatives may not be good.

After all, he will not stay in the United States to develop in the future, and the probability of meeting them is not high.

In this case, it's better to just maintain a superficial expression.

(End of this chapter)

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