Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 458 Another Mission

Chapter 458 Another Mission
Although she has too many ideas, Liu Wen also knows not to rush, and even if she has ideas now, neither Song Boyang nor Li Shuhui will agree with her to worry about these things.

When Song Boyang and the others were here, they either had a big meeting or a small meeting, which can be said to be a favor.

But no matter whether it is a conference or a small conference, there is nothing about Liu Wen.

Well, Liu Wen also knows that even if she goes to a meeting, she still can't understand, the stock market stuff is really like a bible to her.

As for domestic companies, she also knows a few well-developed companies in later generations, whether they are central enterprises or companies that have not yet been established.

It's not something she can invest in. As for foreign countries, Liu Wen certainly knows a few companies, which should be established by now.

But the question is how can she tell others that these companies have a good future and are worth investing in now?

She is a person who doesn't understand the stock market at all. Doesn't she make people suspicious when she says this?

In addition, Liu Wen didn't know anything about foreign companies before, which is also a big loophole.

After Liu Wen thought for a while, "Forget it, if it's yours, it's yours, if it's not yours, it's not yours."

"And it's not like going to the beautiful country in a few days, let's see the situation then."

At this time, Liu Wen suddenly remembered that Song Boyang could ask for such a long vacation?Although he is a teacher at the school, he usually has to go to work in the hospital.

Song Boyang laughed when he heard Liu Wen's question, "Under normal circumstances, you can't take such a long vacation."

"After all, I am also a doctor, but this time the situation is a bit special."

"You just recovered from your illness, and there is no definite answer in China about the specific situation. I will take you to see a doctor."

"Also, I promised to come here to be a teacher. I also mentioned it to the professor. I hope that during the vacation, I can arrange it freely."

In the past, Song Boyang hoped to treat more people, but now he knows that he alone cannot achieve this goal, and the best way is to teach and educate people, so as to help more people people.

"What happened in the past few years caused many things to fail, and the gap with foreign medicine has widened."

"I am going this time, and I also hope that if I have the opportunity, I can visit some medical schools."

It can be said that Song Boyang took a lot of tasks out this time, otherwise, even if there was an agreement with the professor at the beginning, sometimes he might not abide by it.

Visiting medical school?Share stuff?Liu Wen thinks that those foreigners probably look down on these things.

Western medicine was originally introduced from overseas, and its development is inherently slower than that in Europe and the United States, let alone a ten-year time gap. It is not known how far overseas medicine has developed.

As for Chinese medicine, I have a little bit of family background, but how can I say that, foreigners don't recognize Chinese medicine at all, and it is estimated that in their eyes, it is similar to witchcraft.

Although Liu Wen didn't make a sound, Song Boyang could get what he wanted to express.

With a wry smile, "No matter what, I still have to try one or two."

"And you forgot the existence of big brother." If it weren't for Song Bohua, Song Boyang might not have dared to make such a promise.

That's right, Liu Wen is right when she thinks about it. Although those foreigners look down on Chinese people, they will not make trouble with money.

Unless it is a well-known medical school or hospital, you may still look down on domestic hospitals, but you can slowly let them know that there are good doctors in China, and you can communicate with them.

"As long as we are strong enough, don't worry about being looked down upon by others." Liu Wen knew not to look at Song Boyang's relaxed face, knowing that he was actually quite flustered now.

"Right, right, right." Song Boyang didn't want to worry Liu Wen, and what she said was right, as long as she was strong enough, would she still need to worry about someone looking down on her?
"Our current strength is a bit weak. I don't believe that it's not that we have encountered some things. As long as we are given a chance, as long as we are given time, we will not be able to catch up."

Song Boyang's mood improved a lot, but soon he became a little embarrassed.

"At the beginning, I said that when I got there, I would take you out to play, but now..." Song Boyang knew that he really owed Liu Wen a lot.

In the past, he really promised a lot of things, but in the end, he didn't do it. What he thought was that if he went to the United States this time, there should be nothing for him to do, and he could go around with Liu Wen.

As for helping Tuanzi and the others choose a school, Song Boyang didn't want to worry about it at all. It wasn't him going to college or choosing a major, so why worry about it.

And this is also the future of Tuanzi and the others. If they don't care about it themselves, why should his old father worry so much.

In order to surprise Liu Wen, Song Boyang checked some information and asked Song Bohua, who lived there for several years, to make a rough sketch of the plan. He was going to wait there and make adjustments according to the actual situation.

As a result, the changes are so fast now, even if it hasn't passed, I can think that I may not have time to accompany Liu Wen.

Originally, Liu Wen had just recovered from a serious illness. Although her condition was very good these two days, the naked eye could see the impact on Liu Wen's body these days lying in bed.

For example, her muscles have atrophied a bit, and walking is a painful thing for her now, and she has to slowly push the wheelchair when walking.

Although Liu Wen never mentioned walking, it is very painful for her to just stand.

Even though Song Boyang is not a professional doctor in this area, every time Liu Wen walked for a while, she was very tired, out of breath, and her clothes were soaked.

He knew that every exercise was really a big test for Liu Wen, and it was also said to be a kind of torture.

There were times when Song Boyang wanted to hug Liu Wen tightly and tell her that we would stop practicing after working so hard.

Even if Liu Wen can't walk in the future, even if Liu Wen spends the rest of her life in a wheelchair, he won't dislike her.

But Song Boyang knew that even if he made a promise, Liu Wen would not accept it, and she would not bear to end her life as a disabled person.

Liu Wen has always known that every time whether she is walking, holding on to the handle of a wheelchair, or just standing like this, it is not a small burden on every joint in her body. Stop shaking.

If possible, she certainly doesn't want to undergo rehabilitation training, it is really too hard.

But even with Song Boyang's guarantee, Liu Wen would not do this, because then she would be a useless person.

After a long time, even if Song Boyang doesn't change his mind, will Song Bohua not come forward to persuade her to have Song Boyang?
Not to mention, when she was in a coma, many women and single female doctors and nurses stared at Song Boyang. This was the motivation that motivated Liu Wen not to exercise.

And this time is also a very good exercise mode to strengthen your spirit. Only those who have suffered enough will not panic when encountering some major events, and will be better able to find ways to solve them.

(End of this chapter)

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