Reborn 1980's stepmother on duty

Chapter 486 A Different Farm

After Song Bohua took Song Boyang and the others away for a while, they came to find a place that felt like a garden.

Is this a farm?Liu Wen and Song Boyang couldn't help but look at each other. Could it be that the flowers are grown outside, but the vegetables are grown inside?

"This is an unmarried aunt. After she became homeless, my grandma and the others thought she was pitiful. In addition, your farm has been idle, so they let her live here."

"I usually live on the output of the farm." Song Boyang hadn't mentioned it before, but he felt that this was really hard to say.

The land was bought with the assets of the big family. Even if the people in Song Boyang's house did not come out, it does not mean their property, so they can just lend it to the clansmen without their permission.

That's it, Song Boyang said, "Then, that aunt?"

"These flowers are not planted by that aunt." Song Boyang didn't care about them at all.

After all, they didn't know there was such a place before, and even if they knew, they couldn't manage it.

If it can help people, why not give them a home, so that they can help people without leaving the land idle.

Although a lot of flowers are planted against the fence, they are really beautiful. It can be seen that the aunt has really put a lot of energy into taking care of this place.

Song Boyang really likes it here, "It feels more beautiful than our terrace garden in Yangcheng."

Just looking at the design, I really think it is very beautiful, but now it is compared with this place.

Song Boyang just wanted to say that he was really comparing goods, so he wanted to throw them away.

Liu Wen couldn't help nodding, "I feel a lot more relaxed, my aunt is really amazing."

It's really not ordinary strength, you can guess, it should have invested a lot of time and effort in it.

What Liu Wen was curious about was, how could such a talented person be homeless?It's not without strength.

Liu Wen really couldn't figure it out, but after all, it was a matter of Song Boyang's family. If her daughter-in-law asked aloud, wouldn't it be very good, and would it make people feel that she was disgusted and wanted her to go.

Walking to an arched iron gate, Liu Wen found that there were also flowers planted on it, making it impossible for you to tell whether it was a flower or a gate.

Song Bohua rang the doorbell, and within a short while, an elderly black man came over. Song Bohua and Zhao Qian greeted each other warmly.

The other party smiled happily when he saw Song Bohua, and Liu Wen could feel that the other party looked at them with a puzzled expression.

Song Bohua made a brief introduction, and then Liu Wen knew that this old black man was invited by the aunt to help take care of the garden.

It can be said that the smooth transformation of this farm into a garden is due to my aunt and Lao Hei in front of me.

Under the leadership of Lao Hei, Liu Wen and the others visited the garden.

When she was outside, Liu Wen was already stunned by the beauty of this circle, and thought that after entering, it would definitely be even more beautiful.

I didn't expect that after entering, it was really a big surprise, "I feel that this garden can be a place for weddings."

There are arches made of flowers, and then there is an empty field, and there is also a greenhouse garden, which feels really beautiful.

When Xiao Hei heard Liu Wen say this, he spoke in jerky but understandable Chinese, and said slowly, "In the past, people from this neighborhood came here for a wedding."

"There are also people coming from NY to hold a wedding."

"However, after Ms. Song fell ill, she never held it again."

Ah, Miss Song?Liu Wen thought that Miss Song must be Song Boyang's aunt.

But according to this person, this aunt's health is not very good, so should they visit her again, after all, they are their elders.

Liu Wen looked at Song Boyang, it still depends on his opinion.

Song Boyang didn't know about it at all, let alone that the elder was hospitalized.

No matter what, this piece of land is not deserted, no one has occupied it, and it is a beautiful place to take care of. No matter what, this is a must-see.

"My aunt is hospitalized in NY."

"We'll go see it later." Before Song Bohua returned to China, that aunt's health was not very good, and this time she didn't expect that she would often stay in the hospital for a long time.

Song Bohua knew that the Song family might have a funeral, and he didn't know if they were in the beautiful country.

If they weren't there, Zhao Qian could only be bothered. As for the rest of the Song family, Song Bohua really didn't dare to look forward to it.

This aunt also made a lot of money by planting flowers, but she made a lot of money and spent a lot of money.

It's not that her old man likes to buy luxury goods, but she will donate to help those in need.

Song Bohua knew that some ordinary clansmen, such as the descendants of the aunt and brother, had come to look for her, and hoped that they could help them because they were blood relatives.

In the end, she was scolded fiercely by her aunt. For this reason, she deliberately announced at a family gathering that the money she earned, in addition to her necessary expenses, would be donated to help those in need.

Of course, many people were dissatisfied with her decision, and it was not that no one protested, saying that she had no flesh and blood ties.

The results were all given back to her one by one, and they were all well-founded.

In this way, even if the Song family members were not happy, they could only watch Song Rui helplessly, taking all the money and things out.

Those people had no way to stop Song Rui from donating. The only thing they could do was to keep a distance from Song Rui, and not to contact Song Rui if they could.

So this old lady really came to the last moment of her life, and Song Bohua felt that those people would not be there.

Not only will they not be present, but they will not recognize the dead body if they fail, and they will do funerals.

While Xiao Hei was going to answer the phone, Song Bohua briefly mentioned the situation here.

Liu Wen knew that as long as she planted flowers well, her income would not be low, but she never thought that it would be so rich.

Song Boyang was even more surprised. In his mind, planting flowers is not just like growing vegetables and food, but also earning money to support his family.

Unexpectedly, the fact is such a blow to people. The annual income of this garden can catch up with the income of Tang Hai's farm. Of course, the income of the resort must be removed.

You must know that Tang Hai's farm has a larger area than this one, and it invites more people than this garden.

Usually Song Rui and Lao Hei take care of it together, and occasionally when Xiao Hei comes back, he will also help take care of it.

Sometimes when I am too busy, I will also invite part-time workers to help. It is really less expenditure and more income than Tang Hai's side.

"Brother Song, tell me how he will collapse if Mr. Tang finds out about this." Liu Wen thinks that Tang Hai must be stunned.

After all, even in foreign countries, both farmers and ranchers make a lot of money, but they didn't expect the gap to be so big.

About this question?Song Boyang didn't know what to say.

Informing Tang Hai one or two times will discourage Tang Hai's enthusiasm for agricultural production. He feels that he is too busy to die. He has invited many people and used an unknown amount of interpersonal relationships, which will definitely break Tang Hai's heart.

But it won't work if you don't tell. Tang Hai will definitely be very angry when he finds out.

Liu Wen really didn't know what to do, but it didn't matter, there would be tall people responsible for the sky falling, so Liu Wen didn't have any fear at all.

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