Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 484 Don't Be Too Modesty

After a lot of trouble, Liu Wen and the others finally arrived in NY, and they left the airport with their luggage.

When Liu Wen walked out of the airport, she glanced at the sunset outside. When they took off from China, the sun was also setting. After flying around, it was evening again.

Although Tuanzi and the others were transiting in the west, that is, going through customs and transferring to a beautiful domestic flight, they really did transit and did not leave the airport.

But it took Liu Wen and the others a long time to go from the international terminal to the domestic one, and they couldn't help but be thankful that they didn't have a lot of luggage, otherwise it would have been really hard work to push so much luggage.

Now when they left JFK International Airport, Tuanzi and the others' mouths grew, "The airport is so big."

Liao Jian knew a little bit about the airport, "This is the airport appointed by the former president of the beautiful country."

Liu Wen hummed, "Yes."

When Meat Bao heard it, it turned out to be an airport appointed by a certain president, "Why do foreigners like to use personal names in airports?"

I remember that the airport they departed from used place names, "Isn't it good to use place names?"

As soon as you hear it, you know where the airport is, and don't even think about where the airport is.

No one knows about this issue. Song Bohua has never considered this issue. After all, when he came here, the airport was already named JFK.

"Maybe foreigners think it's good and easy to remember?"

"The words of our countrymen are relatively reserved."

"For foreigners, they are actually a bit flamboyant." After getting in touch with foreigners a lot, Song Bohua has never adapted to adapting to slowly.

"Sometimes when you think about it, it's not good for us to be too restrained. People who don't know you well don't know you well, so there is no way to entrust you with important responsibilities."

Song Bohua has met too many compatriots, obviously capable, but the development is not as good as the rest, maybe this is also one aspect of the problem.

"Uncle, I will not be humble." The meat bag said, "Whatever I will do, what I have done, I will let people know."

Song Boyang looked at the second son who was not humble at all, but he couldn't help it. He thought it would be better to be humble.

But the result is that his eldest brother can become the backer of Roubao, which makes him how to educate his children.

As for discussing this issue with Song Bohua, Song Boyang felt dizzy thinking about it, and there was really no way to explain it to him.

On the contrary, he would say that Song Boyang, who had never lived abroad, didn't understand. If he didn't know that Song Bohua would not cheat them, he would really worry about this.

"Don't worry so much, meat buns are pretty good." Song Bohua really likes meat buns.

"Duanzi is also pretty good, but the education for you is a bit more satisfactory." It's not that the dumplings are not good, but that Song Bohua likes the character of meat buns now.

"There are only so many opportunities. If you don't work hard, why should the opportunities be given to you?"

"Even if you seized the opportunity, but you are too low-key and only know how to work with your head down, do you think the people above will discover your strength?"

"That's just dreaming. Unless you are very capable, otherwise, there is a high possibility that you will make wedding dresses for others."

"Don't think that such things don't happen abroad." Song Bohua said lightly.

Then they quickly headed in one direction with a large group of troops. Liu Wen and the others knew that Song Boyang must have seen the person who came to pick them up.

As Liu Wen expected, when they came to the mother and son, before Song Boyang could speak first, the young man hugged Song Bohua tightly.

"Uncle, welcome to the beautiful country." Song Derui and Song Boyang hugged for a long time before letting go.

Song Derui then walked up to Liu Wen, "Are you little aunt?"

"Hello, I'm Liu Wen, and you're my eldest nephew Song Derui?" Song Bohua had mentioned before that today his wife Zhao Qian and eldest son Song Derui came to pick them up at the airport.

Originally, Liu Wen thought that she should greet Zhao Qian first, after all, she was the sister-in-law, but she didn't expect Song Derui to move so fast.

"Yes." Song Derui smiled happily, but he was not very familiar with Liu Wen after all, so he walked in front of Tuanzi very quickly.

Seeing Song Derui, Tuanzi laughed happily, "Brother, aren't you going to class today?"

"You take summer vacation, don't I want to take summer vacation?"

"By the way, you are already in junior high school. Are you interested in coming to the beautiful country to go to university directly?"

"Let me tell you, Harvard is great..." Before going abroad, Song Boyang and his wife were busy with work, and Song Bohua and his wife were also busy with work. Song Derui was their boss, taking care of their younger siblings.

Tuanzi was dazed when he heard that, "Wait, brother, I just arrived in the beautiful country, and I'm only in high school."

"Isn't it too early for you to tell me this now?"

"I, I don't even know if I can get into such a famous university." Tuanzi did not miss Song Bohua's famous university in the beautiful country.

For the names of universities such as Harvard and Yale, it is a familiar one.

To be honest, although Tuanzi thinks his grades are good, but he is really flustered when he wants to enter such an excellent university.

Seeing Tuanzi's fearless expression, Song Derui smiled unkindly, "What are you worried about?"

"As long as you want to go to Harvard, you will definitely be able to go to Harvard." In the previous words, how could Song Derui know so many things, and really thought he was admitted.

In the end, after he had studied in university for a year and got to know some people, he didn't know that those who passed the exam accounted for a part of it.

What's more, the fathers of the family were born at Harvard, and he knew several classmates. Several generations of the family have graduated from Harvard, and the family donates to Harvard every year, which means that there is preferential treatment.

There are also so-called special students, or simply donate a building, library or teaching building.

Although Song Bohua took Zhao Qian to introduce Liu Wen, he didn't miss what Song Derui said about Tuanzi.

Of course, he knows some ways of recruiting students in prestigious schools. In the past, he didn't have the resources in this area, and he couldn't spend the money if he wanted to.

Fortunately, several children in the family are struggling, relying on their own strength, and have been admitted to prestigious universities one after another, so Song Bohua also hopes that Tuanzi and the others can be admitted to prestigious universities through their own strength.

Of course, if you still haven't been admitted to a well-known university, you will find a way at that time. In short, you will definitely let Tuanzi and the others get into a famous university.

But that's not to make plans after passing the exam, how can I tell Tuanzi and the others now.

"Song Derui." Song Bohua called out the eldest son's name seriously.

Although Song Derui still works part-time in college now, and after he was admitted to college, Song Bohua gave him a sum of money, which is regarded as a start-up fund. He also used what he learned to make money in the stock market.

Although there are losses and gains, fortunately, overall, it is still making money, and the monthly living expenses can also be earned.

But Song Derui really didn't dare to refute, because Song Bohua's majesty as a father has always been there.

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