Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 483 Are You Fat?

Roubao, who was busy begging for food and drink, didn't notice the way Tuanzi looked at him, but Liu Wen did.

At this moment, she thought of what Song Boyang said before, that is, you can't just let the meat buns just eat and drink like this.

At the beginning, she promised that she would supervise the meat buns, but now it's better, don't mention the supervision, she always brings the meat buns to eat.

And when she woke up, in terms of weight, it can be said that she was really not fat, but rather thin.

Later, it was all kinds of supplements. Originally, Liu Wen was thinking about eating too much and getting a little fat, so she should pay attention to it.

As a result, no matter whether it was Song Boyang or Tuanzi, they said that they were not fat. When Liu Shuhui and his wife came, they directly said that she was thin.

Although Liu Wen thinks that Liu Shuhui is wearing a filter, she always thinks that Liu Wen is thin, but she only treats it as a real sale, which is a variety of food.

In addition, Liu Wen has lived in Yangcheng for a long time, and she thinks she knows a lot of delicious food in Yangcheng, even if it is only a few days, she really did not take Liu Shuhui and the others out to eat delicious food.

Liu Wen looked down at her belly. Although she didn't want to admit it, she found helplessly that she already had a belly.

This really scared Liu Wen. When she woke up, her body was so slender, but now she looked at her belly and her thighs.

Liu Wen found helplessly that she had really gained weight, which was not good news.

You must know that once the weight is up, it is not generally difficult to lose weight.

Liu Wen said unhappily, "Forget it, we won't eat after we get to the airport."

Ah, I don’t understand Roubao. Just now Liu Wen was still talking about waiting for the plane to land and going to eat. Why did she change her mind now?

"I was thinking, what food is there at the airport, whether it is delicious is not the point, the point is whether the speed is fast."

"As long as the food is served quickly."

"And we have to transfer. On the plane, we should have to eat. By then, we will be full. Isn't it a waste?"

Liu Wen knew that Roubao would be reluctant to part with it, "When we arrive in NY, we will ask your uncle to take us to eat delicious food."

It's right for Roubao to think about it, "Okay, let's go eat delicious food then."

"By the way, Roubao, you see that you have gained weight too, and I have gained weight too." Although Liu Wen really didn't want to admit it, she had to face up to the problem of her gaining weight.

Roubao will not admit that he is fat, but he knows that Song Boyang has been watching his weight. If he admits that he is fat, let alone delicious food, he may have to exercise for a long time every day.

"Don't you look at your arms and your big. legs, and your little belly."

"By the way, when we get there, I'll go find a scale to see your weight." Song Boyang didn't give a shit about it.

Ah, let's go to weigh yourself. Meat Bun was terrified immediately. He had weighed himself before he set off, and it can be said that his weight was really much higher than the standard Song Boyang gave him.

So Song Boyang couldn't let Song Boyang know the real weight, but he didn't expect Song Boyang to find out.

The meat bun is really sad, I really don't understand why the elder brother eats a lot, why he doesn't gain weight.

Roubao looked at Tuanzi sadly, and Tuanzi of course noticed his younger brother's sad expression, and he knew what he was complaining without asking.

"I eat more, but I exercise every day."

"Do you exercise every day?" Tuanzi asked from the bottom of his heart.

Uh uh uh, this question, Roubao is really speechless.

Song Boyang continued, "There are a lot of delicious food in NY, really a lot."

Of course Roubao knew, he had asked Song Bohua before he set off, and he had already planned where to eat, but now.

The meat bun is really worried. He won't be able to watch the dumpling and the others eating when he gets there, but he can only eat a little pitifully.

"You can eat, but you have to start exercising." Song Boyang doesn't like exercising, so he can understand meat buns.

But the more I understand, the more I know that I must not soften my heart now, or change the way.

"Then Aunt Liu?" Roubao looked at Liu Wen, just now Liu Wen still mentioned going out to exercise.

"After I eat, I will also exercise well."

"Let's exercise together."

"In this way we can eat delicious food, otherwise, if we don't exercise, we won't be able to eat delicious food."

"Especially, you think that if you don't eat delicious food, you won't be able to exercise." Liu Wen can be sure that Song Boyang will exercise better than Roubao.

Looking down at his arms and thighs, Roubao said helplessly, "Okay, in order to eat delicious food, isn't it just exercise? I'm going all out."

Although that is what he said, Roubao will not forget that there are dumplings and the others, "Aunt Liu, you will definitely exercise with me."

"Brother, you will also exercise with me."

"Dad, although you are not fat, your body is weak." Hmph, Liu Wen and Tuanzi have already been brought along, of course Song Boyang cannot be spared.

Tuanzi couldn't help laughing, he knew that when Song Boyang said that Roubao was a big fat man, he expected Roubao to fight back.

See, although revenge is a bit late, it will come sooner or later.

Song Boyang looked at Roubao with a smile, "What did you say?"

"I, I didn't say anything." To say that just now, Roubao had already summoned up his courage, but now he completely lacked the courage to say it again.

"Don't worry, your dad and I are not fat, but I do exercise every day."

"By the way, I don't ask too much, you just exercise with me."

Song Boyang looked at Roubao, expecting his answer.

Roubao took a deep breath, "Okay, I know, exercise is exercise."

It's not that Roubao doesn't know that being too fat is bad. After running, his heart and lungs feel very uncomfortable, but Roubao can't do it if he is not allowed to eat.

Since there is no way to control the mouth, then exercise a little more, "I hope I can lose weight."

"I will definitely lose weight." When Liu Wen encouraged Roubao, she was actually encouraging herself.

Liu Wen and Roubao agreed that they would lose weight together, Song Boyang smiled, now it is just speculation, and they will discuss what to do after the hospital has an examination.

But regardless of whether she is pregnant or not, Song Boyang thinks it is good for Liu Wen to exercise.

"By the way, Brother Jian and Brother Kang, will you also exercise?" Roubao thought for a while, but was still a little unwilling, and still wanted to bring Liao Jian and Liao Kang along.

Liao Jian and Liao Kang shrugged, "No problem, we exercise every day."

Looking at the few people who readily agreed, Roubao felt that he had entered the hole they dug, but there was no way, he had already agreed.

Looking at the sullen Roubao, Tuanzi still couldn't hold back, "Don't worry, we're going to visit a lot of places this time, and we'll often walk by then, don't worry."

"Okay." At this moment, Roubao really thought that Tuanzi was comforting him.

Only a few people who participated in the formulation of the travel itinerary knew that the dumplings were not comforting the meat buns at all, but that they would really go to many places during their trip to the beautiful country.

Many places rely on the feet, and there is a lot of exercise.

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