Chapter 466
Even if Liu Yi is reluctant, he can only go to the factory where workers are recruited to try.

But in the end, I didn't expect that the remuneration given by those factories was really not cheap.

Of course, it’s okay to be cheap, but the labor intensity is really not ordinary. Liu Yiguang listened to it and just wanted to say that his old arms and legs really can’t keep up with the rhythm.

I don't even have the idea of ​​trying it, so I can save a day of working for others in vain.

Liu Yi thought about trying another family, but he didn't expect that he felt like he was born of the same parents, and the requirements and salary were similar.

This really made Liu Yi very angry, "It's really too much."

I used to open a snack bar, although it was hard work, I got up early every day to buy vegetables, choose and wash vegetables, and I felt so busy.

But busy is busy, but the income is really good, Liu Yi remembered what Liu Wen said before.

"That dead girl also persuaded me to go into business, saying that I would not adapt to work in a factory."

"It seems that this is really the case." Liu Yi didn't want to try anymore, anyway, he already knew the result.

Although I have made up my mind not to work part-time, but to start a business, but what kind of business to do is a problem.

It's not that he didn't think about whether to do business earlier, but he quickly dispelled this idea. He knows his level, and no one will pay for the things he makes.

"By the way, I can sell vegetables." Liu Yi contacted him because he needed to buy a lot of meat and vegetables for the breakfast business.

Occasionally everyone would chat and know something, but he didn't take it to heart at the beginning, after all, he still has a breakfast shop.

Even if people are hard, isn't it hard for a vegetable seller?

But after thinking about it now, even if Liu Yi resists one or two, he also knows that besides selling vegetables, there are really not many businesses suitable for him.

He didn't have a lot of principal in his hands, and he didn't know much about these things, so he didn't dare to try one or two at all.

If it is not suitable, it will waste a lot of savings that are not much.

Since Liu Yi thought of doing this business, of course he ran to the countryside quickly to discuss with the farmers over there how to purchase the goods.

After the things are purchased, it is necessary to consider where to set up a stall.

Although Yangcheng is big, and although it is said that the people of Yangcheng are rich, there are quite a few people in Yangcheng who live on a tight schedule.

So where to set up a stall, this place must be chosen well.

There is also a need to consider whether someone has taken the lead. Although it is not impossible to set up a stall, if the other party has a backer, it is really not something Liu Yi can handle.

Liu Yi was originally thinking about waiting for the business to become a hit, and then flirt with Liu Wen and the others, and let her know that even though he was a waste material before, once he worked hard, it really wasn't for nothing.

And thinking about it this way really made him think of a good place.

After having a place to set up a stall and successfully negotiating the price with someone, Liu Yi didn't go back to the city directly, but found a place nearby and just rested like this.

In the early hours of the morning, he went to the vegetable field to pick some fresh vegetables. He knew that although the vegetables were picked a few hours in advance, in many eyes, this vegetable was already stale and could not be sold at a good price.

After Liu Yi paid the money, of course she rushed to the city in a hurry. In order to buy the goods, she put down half of the money.

Whenever there is a slight problem with today's business, and the funds have not been returned, there is really no next time.

At that time, of course, it is considered whether to live by Liu Wen's face or Pang Yue's face.

If Liu Yi were to choose, of course he would not want to choose any of them, because none of them would yield good results.

Liu Yi hurried to the place he had thought of before, and then put his things away. Thinking that it was still early, he planned to take a rest for a while.

As a result, he didn't expect that just as he was about to take a break, someone asked for the price.

This made Liu Yi happy, knowing that it must be his delicious food that attracted the picky aunt's attention.

In the eyes of outsiders, Liu Yi reported the prices of each dish calmly, and everyone said that he was very calm, and it was the first time he was serious about doing business, and he succeeded.

After opening, people came to ask the price one after another, although some people turned around and left after hearing the price.

But it's not that there are those who didn't scare away. Although the price is a bit expensive, as a housewife, how can I not know the quality of these vegetables.

In addition, in order to be able to sell more vegetables, Liu Yi is a sweet talker, and because he is busy every day, even if he doesn't exercise, Liu Yi, who is over half a century old, at least maintains a good figure.

Liu Yi is not a farmer, and he still shows a little bit in conversation, so he is quite polite to him, and will take the initiative to help him get some business.

In this way, Liu Yi set up a stall business on the first day and got a perfect ending. Before noon, all of them were sold out.

This made Liu Yi happy, after all, if he bought them all, he could earn at least one-third of the principal.

After he returned to the rented place and counted the money, Liu Yi couldn't even close his mouth.

"It's really better to do business, even if you sell vegetables, the income is better than going to work in a factory."

For Liu Yi, at first he thought about setting up a stall to sell vegetables and showing them to acquaintances, would he lose face.

But now, what is face?Is it important to have money?
If you have money, you can eat and drink well, and you can do whatever you want. For important things, don't act according to Pang Yue's face at all.

Liu Yi remembered Pang Yue's attitude towards him since he couldn't make any money.

There was no way before, after all, people had to bow their heads under the eaves, but now it has been proved that he can make money, and the money is not worse than Pang Yue.

"I'm such a fool. If I could have become independent earlier, would I have bought a house by now?"

"But it's okay now, I can do it slowly."

"I can't believe I can't afford a house and a shop."

"The dead girl is right. I have money, I have a store, I have a house, and it doesn't matter whether I have children or not. Someone is willing to support me until my death."

Liu Yi, who is still a bit romantic despite his age, suddenly came up with an idea.

"It's not that I can't be a father again. Since the dead girl doesn't care about me, Liu Bin doesn't know if she's my son."

"Even if it is, just look at his appearance, he doesn't look promising. Why don't I find a young one and have a child?"

"At that time, I must educate her well, and not be disrespectful to the elderly like his sister."

"It's even more impossible to be like that wild species."

If Pang Yue was here, hearing Liu Yi's words and the expression on his face, he might have died of anger.

(End of this chapter)

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