Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 459 Enlightenment

Chapter 459 Enlightenment

After sending away Song Boyang and the others who had to go back to work, it can be said that this place has become the world of Tuanzi and the others.

Although they played loose when Song Boyang and the others were around, they were not as strong as they were without the restraint of adults.

No matter how Tuanzi and the others play Feiqi, they play near Liu Wen, so that if Liu Wen happens, they can react quickly.

It can be said that Liao Jian stayed with Liu Wen the whole time, either holding an English book in his hand, listening to English tapes, or chatting with Liu Wen.

Liu Wen looked at the few people who were having fun nearby, including Liao Kang, who was also sweating profusely.

It is really different from the two children in memory. The two brothers in memory, not only the two of them, including Liu Shuhui and his wife, are also silent in various ways now, which makes people feel bitter and bitter.

Thanks to the fact that the two brothers were admitted to university and found good jobs after graduation, Liu Shuhui and his wife were relieved.

Even so many years of hard life have had a great impact on Liu Shuhui's body.

Including the two brothers Liao Jian, it can be said that even if the days are good and life is full of momentum, they are rarely seen smiling. They are old-fashioned when they say it well, and they have no vitality when they say it bad.

Looking at them now, they really can't be compared with their previous life, and Liao Jian is still as steady as his previous life.

Probably because he was the eldest son since he was a child, and he has been educating Liu Shuhui and his wife to take care of his younger brother, take care of the family, and not to be naughty.

Even though life is better now, Liu Wen still feels that Liao Jian has engraved his stability in his bones.

"Why don't you go play?" Liu Wen was already tired after walking around, her legs were shaking badly, so she sat down with Liao Jian's support.

After Liao Jian saw that Liu Wen was sitting firmly, he took another look at Tuanzi and the others, and after making sure they hadn't gone to a dangerous place to play, "My English is not good."

"I'm going to play there soon, and I'm going to work hard to improve my English."

Liao Jian already knew that after Song Boyang arrived in the United States, he should take care of his affairs, and he would become the leader of the team at that time.

Even though the English level of Tuanzi and Roubao was good, Liao Jian hoped that he could come in handy instead of waiting for Tuanzi and them all the time.

What if someone bullies Tuanzi?When Song Bohua and Tuanzi talked about foreign countries, they would not only say good things, but also bad things outside.

Although Charlie is a child, even though he is white, but because of his father's work, he has been to many places and knows many things under the sun.

And because I'm a child, I'm more able to notice that some adults don't pay attention, or even if adults pay attention, they don't take it seriously and think it's not a big problem.

Anyway, Liu Wen heard a group of them get together and muttered a lot in plastic language.

If Liu Wen didn't listen to them often, I really wouldn't understand what they said.

Regarding Tuanzi and the others, they knew some dark things early on, and Liu Wen didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Although whether it is Tuanzi or Liao Jian, they think they have seen a lot in the process of growing up, but Liu Wen can only say that they have not experienced much of the darkness of human nature.

What they had experienced before was actually a bit simpler, especially compared with the rumors that Charlie knew.

Perhaps in later generations, some people will say that this is to deprive the dumplings of their enjoyment of childhood happiness early, and to experience the darkness of adults early.

But Liu Wen thinks this is the best way. In her previous life, when the child was young, she tried to create a good environment for the child, but she didn't want him to know the dangers of human nature.

As a result, when he grew up and faced the outside world, he realized that the gap was not as big as usual, which made him stunned when he was completely unprepared.

Liu Wen sometimes wonders if the child would be a little more wary of the world if he could tell the child a little more about the dark and unbearable places.

It's not like it will become what it was later, so after Liu Wen took over Tuanzi and the others, she never talked about the goodness of human nature.

And Song Boyang doesn't think it's good to create a vacuum environment for children, but to analyze problems with them.

"In fact, when you go abroad, you will find that as long as you have money, your life will be a little better."

Slightly better?Liao Jian looked at Liu Wen, "Just like uncle, although he is quite rich, he is still looked down upon by others?"

In Liao Jian's view, Song Bohua's assets are enough for him to work hard for a lifetime, and he doesn't know if he can make money, but in the end he is still occasionally bullied outside.

Liu Wen hummed, "Uncle's assets, we heard that they are quite a lot, but if he is overseas, his money is probably not that much."

"If you are very capable, they will also change their attitude." Either prove yourself with your brain strength, or prove yourself with your money ability.

"Of course, brains are the best. If you have a smart brain, it means you can make a lot of money."

"Being rich by one's own strength is different from becoming rich by relying on ancestral property."

Liu Wen can't say that people look down on Song Bohua, except that he has not been there for a long time, and his strength and connections are far from that strong, and Song Bohua can be today, thanks to his ancestors who gave him enough money, so that he can stand out quickly .

After all, this was discussing Song Bohua, and Liu Wen couldn't discuss it bluntly, even if he wasn't there, even if it was just her and Liao Jian, even if the latter had a tight mouth.

Liao Jian heard the meaning of Liu Wen's words, "The brain is more important?"

"It's not that the brain is more important. If you have some money and someone helps you, your achievements will not be taken away easily."

Don't think that all foreigners are good people. They have to abide by the rules because of the law. Whenever there are loopholes that can be exploited, they will definitely find ways.

For example, how to avoid inheritance tax, how public figures can receive gifts without paying taxes, etc., are all solutions.

"Of course maybe it's not that dark outside." Seeing Liao Jian's expression was not very good, Liu Wen wondered if what she said was too dark and scared the child.

Liao Jian has experienced a lot since he was a child. Even though life at home is much easier now, he has experienced a lot when opening a shop.

"Maybe that's the price adults pay."

"But I'm confident that I can do it." It must be successful. Although Liu Wen didn't say it, Liao Jian knew that even though his family's life was easier now, he couldn't compare with Tuanzi and the others.

As for Charlie, although he doesn't know the specific situation of his family, but if he wants to know how bad it is, if he tells him where he went to play when he was a child, he can know that his family is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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