Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 465 Angry Pang Yue

Chapter 465 Angry Pang Yue

After Liu Yi left Liu Wen's house, it can be said that he was really angry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Whether he speaks soft words or threatens one or two, it has no deterrent effect on Liu Wen.

"Do you really want to go out to find a job?" Although Liu Yi has never worked in a factory, he also knows that if he wants to get a high salary, he has to work overtime.

He is already an old man, and he really doesn't have the energy to compare with young people.

But if he doesn't work in a factory, he doesn't have much money, and his survival will be a problem.

Liu Yi sighed helplessly, "A man should still have his own career."

As long as he could persist a little longer in the beginning, and don't use the money he got, he would just deposit it in the bank, and now he wouldn't have to worry about money.

He took out his empty wallet again, "Oh, forget it, no matter how hard it is."

"It's better than being hungry."

"Oh, I'm really having a good time, but I have to lose my mind."

Liu Yi thought of the big house where Liu Wen lived, and felt envious in his heart, and he also noticed that Liu Wen hired two nannies.

Isn't this just living the life of a master, you can tell the nanny below to do the work, and don't worry about other things.

And so what if Liu Wen is a girl, so what if she gave birth to a boy these days.

Thinking of Liu Bin who even came to Yangcheng to study, Liu Yi has a big head. When he was in his hometown, he didn't study hard.

After arriving in Yangcheng, I thought that I should at least study some books, not to be admitted to university, but at least I should have graduated from junior high school, or a diploma from high school or technical school.

As a result, it seems that even a junior high school diploma is a big burden for this guy, and he doesn't know if he can get it.

If you are not good at reading, it is actually not a big problem. Some people are not good at reading, and they can do business well.

Even if he dislikes the hard work in the catering industry, he can do other industries. Isn't studying to be able to work and earn money, support himself, and make a fortune?

But this kid is really good at spending money, and he will never be soft-hearted, but if you expect him to make money, then really don't expect it.

Even Yao Ying, who was thought to be promising in the past, has already been left behind by Liu Wen. It is really a dream to catch up in this life.

"This is fate." Liu Yi sighed helplessly.

Just now Liu Wen said that he would regret it, but he ignored Liu Bin, saying that no one would take care of him when he was old.

He really wanted to say a few times that it wasn't really that he didn't want Liu Bin's custody, but his current situation, there was no way to get Liu Bin's custody.

In addition, he is really not optimistic about Liu Bin's future. Now that he has won Liu Bin's custody, it may be a big pitfall.

This Liu Yi didn't expect Liu Bin to take care of him, but when Pang Yue heard Liu Yi's nonchalant expression, the teacher in the school called her to go to school, and her expression suddenly became stiff.

Ever since Liu Bin came to Yangcheng to study, Pang Yue really had called the teacher to go to school several times, not to mention Liu Bin's name would definitely be mentioned by the teacher every time there was a parent-teacher meeting.

The teacher reads other people's children's names because they have done a good job in a certain area, and the teacher is to praise the other party.

In the end, it was Liu Bin's turn. Apart from criticizing or criticizing, he felt like he was a celebrity in the class.

At the beginning, there were people who were at the same table as Liu Bin, but the last time I went to the parent-teacher meeting, I found that Liu Bin was already sitting alone, and he was sitting in a remote corner.

Even though this is Yangcheng, not Sioux City's hometown, the methods used by teachers to deal with children who are not serious about studying are actually similar.

Originally, Liu Bin was the master who didn't like to study, but now sitting here, Pang Yue also knew that Liu Bin didn't dare to study hard at all.

When Pang Yue got angry, of course she wanted to question the teacher why Liu Bin was sitting in this position, but the teacher said lightly, anyway, no matter where he sat, Liu Bin didn't like to study.

Of course, Pang Yue was not happy when she heard it, and she quarreled with the teacher directly. As a result, Liu Bin had some problems, so she immediately asked the parents to go to school.

This made Pang Yue very angry. After all, the store still relies on her for support. Once she goes to school, the store can only temporarily rest and cannot do business.

"What's wrong with you today." Pang Yue looked at Liu Bin displeased, thinking about what kind of trouble this kid has made this time.

"It's not that I didn't listen carefully in class." Liu Bin swayed like a little gangster, and it can be said that he really didn't sit.

"It's this again." When Pang Yue heard that it was for this matter again, she was really overwhelmed.

"I said you can't listen carefully, you. Mom, is it easy for me to do business?"

Liu Bin's eyes wandered around, he didn't take Pang Yue's words to heart at all.

Seeing how he was still doing it, Pang Yue was also annoyed, "It's not like I haven't taught you about these trivial matters, but you didn't listen at all."

"Since you don't listen, why should I go to school?"

"Delaying my business to make money." Pang Yue remembered that he had to pay off the debt he owed when he bought the store every month.

In addition, they have been in Yangcheng for so long, and they have been renting a house to live, and the landlord will raise the rent every now and then, which makes Pang Yue anxious.

"I still want to buy a house." Pang Yue is thinking now, hoping to buy a house that belongs to them in the next two years.

In this way, they don't have to worry about the landlord raising the rent, and they don't have to move around. Moreover, after buying the house, it means that their whole family has a firm foothold in Yangcheng.

Although they are from Sioux City, no matter whether it is the countryside of Sioux City or the urban area of ​​Sioux City, they don't have a house that belongs to her, and they are people without roots.

Now that she is still young, of course she can rent a house, but when she gets older, it will not be easy to rent a house.

And Liu Bin is a boy, if there is no house, which girl will marry him in the future.

And since Liu Yi ran away from home that time, he didn't really come back, which made Pang Yue anxious.

It's not that Liu Yi never ran away from home before, but he always went out for a day or two, and returned after two or three days.

But this time, after going out for ten days and a half months, he didn't see him come back. This made Pang Yue, who didn't take it seriously at first, and waited for Liu Yi to bow his head and admit his mistake, and come back disheartened, so anxious.

Before, she felt that if Liu Yi didn't do business all day long, it was tantamount to raising a waste, but now she knew that it was completely different with or without Liu Yi.

For example, buying vegetables, choosing vegetables, washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, washing dishes and so on, Liu Yi has done them all, and they have done well.

But now that Liu Yi is gone, the Yao Ying who said she would take care of all the things that Liu Yi was responsible for, after a day of work, complained all kinds of things and asked her to hire someone quickly.

Although Pang Yue was very unhappy, after all, for a small business, if he hired another person, the profit would be much less, but there was no way, Yao Ying said something was wrong, and the person disappeared.

Of course, the business was affected a lot, and Pang Yue really regretted it.

It's not that Liu Yi didn't negotiate at the beginning, the two of them actually reached an agreement on how to divide the income.

Thinking about how motivated they were at that time, they worked hard all day to make money, otherwise they would not have bought the current shop.

But after Yao Ying found out about the result, she said how Liu Yi took advantage of it and just did some hard work, how could he ask for so much money.

"It would be great if I didn't listen to Yao Ying's instigation." Pang Yue knew that Liu Yi's departure this time should actually be the reason why many things piled up.

(End of this chapter)

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