Song Bohua withdrew his gaze, "This kid, after entering university and getting acquainted with more people, he became a little drifting."

"I think it's pretty good, and he doesn't want to put pressure on Tuanzi." Song Boyang couldn't follow along and say that his nephew was really gone.

"Here in the beautiful country, there are some students like this who enter the university through this channel."

"But even if you donate a building, it doesn't mean that you can donate if you have money."

"Even if it's a private university, I really don't know how many outstanding graduates there are."

"I don't know how many have the strength to donate the teaching building." Song Bohua knew that Song Boyang definitely had the strength, but some things don't just come from strength.

For foreigners, connections are actually very important.

"I never thought of using this method to let Tuanzi and the others go to prestigious schools." Donate a building to the university?

Song Boyang said that his mind is not that bad, "It's not my alma mater, why should I donate money?"

"Depending on their strength, they can go to any university they can go to."

"As for which university you want to donate teaching buildings or libraries in the future, it's all his business, and I have no objection to using his money."

Song Boyang didn't know what the parents of the students who operated in this way were thinking, but from his point of view, he really disagreed.

Song Bohua agreed with Song Boyang's idea, "That is, why should we work hard to get into a prestigious school, but we have to pay for it?"

"You can't get used to it."

"It's hard to say that studying is hard. Studying is hard, but when you go to work, you will know that the hard work of studying can't be compared with making money."

It is really not easy to make money. Song Bohua didn't worry so much when he had no money.

But now that the family has money, if you don't take care of it, I'm really worried that even if you get admitted to a prestigious school, it will make people bad.

The child's education is in the hands of the father, and Liu Wen really doesn't find it strange.

But the child's mother stood by the side the whole time, and didn't make a sound, didn't say a word, Liu Wen felt very strange.

I heard Song Boyang mention it before, saying that Zhao Qianzu has a scholarly family, and some people have studied abroad, so they should be regarded as people with a bit of family background.

How does it feel to Liu Wen, that is, this person seems to be living in the past, men talk, women don't say a word.

Could it be to give Song Bohua face?After returning home, in the room, and then slowly settle accounts with Song Bohua?
Liu Wen thought for a while, and there was really a possibility in this regard.

After exchanging pleasantries at the gate of the airport, a group of people divided into two groups and got into the car driven by Zhao Qian and Song Derui.

If there were no accidents, Liu Wen and his wife were of course in the car driven by Zhao Qian, and Liao Jian and the others were still in Song Derui's car.

The two cars headed towards Song Bohua's house one after the other.

Song Bohua mentioned before that when he arrives in NY, he will live in his house for a few days
Liu Wen was still thinking, can there be such a big place?Song Bohua and his wife have three children. They should have bought a big house, but after all, the bigger the house, the more taxes they pay.

Moreover, I usually have to clean the house, repair the house, and the labor cost of the beautiful country is really not cheap, so it is best to learn it by yourself.

After arriving there, Liu Wen discovered that it turned out to be a small farm.

Are there small farms here in NY?Although it was the first time in Liu Wen's life that she came to the beautiful country, she also knew how there could be a farm in such a place like NY where every inch of land is expensive.

Even if there is, it is expected to be delayed until the start of building apartments, and renting out to collect rent will definitely be more profitable than growing vegetables.

"This place was left by my grandparents. When they first came here, the land was actually not that valuable. Uncle said it was pretty good here."

"It's very close to NY. Even if the juniors go to NY to develop, it's convenient to go back and forth. It only takes two hours to drive."

"So I bought a large piece of land, and then divided it up piece by piece."

"By the way, Boyang, and your land." Song Bohua remembered that there is actually Song Boyang's farm here.

Liu Wen was still sighing just now, just on the edge of NY, there is such a big farm, it is really not an ordinary local tyrant.

It turned out that Song Boyang was here and had a farm in the blink of an eye.

Liu Wen really didn't know what to say, she was getting more and more sad.

Obviously she worked really hard to make money, but Song Boyang surpassed it easily. He really is a man with a family background, which really makes people jealous.

Even if this person is her own man, Liu Wen said that she is still really, really unhappy, feeling so uncomfortable after all.

Song Boyang gently took Liu Wen's hand, "Let's go and see our farm together."

"In the future, I'm retired, and you are also retired, so we'll come here to live our retirement life."

Although I haven't seen the farm under his name yet, just looking at Song Bohua's farm, it is so beautifully managed, and I can guess the farm under his name, which should not be bad.

Liu Wen felt comfortable hearing these words, but she would not let go easily, "Retired, when we retire is a question."

"And you forgot, you don't know how many places you will go to when you retire in the future."

"You said you want to go back to your hometown, to the farm under Tang Hai's name..." Liu Wen counted the pension places that Song Boyang mentioned one by one.

Song Boyang remembered that he was very satisfied with many places, and thought that when he was old, he could retire here.

I just didn't expect that he would mention so many places, that shocked, "I, I actually mentioned so many places?"

what does this mean?Could it be that she is fooling this man?Liu Wen looked at Song Boyang displeased.

The latter immediately counseled, "Yes, yes, I mentioned it."

"I forgot about that." At this moment, he really remembered it, and he really mentioned it.

"It's okay, we can use this as an alternative."

"And you don't think that even if the scenery in one place is beautiful, if you look at it often, you will get tired of looking at it one day. We should often change places to look at it."

"The place we like, let's stay for a few more days."

"What do you think?" It's not that you don't have money, so you can only find a place to live. Since you have money, of course you can't wrong yourself.

"Besides, we are usually busy, so we may not go out for a trip." Song Boyang knew that this time he was going abroad with a mission, so he could stay abroad for a relatively long time.

In the future, he may not really have that much time. The most important thing is that once Liu Wen has a child, he will not be able to go out for at least a few years.

Maybe when the child is older, he can take the child to travel around and see the scenery and culture outside.

Liu Wen didn't know that Song Boyang was busy, and there was such a meaning. She took it for granted that Song Boyang was busy with teaching and going to work in the hospital, so he would be very busy.

And on her side, once the store here in the beautiful country opens, once the business is booming, she will be more or less busy.

"It's okay, we are busy with our careers while we are young, and when we retire, we will become a silver-haired old man and an old lady, and we will play together hand in hand."

Compared with traveling, Liu Wen pays more attention to her career. Only when her career is stable can she be able to handle her emotionally well.

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